Martin Bashir: Michelle Obama's Anti-Obesity Campaign Based on Warning

May 30th, 2012 8:56 AM
NewsBusters readers know that one of my guilty pleasures is pointing out the stupidity of America's television personalities. The award for the most intellectually challenged comment I saw on TV Tuesday goes to MSNBC's Martin Bashir who on the show remarkably bearing his own name said that first lady Michelle Obama based her anti-obesity campaign on warnings from - wait for it! - "…

Bashir to Facebook Co-Founder: Go 'Play with the Traffic

May 25th, 2012 11:29 AM
On Thursday’s edition of his eponymous program, MSNBC afternoon anchor Martin Bashir continued his shtick of using vile language to attack people with whom he disagrees, wishing a co-founder of the Facebook social network to go "play with the traffic." Bashir's death wish on Eduardo Saverin came at the end of a segment in which he criticized conservative activist Grover Norquist. Norquist,…

Paul Krugman: Republicans Are 'Manchurian Candidates' Looking to 'Brin

May 19th, 2012 1:53 PM
"Sometimes you do wonder if [Republicans] are moles, Manchurian candidates for I don't know who, if their real job is to bring down America." So said New York Times columnist Paul Krugman on MSNBC's Martin Bashir show Friday (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Koch Attorney Slams Bashir: 'Way Your Network' Treated Us 'Led to Deat

May 17th, 2012 7:05 PM
Martin Bashir got a scolding on national television Thursday that everyone on MSNBC as well as within the parent companies Comcast and General Electric should receive. During a contentious interview with the general counsel for Koch Industries, Inc., Bashir's guest said, "The way that your network has handled issues with us, the way that a lot in the far-left media have handled issues with us…

A Tale of Two Networks: CNN Questions Obama Attack Ad While MSNBC Chee

May 16th, 2012 4:55 PM
After the Obama campaign released an ad on Monday attacking Mitt Romney's record at Bain Capital, CNN went so far as to question President Obama's hypocrisy in attacking Romney. In contrast, MSNBC hosts joined Team Obama on the offensive. CNN first reported the ad during the 9 and 10 a.m. hours of Monday, and by that evening anchor John King hosted a former venture capitalist who defended…

Former Gingrich Adviser Schools Martin Bashir: Romney's Not a Bully

May 11th, 2012 4:20 PM
When MSNBC's Martin Bashir invited Rick Tyler on his program Friday to discuss Mitt Romney being a "bully," he must have expected the former Newt Gingrich campaign adviser would play right along with the profile depicted in the Washington Post's hit piece about the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Quite the contrary, Tyler didn't take the bait and instead turned the tables on his…

Media That Hate Money in Politics and Citizens United Ruling LOVE Cloo

May 10th, 2012 4:51 PM
For months, the Obama-loving media have been carping and whining about all the money going to conservative Super PACs in the wake of the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling back in 2010. Yet as you can see from the following segment on MSNBC's Martin Bashir show Thursday, the press are giddy over the prospect the president will raise up to $15 million at actor George Clooney's campaign event…

MSNBC's Bashir Takes Bible Passage Out of Context to Bludgeon Rep. Bar

May 8th, 2012 6:30 PM
Martin Bashir -- he who slammed Ann Romney as "two-faced," gratuitously ripped fellow Christian Rick Santorum by comparing him to Stalin, and cravenly suggested Santorum's less of a genuine Christian than Barack Obama  judged by the amount of money the men gave to charity respectively -- mounted his moral high horse yet again to thunder hellfire and brimstone upon a conservative Republican.…

Martin Bashir: 'Romney Is the European Socialist' Not Obama

May 7th, 2012 4:33 PM
MSNBC's Martin Bashir practically had an on air meltdown Monday over comments Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney made about President Obama and the European economy. "He supports Paul Ryan’s budget. He wants to go cut, cut, cut. It’s not president – it’s him. He’s the European Socialist" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MSNBC's Finney: Romney-Ryan Plan Would Kill Women By Their Mid-30s

May 4th, 2012 4:05 PM
MSNBC political analyst Karen Finney kicked horrific tales of the so-called GOP war on women into high gear on Friday's Martin Bashir show. In a segment about the Obama campaign's portrait of a fictional woman's life under his leadership versus the Republican presidential candidate's, Finney said, "Here’s what life under the Romney-Ryan plan would be like for Julia...She’d be in the grave by…

MSNBC's Bashir Gives Platform to HuffPost's Schaeffer to Rant About 'R

May 2nd, 2012 6:15 PM
He's compared conservatives to radical Hindus and Islamists, called the Tea Party the "racist white bloc" of the GOP, and compared evangelicals to the Taliban, so naturally Huffington Post writer Frank Schaeffer was the perfect guest for Martin Bashir to bring on the May 2 edition of his eponymous program to discuss the importance of religious "faith as an issue" in the 2012 general election…

Bashir Falsely Claims British and Spanish Recessions Are ‘Romney-Rya

April 30th, 2012 5:31 PM
There ought to be a law against newscasters blatantly lying to the public. On Monday, MSNBC's Martin Bashir falsely claimed the economic plans put forth by Great Britain and Spain are "the Romney-Ryan budget in action...almost exactly, word for word" without informing his viewers that those countries raised taxes to fight their deficits (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MSNBC's Bashir Attacks Ann Romney.... For Having Multiple Sclerosis

April 30th, 2012 11:36 AM
Via Real Clear Politics: It's clear that MSNBC host Martin Bashir enjoys making fun of Republican candidates who have sick family members. First, he jabbed Rick Santorum for caring for his daughter, complaining about Santorum's small amount of donations to charity. Last week, he took a jab at Ann Romney, claiming that Mitt Romney is exploiting her health issues to gain votes. [Audio here. Video…

Martin Bashir Tells Two Democrats ‘If There Isn’t a War on Women M

April 27th, 2012 3:52 PM
MSNBC’s Martin Bashir on Friday might have said the wisest thing he’s ever uttered on television. Speaking with two Democratic members of Congress about goings on in the House Friday, Bashir said referring to Republicans, “If there isn’t a war on women most of us must be ignorant” (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):