
Scarborough: Sharpton’s New Show ‘Strong Lead In’ for Meet the Press

August 28th, 2015 11:33 AM
Al Sharpton’s weekday program PoliticsNation will move to Sunday mornings starting in September, and the folks on Morning Joe gushed at the new opportunities this would give the MSNBC host. Joe Scarborough called Sharpton’s move “happy news” and eagerly told Meet the Press’ Chuck Todd “It's a perfect tee up for chuck Todd...You have a strong lead in now. You’ve got a strong number three hitter…

Chuck Todd Tees Up New Republic Editor to Push ‘Identity Politics’

August 25th, 2015 12:33 PM
In a fawning softball interview with New Republic editor Jamil Smith on NBC’s web-based Meet the Press feature Press Pass, moderator Chuck Todd urged the liberal journalist to justify racially divisive reporting: “So let me start with this idea of why we should, in the media, report on identity politics essentially. Why does it matter?”

Fox Spotlights Planned Parenthood Scandal; Other Sunday Shows Ignore

August 24th, 2015 2:28 PM
ABC, CBS, and CNN's Sunday morning news shows all ignored the ongoing controversy over Planned Parenthood's harvesting of aborted babies' organs, as exposed in a series of recent undercover videos by the Center for Medical Progress. George Stephanopoulos featured Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley on ABC's This Week, but failed to ask him a question about the scandal. NBC's Meet…

Fiorina Hits Todd for Using Climate Change to Talk California Drought

August 23rd, 2015 11:50 AM
During an appearance on Meet the Press, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina hit back at moderator Chuck Todd for pushing the issue of climate change during a discussion on the ongoing California drought. Todd eagerly proclaimed “[i]n your home state of California, drought, the wildfires. More evidence is coming out from the scientific community that says climate change has made this…

Chuck Todd: ‘Stunned’ ‘How Easily’ Iowa Dems Criticize Hillary

August 16th, 2015 12:59 PM
On Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC’s Chuck Todd reacted to his trip to the Iowa State Fair by admitting that he “was stunned at how many -- how easily it was to find these Democrats willing” to criticize Hillary Clinton over her e-mail scandal among other issues. 

NBC’s Mitchell: Hillary ‘One of the Beneficiaries’ of GOP Debate

August 9th, 2015 12:43 PM
On Sunday’s Meet the Press, NBC’s Andrea Mitchell eagerly declared Hillary Clinton one of the big winners of last week’s Republican presidential debate. The MSNBC host/NBC News correspondent insisted that because “the e-mail controversy was not really explored very adequately by the questioners, and also because of this focus on gender, [Hillary Clinton] is one of the beneficiaries of what …

Chuck Todd Lectures Ben Carson Over ‘Black Lives Matter’ Movement

August 3rd, 2015 3:21 PM
In an interview with Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday, host Chuck Todd demanded to know why the GOP contender had been critical of the left-wing “Black Lives Matter” movement: “ were also, in an earlier interview this week, asked about the Black Lives Matter movement. And you called it ‘silly.’ Why did you call it silly?” Todd proceeded to…

Chuck Todd Admits Journalists Protect Each Other No Matter What

August 2nd, 2015 12:31 PM
During a conversation with Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd conceded that, like police, journalists will protect each other from criticism no matter what. 

Fournier: Trump ‘More Liberal Than..Bush’ ‘More Slippery' Than Hillary

July 26th, 2015 12:44 PM
On Sunday’s Meet the Press, National Journal reporter Ron Fournier downplayed the likelihood of Donald Trump becoming the Republican nominee by arguing “[t]his man is more liberal than any Bush and more slippery than any Clinton.”  

ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN Sunday Shows Ignore Planned Parenthood Scandal

July 19th, 2015 2:29 PM
Last week, the Center for Medical Progress released a damning undercover video in which a senior official at Planned Parenthood discussed the organization’s practice of manipulating an abortion to salvage baby parts to be sold for medical research, but ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN all ignored the story during their Sunday morning political talk shows. Fox News Sunday was the only one to cover Planned…

Chuck Todd: Is Trump ‘Reap What You Sow Issue’ for GOP?

July 19th, 2015 12:47 PM
Building on comments he made on NBC’s Today, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd wondered if Donald Trump’s attack on John McCain were a “reap what you sow issue here for the Republican Party?” Todd brought up the “reap what you sow” argument during an interview with Rick Perry as he played up how the “party embraced Donald Trump four years ago...during his whole birther craze at the time and you…

Chuck Todd Uses Charleston Murders to Press Gov. Haley on Voter ID

July 12th, 2015 2:24 PM
On Sunday’s Meet the Press, Chuck Todd used to tragic murders in Charleston, South Carolina to question Governor Nikki Haley about her support for voter ID laws in her state: “Do you see the issue differently now? Do you understand what some African-Americans believe these voter ID laws end up being a way to single them out or disenfranchise them?” 

Newt Gingrich: ‘Liberal Media’ Impact What Issues GOP Can Run On

June 28th, 2015 3:47 PM
During an appearance on Meet the Press, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said that as a result of the liberal media there are certain issues that Republicans cannot run on and expect to win. Speaking to Chuck Todd, Gingrich insisted that conservatives can only win on issues with 70 or 80 percent support and Republicans “cannot run in a country that has liberal media with 51 percent issues and…

Chuck Todd Hits Jindal Over GOPers Critical of His Record in Louisiana

June 28th, 2015 1:38 PM
On Sunday’s Meet the Press, Chuck Todd did his best to play up Republican criticism of Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal following the start of his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. The Meet the Press moderator stressed how following Jindal’s campaign announcement he wasn’t “getting a favorite son send-off” and how his approval rating in Louisiana was “actually lower than…