NBC Reporter: 'Ridiculous' That Obama Has No Strategy to Fight ISIS; M

September 3rd, 2014 4:50 PM
Appearing on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Wednesday, NBC chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel ripped into President Obama having no strategy to combat ISIS terrorists: "This has been going on for over three years. The buildup of ISIS has not been rapid, it has been quite slow. It has been quite well-documented....I met an ISIS fighter and I broadcast it on Nightly News....So that we…

Washington Monthly Blogger Has List of Panelists He Wants Banned on MT

August 26th, 2014 4:42 PM
Eeeeek!!! Diversity of political opinion must not be permitted. Expressing this deep fear is Washington Monthly contributor Ed Kilgore who is worried about a politically diversified panel at the post David Gregory Meet The Press. He presents his "remedy" in an article boldly titled, Who Should Be Banned as Panelists For the New “Meet?” What has gotten Kilgore so worried that contrary opinion…

Chuck Todd 'Going to Bring Back Heart, Good Taste, Fairness' to 'Meet

August 26th, 2014 11:34 AM
Appearing at the end of MSNBC's The Daily Rundown on Tuesday, NBC News NASA correspondent Jay Barbree wished host Chuck Todd good luck in becoming moderator of Meet the Press, hailing the chief White House correspondent: "...when God was making Chuck Todd, he was disturbed for a moment, he got distracted, and he looked back and he'd made his heart twice his size." [Listen to the audio or watch…

Meet the Press Gives Al Sharpton Unchallenged Platform To Promote Invo

August 24th, 2014 3:15 PM
With MSNBC’s Al Sharpton controversially playing the dual roles of television host and activist surrounding the events in Ferguson, Missouri, NBC’s Meet the Press felt the need to promote the liberal activist even further. On Sunday, August 24, fill-in moderator Chris Jansing, NBC’s Chief White House Correspondent, concluded her moderating duties by giving Sharpton 4 minutes and 30 seconds of…

NBC’s Chris Jansing Hits Missouri Gov. From Left on Ferguson, Ignore

August 24th, 2014 1:41 PM
Chris Jansing, NBC News Chief White House Correspondent, filled in as moderator on Meet the Press and did her best to hit Governor Jay Nixon (D-MO) from the left over his handling of the ongoing violence in Ferguson, Missouri.  Speaking on Sunday, August 24, Jansing promoted liberal talking points surrounding the police tactics used to stop the violent protests in the Missouri town.…

David Gregory's Liberal Tenure at 'Meet the Press': More Mouthpiece Th

August 19th, 2014 10:45 AM
Filling in as host of NBC's August 17 Meet the Press, Andrea Mitchell looked back at departing moderator David Gregory's years anchoring the broadcast. The tribute followed Thursday's announcement that Gregory was being replaced by political director Chuck Todd and leaving the network. The switch marked the end of a tenure in which Gregory behaved more like a Democratic Party spokesman than an…

David Gregory Paid $4 Million to Leave NBC News ... Quietly

August 18th, 2014 7:54 PM
“Don't go away mad,” an old saying goes, “just go away.” That seems to be the case with David Gregory, who is receiving a grand total of $4 million to end his six-year tenure as host of the NBC News Meet the Press program. Part of the 43-year-old anchor's contract is a “nondisparagement clause,” which specifies that he is not to speak out against the network, according to an article written…

NBC’s Mitchell Declares Al Sharpton In Ferguson ‘On A Peace Missio

August 17th, 2014 1:40 PM
Filling in as host on NBC’s Meet the Press, Andrea Mitchell, NBC's Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent and host of MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports, rushed to defend her colleague Al Sharpton for his involvement in the Ferguson protests. During a discussion with the Wall Street Journal’s Jason Riley, Mitchell declared that Sharpton was in Ferguson “on a peace mission” and not in the words of…

Ouch! Politico Kicks David Gregory as He Exits NBC

August 14th, 2014 7:59 PM
David Gregory is now the poster boy warning for that old adage: be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way down. And now that Gregory is on the down career escalator because of his quick removal today from both Meet The Press and NBC News as you can read here at Newsbusters, Dylan Byers at Politico has given him a swift kick on his way out the door. Apparently…

Todd Takeover: A Top 10 List of the Most Liberal Outbursts from the Ne

August 14th, 2014 5:42 PM
On Thursday, NBC News sources confirmed that Chuck Todd will bump David Gregory from the Meet the Press host chair. And while Todd isn’t as liberal as his predecessor, he has played defense for the Barack Obama administration on a number of fronts. Most recently he dismissed the IRS-Tea Party scandal by asking “are there any actual real victims?” and diminished Benghazi hearings as “partisan…

Here's Chucky! Politico Reports Chuck Todd Likely to Replace David Gre

August 11th, 2014 1:00 PM
No big surprise here but Politico is now reporting that Chuck Todd will probably be replacing David Gregory as host of Meet The Press. It was almost inevitable that NBC News would be ousting Gregory due to the terrible ratings of that Sunday news show while he was hosting. The only question was who was going to replace Gregory and it now seems to be confirmed that the widely acknowledged…

NBC’s Mitchell Scolds Claim U.S. Lacked Intelligence on ISIS: ‘T

August 10th, 2014 12:48 PM
Andrea Mitchell, NBC’s Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent, had some surprisingly harsh words for the Obama Administration in the wake of the militant group ISIS holding thousands of religious minorities hostage near the northern Iraq city of Irbil.  Speaking on Meet the Press on Sunday, August 10, Mitchell proclaimed that regarding Isis “there was intelligence. And to say that they were…

Journalists Restricted By Hamas Rules and It's Reflected in Their Cove

August 8th, 2014 1:52 PM
On August 6, Cliff May of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies charged that while the media have filled their stories on the current conflict in Gaza with “pictures of neighborhoods reduced to rubble, with Palestinian men, women and children in desperate circumstances,” they have been negligent in telling their audiences that Hamas has been “deploying civilians as human shields, storing…

Meet The Press Wonders If Israel Will ‘Achieve Military Victory, But

August 3rd, 2014 2:11 PM
On Sunday, August 3, NBC’s Meet the Press showed that the liberal media’s anti-Israel bias was in full force.  Moderator David Gregory introduced a taped segment with Andrea Mitchell, NBC News Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent, by pondering “whether Israel may achieve victory, but lose the battle of wider world opinion.”  Mitchell began her piece by insisting that “as the violence continues…