Column: Internal Democrat Worries Aired on NPR

January 12th, 2024 6:20 AM

National Public Radio is a sandbox for the Left. The “news” there is manufactured by leftists, for leftists. You can find it easily in the latest interviews about the Biden re-election campaign. The interviewers are clearly nervous that Biden’s messaging isn’t working. It’s not that Biden’s incompetent, it’s that voters are ignorant.


NPR Offers Leila Fadel Coddle to Liz Cheney

December 6th, 2023 4:47 PM

Taxpayer-funded National Public Radio was aggressively competing to be the most interview spot for Liz Cheney on Monday's Morning Edition. Anchor Leila Fadel was every bit as promotional as say, Asma Khalid was with Kamala Harris a year ago. Cheney is now in the pantheon of Democrat heroes.


NPR Rushes to Proclaim 'The Waning Influence of Moms for Liberty'

November 20th, 2023 4:56 PM

NPR's Weekend Edition Saturday could have also been titled Wishful Thinking Saturday, as they touted "The waning influence of Moms for Liberty." NPR anchor Scott Simon began: "The right-wing group Moms for Liberty has been a force in clashes over what public schools can teach or not about sexuality and race, but its influence may be on the wane."

NPR Host Asks Jeffries About 'Extreme Right Wing,' Avoids Dem Radicals

November 16th, 2023 10:48 PM

NPR Morning Edition co-host Steve Inskeep interviewed House Democrat leader Hakeem Jeffries on Tuesday, and once again, he was every bit as accommodating as he was in his many softball interviews with Barack Obama. Inskeep asked if new Speaker Mike Johnson was "extreme right wing," but he skipped asking Jeffries about his party's extreme left wing, especially the censure of radical…

Taxpayer-Funded NPR Promotes Billboard: 'God's Plan Includes Abortion'

October 11th, 2023 1:55 PM

Taxpayer-funded National Public Radio touted pro-abortion billboards on Interstate 55 on their show Morning Edition. A pro-abortion hairdresser was ecstatic: "Yes! GOD'S PLAN INCLUDES ABORTION! It does! It does. I agree."

Why Does NPR Hate Democracy? Can't Stand 'Book Ban' of Ibram X. Kendi

September 9th, 2023 6:34 AM

On Friday's Morning Edition, NPR lamented the "surge" in book bans across America. Apparently, democracy works best in America when educators get to assign left-wing propaganda about how America is deeply racist, and no one objects. "One parent" caused a "book ban" in North Carolina -- a book by radical leftist Ibram X. Kendi.


NPR Spin: Trump's In Danger, Biden's Like the Second Coming of Carter

August 20th, 2023 4:18 PM

Trump and Biden drew very different spins on NPR's Weekend Edition Saturday. In their "Week In Politics segment," Trump was in grave peril from indictments, while Biden was the second coming of Jimmy Carter at Camp David. Having Asian leaders in "elevates Joe Biden's presidency."

NPR's Top Fox-Hater Touts Effort: Murdoch's 'Unfit to Own TV Stations'

August 10th, 2023 5:35 PM

NPR media reporter David Folkenflik filed yet another of his anti-Fox News Channel pieces for Wednesday's Morning Edition. The headline? "A former Fox executive now argues Murdoch is unfit to own TV stations.": This means Folkfenlik has filed 44 anti-Fox News stories so far in 2023.

NPR Enables Rep. Castro to RIP Gov. Abbott as 'Barbaric' at the Border

July 25th, 2023 10:15 PM

Underlining the notion that's there is not much difference between MSNBC and NPR, leftist Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) appeared on The Reidout and on NPR's Morning Edition on Monday. Co-host A Martinez (not the actor) set up Castro to denounce Gov. Greg Abbott's actions as "barbaric and inhumane."

NPR Couldn't Do ONE SECOND on the House Hearing on Hunter Biden Probe

July 20th, 2023 9:00 AM

The PBS NewsHour offered five minutes of coverage on Wednesday of the House Oversight Committee hearings on slow-walking the Hunter Biden investigation, but National Public Radio could not find one second to cover the hearing on Wednesday night or Thursday morning. Even the top-of-hour newscasts had nothing, even as they promoted how Trump was facing prison time in the wave of…

NPR Hates Fox: Jesse Watters Is a 'Clown' Next to Carlson, O'Reilly

July 18th, 2023 5:30 PM

On Monday night, Jesse Watters took the plum spot of 8 pm on the Fox News Channel – the O’Reilly/Tucker hour – so it’s not surprising that NPR’s professional Fox-hater David Folkenflik tried to ruin the moment on Monday’s Morning Edition. His story was headlined “Fox's newest star Jesse Watters boasts a wink, a smirk, and a trail of outrage.” But his theme was that unlike his…

NewsBusters Podcast: NPR Coddles Kamala Harris... Again

July 5th, 2023 10:23 PM

It's your tax dollars at work, National Public Radio conducting another softball interview with Vice President Kamala Harris, with questions such as "what's your message?" and "what does an event like this mean to you?" Kamala gets to unspool ponderous long answers with zero fear of hardballs or interruptions.

NPR: Racist Whites Are Exploiting Asians on College Admissions Quotas

July 4th, 2023 5:10 AM

National "Public" Radio often airs very one-sided political advertising instead of news. This is especially true on "systemic racism." On Weekend Edition Sunday, NPR aired a six-and-a-half minute jeremiad on how white people were exploiting Asian plaintiffs to push a fake discrimination story on college admissions, and there was no dissenting view.

HOT TALK: House Democrat Whip Plays Debt-Limit Dominatrix on NPR

May 27th, 2023 6:51 AM

NPR would like the taxpayers to think that they're nonpartisan news for all people. But in reality, they're the favorite channel for hard-core lefties. They're like Fox News for the Pelosi set. Look no further than Friday's Morning Edition, where co-host Michel Martin interviewed House Minority Whip Katharine Clark of Massachusetts