MSNBC's Bashir Gives Platform to Rolling Stone Hack to Demonize NRA

February 5th, 2013 4:46 PM
In his ongoing campaign to demonize the National Rifle Association and with it defenders of 2nd Amendment rights in general, MSNBC's Martin Bashir featured left-wing Rolling Stone journalist Tim Dickinson to promote his hit piece on the nation’s oldest civil rights organization. Liberal Democratic strategist Julian Epstein, who added more reverb in the anti-gun echo chamber, joined Dickinson…

On Hillary's Last Day as SecState, WashPost's Anne Gearan Takes Clinto

February 1st, 2013 6:38 PM
Washington Post diplomatic correspondent Anne Gearan has repeatedly blown kisses to Hillary Clinton in the past few months with her gauzy coverage of the departing secretary of state's handling of Benghazi. Today she took her show on the road, make that air, as she appeared on MSNBC's Martin Bashir program with Democratic strategist Kiki McLean and guest host former DNC communications director…

MSNBC Fails to Apologize for Deceptive Video of ‘Hecklers’ of New

January 30th, 2013 5:07 PM
For the third time in the past year, NBC News has been caught selectively editing video for political gain, with the most recent instance coming on the Monday, January 28 Martin Bashir program.  Bashir ran heavily edited video showing Neil Helsin, whose 6-year-old son was killed in the Newtown shooting, appearing to be heckled by audience members during a legislative hearing on gun control. The…

NB Publisher Bozell Slams MSNBC for Demonizing Gun Owners with Phony

January 30th, 2013 12:57 PM
On Monday’s edition of “Martin Bashir,” MSNBC ran footage of the testimony of Neil Heslin, the father of a Sandy Hook victim, in which it appears he is heckled by gun rights activists. MSNBC’s accompanying graphics box read “Mocked and Loaded. Sandy Hook Victim’s Father Heckled by Gun Rights Advocates.” In reality, Heslin was not heckled. He posed a challenge to the audience, and the audience…

Democratic Strategist Equates the NRA to Big Tobacco, MSNBC's Bashir N

January 28th, 2013 7:03 PM
On the January 28 edition of his afternoon MSNBC program, Martin Bashir brought on liberal Democratic strategist Julian Epstein to talk about the left-wing’s favorite topic of late gun control.  As the interview progressed, Epstein made a comparison of the firearms industry to Big Tobacco, attacking firearms manufacturers for their role in sponsoring youth sporting events and publications like…

MSNBC's Bashir Falls for Hoax, Reports Satanists to Rally for Rick Sco

January 18th, 2013 3:35 PM
While the mainstream media has been transfixed with the Manti Te'o fake girlfriend story, it seems many outlets in the gullible liberal media were biting on another hoax, this one involving Florida Gov. Rick Scott and a band of Satanists supposedly set to stage a rally expressing their support for the Florida Republican. Among the journalists taken in by the fake story was MSNBC's Martin…

No Shame: MSNBC's Martin Bashir Disgustingly Compares the NRA to Hitle

January 14th, 2013 5:51 PM
MSNBC's Martin Bashir, the man who compared Rick Santorum to Stalin, on Monday declared that the National Rifle Association "deserved to be equated with Hitler." The arch-liberal cable anchor highlighted NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre's contention that disarming the Jews partly contributed to the Holocaust. A horrified Bashir asserted, "And so with that theory being promoted by the NRA, we'…

MSNBC Contributor Taylor Again Attacks Black Conservatives As 'Dangero

January 10th, 2013 6:30 PM
Appearing on the January 10 Martin Bashir program to discuss concerns being expressed by many in Washington -- predominantly on the Left -- that President Obama's second-term Cabinet will be less diverse in terms of race and gender than his first term, MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor took the opportunity to attack minority and women appointees of the George W. Bush Cabinet as self-hating…

MSNBC's Martin Bashir Outrageously Compares GOP Governor to Murderous

January 9th, 2013 5:44 PM
MSNBC's Martin Bashir on Wednesday outrageously compared another conservative to a brutal dictator. According to the cable host, because Florida Governor Rick Scott supported cuts for programs that included funds to programs that serve disabled residents, he's just like Nicolae Ceauşescu, the vicious dictator of Romania who killed thousands. Talking to arch-liberal Congressman Alan Grayson,…

Martin Bashir: Maybe Donald Trump ‘Really Is the Son of a Big, Fat

January 8th, 2013 5:07 PM
As NewsBusters reported Tuesday, Bill Maher on NBC’s Tonight Show offered Donald Trump $5 million to prove that he wasn’t “the spawn of his mother having sex with an orangutan.” Later in the day, MSNBC’s Martin Bashir actually echoed Maher’s contention challenging Trump to come out and disprove it (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MSNBC: Matt Drudge Is Racist for Criticizing N-Word in Movie

December 14th, 2012 11:07 AM
Riddle me this: How can a cable news program be so sensitive regarding the use of the “n word” that they blur it out of a website headline shown onscreen, then turn around and defend a film in which that same word is used more than 100 times? That's what happened during Wednesday's edition of Martin Bashir's MSNBC talk show. The host and both of his guests attacked editor Matt Drudge as a “…

NBC's Todd Labels Susan Rice 'Victim' of 'Conservative Media' Attacks

December 13th, 2012 5:34 PM
Moments after news broke of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice withdrawing her name from consideration to be secretary of state, NBC chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd appeared on MSNBC's Martin Bashir to denounce those he deemed responsible: "It was all driven, in many cases, by some conservative outlets who were making her the center of the Benghazi story....[which] never made a lot of sense…

Martin Bashir Ignores Violence By Union Thugs, Assails Michigan Govern

December 11th, 2012 5:10 PM
On a day when violent union protesters in Mighigan attacked those who would dare disagree with them, MSNBC stuck to liberal talking points. Anchor Martin Bashir on Tuesday ignored the assaults and instead assailed the state's Republican governor for his "crap burger" comments. [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Although Bashir showed footage of some of the protests, he did not discuss the…

MSNBC’s Finney Uses Jovan Belcher Shooting to Attack Republicans

December 10th, 2012 11:29 AM
In what has become a recurring theme on MSNBC, liberal panelists will find some way of attacking Republicans for a completely unrelated issue.  The latest example is the tragic murder-suicide involving NFL player Javon Belcher last week, which MSNBC’s Karen Finney used to smear Republicans in Congress, not over gun control -- that would be too predictable -- but, you guessed it, the "war on…