Name That Party: As Usual, Again-Indicted Former Detroit Mayor Kilpatr

December 16th, 2010 8:00 AM
It seems to be almost required by now that any indictment of Kwame Kilpatrick must be accompanied by two or more establishment media outlets reports that fail to inform readers that the former Detroit Mayor is a Democrat -- in fact, a Democrat who was singled out for copious praise during the early stages of Barack Obama's campaign for president. In unbylined reports, CBS News in Detroit and…

AP Story on Neb. Gang Arrests Takes the PC Route

November 19th, 2010 1:14 PM
Persistent pursuit of a story by journalists has in all too many cases been replaced by a dogged determination to keep politically incorrect facts out of important stories. An Associated Press item out of Grand Island, Nebraska this morning illustrates this point. It's not very difficult to identify aspects of the story reporter Josh Funk worked mightily to leave out (bolded items hinting at…

Name That Party: Arrested Prince George's County Political Couple Rare

November 13th, 2010 9:03 AM
In Maryland, Prince George's County's top elected official, County Executive Jack B. Johnson (pictured at right on NB's home page) was arrested yesterday, and "is accused of accepting cash in return for helping a developer secure federal funding." Johnson's wife, a recently elected councilperson, was also arrested yesterday. The couple are both accused of "tampering with a witness and…

Cincy Media Mostly Nix Ohio Gov. Strickland's Reference to GOP as 'Ove

September 7th, 2010 2:15 PM
It's interesting, and more than a little frustrating, to see how inflammatory words in speeches delivered by liberal and leftist politicians that might cast them in a bad light don't seem to make much news. One such example occurred in a speech yesterday at Cincinnati's Coney Island, on the occasion of the AFL-CIO's huge annual picnic there. At that event, Ohio Governor Ted Strickland lashed out…

In July, LA School Officials Defended RFK Taj Mahal K-12 Complex as 'M

August 23rd, 2010 9:14 AM
Well, it didn't take to much digging to find people who think that the $578 million cost of the new Taj Mahal complex known as the Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools in Los Angeles (pictured at right; noted last night at NewsBusters and BizzyBlog) isn't that big of a deal. What I found makes me wonder why it took so long for waste of this magnitude to become a national story. On July 9, at LA'…

Actor Pierce Brosnan Harpoons Obama for Voting 'Present' on Whaling

June 11th, 2010 1:43 PM
Actor and environmental activisit Pierce Brosnan has taken the cause of whales to heart. He does not want humans to kill them, has just released a PSA featuring Brosnan, taking President Obama to task for apparently reneging on a campaign promise to support an International whaling moratorium... (Video after jump)

In Wal-Mart Intercom Incident, AP 'Forgets' Critical Element in Co.'s

March 20th, 2010 10:06 AM
Here is the Associated Press's report on an intercom incident at a southern New Jersey Wal-Mart store as of 7:03 a.m. Saturday (text at link will likely change): Naturally, most readers will believe that some Wal-Mart associate thought he was being "cute." That's because "somehow" the wire service "forgot" to reveal a key element of the story that as of 7:03 a.m. Saturday had been known for at…

To VH1, Teen Purity Is a Short-lived Marketing Trend

January 19th, 2010 12:17 PM
Whether you have children or not, you've probably heard of Hannah Montana (or perhaps Miley Cyrus); Selena Gomez from Disney's "Wizards of Waverly Place"; or the Jonas Brothers, the boy band that elicits ear-splitting screams from their female teeny-bopper fans.They're big names in the entertainment industry, even though the oldest of the bunch is only 23. What you may not know, however, is that…

Maddow Still Claims to Host Talk Radio Show

November 13th, 2009 1:20 PM

Ian McKellen Says Latest Role Embodies 'Drawbacks' of Capitalism

November 12th, 2009 1:46 PM
Capitalism may "offer" freedom, but it doesn't provide it according to British actor and liberal activist Ian McKellen. McKellen was discussing his latest role as "Number Two," in AMC's reinvention of the Cold War show "The Prisoner." The liberal actor told Associated Press that his character embodies "the drawbacks of capitalism." "Capitalism offers you freedom, but far from giving people…

Pfizer Leaving New London, CT; Just Don't Mention 'Kelo' While Reporti

November 10th, 2009 12:09 PM
It's a development that I wouldn't wish on anybody, but one that the City of New London, Connecticut largely brought upon itself by pursuing and winning the Kelo v. New London case at the Supreme Court in June 2005. Some "win." In what Ed Morrissey at Hot Air calls "a fitting coda to a chapter of governmental abuse," pharmaceutical manufacturer Pfizer is leaving the global research and…

ACORN Question for Local Media: What in the World Are These People Rea

September 28th, 2009 5:23 PM
In a great NewsBusters post early this morning, Rusty Weiss wondered how much local media coverage there has been of ACORN's suspension of services, and focused on potential vote fraud in Albany and Troy, New York. Here's a question local reporters looking for an angle should be asking, even in the somewhat unlikely event they can't find anything corrupt or criminal at the ACORN office in their…

Name That Party: Blago’s, Burris’s Party IDs Largely MIA in Latest

May 27th, 2009 4:02 PM
Maybe it should be put to music: Blago and Burris, Sitting in a tree, But they'd rather we not know their political party. There has been yet another revelation about contacts between Democratic President Barack Obama's U.S. Senate successor, Democrat Roland Burris and former Illinois Democratic governor Rod Blagojevich over Blago's pre-Senate appointment, uh, deliberations. A released FBI audio…

Name That Party: Dem Cincy Councilwoman In Controversial Traffic Stop

May 24th, 2009 11:48 PM
Democratic Cincinnati City Councilwoman Laketa Cole was pulled over by city police on Wednesday afternoon along with a friend while each was driving their own motorcycle. WCPO-TV Channel 9 investigated the incident, and found that Cole appeared to attempt to get special treatment to avoid having her friend's motorcycle seized. The video verion of WCPO's report ultimately notes that Cole and her…