Bashir Asks DNC Official How Romney Can Be for Middle Class While Tryi

February 9th, 2012 4:35 PM
Are there limits to how far the folks at MSNBC are willing to go to get Barack Obama reelected? Before you answer, consider that on Thursday, Martin Bashir actually asked the communications director for the Democratic National Committee, "How can Romney claim to be fighting for the middle class when his backers are some of Washington's most notorious lobbyists and when he wants to repeal…

Bashir Uses Contraception Controversy to Promote ‘Single-Payer Healt

February 8th, 2012 5:21 PM
On the February 8 episode of MSNBCs Martin Bashir program, the host along with liberal Democrat Rep. Peter Walsh (Vt.) used the contraception mandate controversy to advocate the elusive liberal Democratic dream of a Canada-style government-run health care monopoly. [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Bashir started the interview -- better described as a Democrat strategy…

M-BS-NBC: Martin Bashir Falsely Claims Obama Created 3 Million Private

February 3rd, 2012 5:03 PM
It certainly is no surprise the Obama-loving media are doing a jubilant victory lap over the stronger than expected headline figures in Friday's unemployment report. Also not at all shocking was MSNBC's Martin Bashir falsely claiming on the show bearing his name Friday, "Under this president over three million private sector jobs have been created" (video follows with transcript and…

Real Time Guest KOs Maher and Bashir: If Brewer Were Dem Pointing Fing

January 28th, 2012 1:56 PM
Reason TV's Kennedy on Friday had a delicious smackdown of HBO's Bill Maher and MSNBC's Martin Bashir. When Maher and Bashir voiced predictable scorn for Governor Jan Brewer pointing a finger at Barack Obama earlier in the week, Real Time panelist Kennedy correctly observed, "If this were a Democratic governor and a Republican president doing the same thing, the entire panel on your show…

Bashir: ‘Gingrich Lies Repeatedly’ – ‘More People Were Collect

January 24th, 2012 12:06 AM
MSNBC's Martin Bashir spent a good part of his on air time Monday calling Republicans liars as he foolishly confused two extraordinarily simple pieces of economic data thereby making it he that was commiting a falsehood. After calling Tea Party Express founder Judson Phillips a liar on his 3PM program, Bashir said the same thing about Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich on The Ed…

Bashir Calls Tea Party Leader a Liar for Saying More People on Food St

January 23rd, 2012 6:56 PM
UPDATE AT END OF POST: Bashir responds via Twitter. During a heated exchange with Tea Party Express founder Judson Phillips, MSNBC's Martin Bashir on Monday actually called his guest a liar for correctly saying there are more people on food stamps now than when George W. Bush was president. This makes two MSNBC anchors in just three days that have made the same completely false claim on the…

SC State Senator Slams Martin Bashir: Rick Perry’s Got a Better Unde

January 17th, 2012 3:54 PM
A South Carolina State Senator on Tuesday put MSNBC’s Martin Bashir in his rightful place. As the host attacked Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry’s lack of knowledge about world events, Sen. Larry Grooms (R-S.C.) marvelously replied, “I think he’s got a better understanding than maybe you” (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Martin Bashir Cheers Obama's Fundraising, Bashes GOP PAC Money

January 13th, 2012 10:52 AM
MSNBC's Martin Bashir on Thursday perfectly demonstrated the liberal media's hypocrisy concerning campaign finances. After beginning his program gushing and fawning over all the money Barack Obama raised in the fourth quarter, Bashir proceeded to carp and whine about the funds GOP PACs are spending, even calling for campaign finance reform to curb it (video follows with transcript and…

Martin Bashir: 'Meryl Streep Would Probably Make a More Authentic Pres

January 10th, 2012 5:29 PM
After praising Meryl Streep for her recent performance as Margaret Thatcher, MSNBC's Martin Bashir Tuesday bashed Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich claiming the Oscar-winning actress "would probably make a more authentic president' than either of them (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Martin Bashir: Stop Newt Gingrich's Food Stamp Talk Before Someone Get

January 6th, 2012 4:55 PM
MSNBC's Martin Bashir on Friday offered an offensive, bewildering comparison, linking the murder of a black British teenager in 1993 to supposedly offensive comments by Republican presidential candidates in 2012. [See video below. MP3 audio here.] After referencing the killing of Stephen Lawrence and a U.K. inquiry finding institutional racism in the British police force, Bashir played clips…

MSNBC's Bashir: Gingrich a 'Peddler of Myths and Fantasies,' Just Like

December 14th, 2011 5:15 PM
Chris Matthews all but thinks Newt Gingrich is Satan. His MSNBC colleague Martin Bashir is a little more restrained, but not by much, comparing the former House Speaker to huckster and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. Bashir made the comparison in the "Clear the Air" closing commentary for his December 14 program. "Ever since he shot to the top of the Republican race for the White House, I…

MSNBC Touts Touts Tax Cheat Charlie Rangel as an Ethics Expert Against

December 2nd, 2011 5:21 PM
MSNBC's Martin Bashir on Friday offered tax evader Charlie Rangel the opportunity to deride Newt Gingrich for being insufficiently concerned about the poor. Talking to Rangel, who was censured on the floor of the House in 2010, Bashir implored, "As someone who represents a district in New York that includes some extremely poor neighborhoods, what's your reaction to Mr. Gingrich?" Bashir made…

Media Highlight 'Stupid' CNSNews Question to Barney Frank

December 2nd, 2011 12:23 PM
Some members of the liberal media commemorated Rep. Barney Frank's (D-Mass.) retirement announcement by replaying his testy response to a reporter about homosexuals showering with straight men in the military. Of course, they included their own eulogies about how much the liberal congressman would be missed. A nostalgic Martin Bashir expressed his sadness at Frank's departure on…

Cheri Jacobus Slams MSNBC's Bashir: 'You Should Be Writing Ads' for th

November 28th, 2011 6:27 PM
There was little doubt when Martin Bashir started his mid-afternoon gig at MSNBC in February that he'd be another left-of-center anchor in the show's afternoon lineup, although to what extent the British-born reporter would be a fierce partisan bulldog was uncertain. The past few months, as we've noted, the former rugby player has displayed pugnacious partisanship, at one point ridiculously…