Jonathan Alter: Obama-LaPierre Debate Would Be Must-See TV

October 5th, 2015 9:50 PM
Even though Barack Obama is more than four-fifths of the way through his presidency, a large part of his popularity among liberals still rests on what they view as his exceptional talent for speechmaking -- a reputation which dates to his 2004 Democratic convention keynote address. Now Alter, one of Obama’s biggest fans in the media, wants the POTUS to use his skill as a performer in a different…

Henneberger: GOP Candidates Can't Match Hillary on Foreign Policy

April 9th, 2015 9:04 PM
Are we talking Frequent Flyer Miles, Hillary's record of "success" in such places as Benghazi, Syria and Yemen, or just what? On today's With All Due Respect, Bloomberg's Melinda Henneberger claimed that when it comes to foreign policy, none of the Republican presidential hopefuls "can possibly come up to the level of the former Secretary of State."  Host John Heilemann had teed up the question…

Bloomberg Columnist: Tina Fey, Jon Stewart More Universal Than Pope

April 6th, 2015 6:16 PM
I hadn't before seen Will Leitch, the Deadspin creator who now writes on politics for Bloomberg, in action.  But on today's With All Due Respect, I found him funny and affable. Even so, he made one left-leaning assertion so absurd it was too much even for show host John Heilemann.  Running parallel with the NCAA tourney, Bloomberg has been running a bracket of 64 non-presidential candidates.  In…

Richmond, Va. Hack Reports 'Memories' GoFundMe For 'Fraud' (Updated)

April 4th, 2015 11:28 PM
UPDATE, April 6: An email sent by "Virginia Commonwealth University News" insists, despite the November 2014 tweet originally found at the link about Bryan's "GoFundMe" effort, that Alix Bryan "has not been employed by Virginia Commonwealth University." Accordingly, the text in this post's final sentence now refers to Bryan's claim in her WTVR bio and at her LinkedIn profile to have received a "…

Local Indiana Station Ambushes Memories Pizza to Gin Up an RFRA Story

April 1st, 2015 11:43 PM
Something hasn't seemed right about the Memories Pizza story from the get-go. Now I know why. In a Tuesday report, TV Station ABC 57 cited the Walkerton, Indiana business's Crystal O'Connor as saying that, in the station's words, they "don't agree with gay marriages and wouldn't cater them if asked to." In other words, they've never been asked to. The non-story which ignited a national firestorm…

Halperin: Dems Happy With Hillary Like Cubans With Their 'Choices'

March 26th, 2015 7:50 PM
Mark Halperin just compared the way Hillary has been foisted on Dem voters to the empty "choices" that Cubans have when it comes to their leaders. On this evening's With All Due Respect, when Dem strategist Steve McMahon claimed that Dems are happy with "the" choice they have in the person of Hillary,  Halperin retorted "like the way Cuban voters are happy with their choices."

Hollywood’s War on Success Teaches Youth All the Wrong Lessons

February 25th, 2015 9:56 AM
“Show me the money,” Jerry Maguire famously shouted in the 1996 film. Hollywood wants everyone to show it the money. Hollywood wouldn’t have glitz and glamour if people weren’t plunking down their credit cards at the local theater or watching their home DVRs or streaming new episodes to other devices. Ironically, for a multibillion industry, TV and film frequently depict the individuals and…

Moore, Rogen Now Claim Their Tweets Didn't Criticize 'American Sniper'

January 19th, 2015 11:50 PM
Your truly noted yesterday (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog) how Michael Moore tweeted, in part, that "We were taught snipers were cowards." Earlier today, Geoffrey Dickens at NewsBusters observed that Seth Rogen, whose "The Interview" movie was at least partially salvaged financially by freedom-of-speech supporters on the left and right who watched it online and in person in select areas, tweeted… Inouye Was 'Advocate for Women,' 'Favorite' of Gillibrand's

September 22nd, 2014 4:10 PM
It turns out the politician who called colleague Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) "chubby" and admonished her not to lose too much weight is none other than the late Sen. Daniel Inouye. So naturally when covering the story,'s Michele Richinick made sure to soften the blow against the late Hawaiian Democrat by tagging him as a longtime "advocate of women."

As Cincinnati Clinic Finally Ends Surgical Abortions, Local Station Gi

August 20th, 2014 2:26 PM
A Cincinnati-area abortion facility will finally stop doing surgical abortions on Friday. Many of us, including yours truly, thought this would happen back in January, but the operators of the Lebanon Road Surgery Center, aka Women's Med, persisted in frivolous appeals which only delayed the inevitable. Finally, they have decided to give up their challenge to the State of Ohio's refusal to…

Irresponsible: Old Media Outlets Release Info on Where Ferguson Office

August 18th, 2014 3:01 PM
Boy, it's a good thing that we don't have any bloggers, Twitter amateurs or Facebook fulminators going off half-cocked and helping people find out where Darren Wilson lives. Wilson is the Ferguson, Missouri police officer who reportedly shot and killed Mike Brown. I mean, if anybody knew that or could figure it out, his safety and that of any family members would be in jeopardy. Oh, wait a…

Wasserman Schultz Says Nevada Governor Didn't Implement an Obamacare E

July 26th, 2014 11:58 AM
It seems that Democratic National Committee chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz has herself programmed to automatically criticize any Republican governor in the U.S. for refusing to implement a state Obamacare exchange. Wasserman Schultz made that contention on Tuesday about Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval. She did so on Nevada's "Ralston Reports," a TV program hosted by Jon Ralston, whose…

Lefty ‘Parks and Rec’ Actor Schools Journos On What Bill of Rights

June 16th, 2014 3:25 PM
Now this makes sense: a TV actor educating Washington media types about the Constitution. Weren’t there any professional wrestlers available? NBC’s “Parks and Recreation” star Nick Offerman served up his insights about the Bill of Rights, of all things, at the Congressional Radio and Television Correspondents Dinner in Washington D.C. June 12 and peppered it with plenty of GOP bashing.…

They Don't Care: 50 States of Obamacare Victims

March 27th, 2014 4:52 PM
This post builds on Geoffrey Dickens' post late this morning ("American Horror Story: Tales of ObamaCare Victims Untold by the Big Three Networks") about the virtual lack of any kind of coverage of the real people affected by Obamacare. Perhaps some readers believe that little coverage is occurring because there are few if any local situations worthy enough to rise to the level of national…