Mega TV

Marcados contrastes en la manipulación mediática sobre Charlottesville
August 18th, 2017 11:26 AM
La violencia política en Charlottesville y su repudio por el presidente Donald J. Trump han sido cubiertas de la manera más divergente posible por dos cadenas de televisión en español, una con sede en Los Ángeles y la otra en Miami.

Stark Contrasts in Media Manipulation of Charlottesville News
August 16th, 2017 8:09 PM
The political violence in Charlottesville and President Trump's repudiation of it have been covered in the most widely divergent ways by two national Spanish-language television networks, one based in Los Angeles and the other in Miami.

Why Does Univision Continue To Sponsor Terrorism?
May 23rd, 2017 11:47 AM
Univision’s continuously one-sided coverage of convicted domestic terrorist Oscar López Rivera, its corporate sponsorship of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York City, its omissions of some of López Rivera’s most incendiary post-release statements and its use of contract talent in furtherance of pushing López Rivera’s side of the story can only lead reasonable observers to one…

Presentadora de Mega cubre a Trump con imparcialidad
May 18th, 2017 6:02 PM
En un segmento de los medios de comunicación cuyo presentador principal, Jorge Ramos de Univisión, se niega rotundamente a ser neutral en su cobertura del presidente Donald Trump, uno podría tener la impresión de que no hay ninguna cadena nacional en español que presente al presidente y sus políticas de manera justa frente a las audiencias, o donde tanto los rivales políticos demócratas y…

Las cadenas hispanas dan primera plana a Machado, entierran a Comey
September 30th, 2016 11:33 PM
El sesgo mediático no se refleja tan sólo en lo que se reporta, sino en lo que no se reporta. Recientemente, vimos un ejemplo de tales sesgos.

Spanish Nets Bury Comey Hearing, Focus on Machado
September 23rd, 2016 7:15 AM
Bias in the media is not just reflected in what is reported, but also through that which goes unreported. Yesterday, we found our most recent example of such biases. On Wednesday, FBI Director James Comey came before the House Judiciary Committee and was questioned regarding the manner in which the agency handled its investigation of Hillary Clinton's private server scandal. But the story was…

Mega Anchor Reads Riot Act Over ‘Sex with Hillary’ Remark
September 14th, 2016 2:07 AM
One would think that a story in which a Hispanic South Florida congressional candidate is caught on tape saying crude, sexual things about his own party's presidential candidate - the first female major-party nominee in our nation's history - would garner top billing on our major domestic Spanish-language newscasts...which are, after all, based in Miami. And yet here we are again, talking about…

Las cadenas de TV en español ignoran la encuesta Pew de hispanos
July 13th, 2016 5:38 PM
Usted no lo sabría si solo ve los noticieros nacionales de televisión en español de Estados Unidos, pero el Centro de Investigaciones Pew acaba de publicar un estudio que muestra que entre los votantes hispanos del país el virtual candidato presidencial republicano Donald Trump tiene ahora los mismos niveles que tuvieron Romney y McCain en ese grupo electoral cuando fueron los candidatos del…

Spanish Nets Black Out New Pew Poll of Hispanics
July 12th, 2016 9:40 PM
You wouldn't know it from watching any of the U.S. national Spanish-language evening newscasts, but the Pew Research Center has released a survey that shows that among the country's Hispanic voters, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is currently polling at roughly the same levels Mitt Romney and John McCain did as the party's previous standard-bearers.

Mississippi Religious Freedom Law Injunction Half-Reported on Mega
July 2nd, 2016 8:50 AM
Sometimes a report will come across the wire which forces to pause for a second to make sure that it actually happened. The latest example comes via Friday's Mega Noticiero. In short, a federal judge blocked Mississippi's Protecting Freedom of Conscience From Government Discrimination Act (HB 1523) before it went into effect.