Morning Meeting

T. Boone Pickens: 'I've Lost My A--' in Wind Power - 'The Jobs Are in
April 11th, 2012 9:07 AM
Oilman T. Boone Pickens made a statement on MSNBC's Morning Joe Wednesday that should make every green jobs advocate including Barack Obama, Al Gore, and Van Jones sit up and take notice.
"I've lost my a--" in wind power. This came moments after he said, "The jobs are in the oil and gas industry in the United States" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):
MSNBC Suspends Donny Deutsch for Daring to Critique Olbermann, Did Not
April 21st, 2010 4:08 PM
MSNBC on Wednesday suspended host Donny Deutsch in the wake of a segment on Tuesday about what role hosts such as Keith Olbermann and Ed Schultz play in making this country "America the angry." During the piece, Deutsch played a clip of an Olbermann rant and didn't defend Schultz when conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt attacked the "the biggest hate mongers in television." However, in February…
Ratigan Goes Nuts: Accuses Tea Party Organizer of Including People who
March 2nd, 2010 5:49 PM
You almost need a flak jacket to go on an MSNBC show these days - at least judging by the rapid fire attacks displayed on the March 2 "The Dylan Ratigan Show." Either host Dylan Ratigan was trying to play to MSNBC's rabid liberal audience or he really has it in for the Tea Party movement based on some exaggerated notion it is nothing but hate and fear mongers. In an interview with Mark…
Dueling Chalkboards: MSNBC's Ratigan Mocks Beck After Global Warming C
February 12th, 2010 12:37 PM
After taking time out of his last few broadcasts to try to clarify his Feb. 8 remarks that the "snowpocalypse" was because of global warming, one would hope MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan would have learned his lesson. Ratigan spent a portion of his Feb. 10 and now a portion of his Feb. 11 shows trying to clarify his statement - that "these ‘snowpocalypses' that have been going through D.C. and other…
Ratigan Unhinged: Attacks Warming Skeptics, Gives Pass to Liberal Alar
February 11th, 2010 11:29 AM
Immediately after taking shots from some conservative voices for his Feb. 8 remarks that heavy snowfall in the Mid-Atlantic is "reportedly" a result of global warming, MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan fired back at his detractors on his Feb. 10 program. The once seemingly rational host of CNBC's "Fast Money" voiced his frustration with the entire global warming debate as it stood in the wake of this…
MSNBC's Ratigan Blames 'Snowpocalypse' on Global Warming
February 9th, 2010 10:44 AM
With Washington, D.C. buried beneath at least 20 inches of snow, and with more in the forecast, common sense would suggest global warming alarmists look elsewhere to make the argument to raise awareness for their concerns. But no, Dylan Ratigan thinks it's ridiculous to suggest all the snowfall totals could cast doubt on the theory of anthropogenic global warming. On MSNBC's Feb. 8 "The Dylan…
MSNBC’s Ratigan Apologizes For Yelling At Congresswoman In Friday In
December 21st, 2009 11:58 AM
As NewsBusters’ Noel Sheppard reported on Saturday, on Friday’s Morning Meeting program on MSNBC, host Dylan Ratigan got into a shouting match with Democratic Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz over health care legislation. On Monday, he apologized for the outburst: “...the way I went about that on Friday was a disservice to our viewers....I have some work to do.” Ratigan’s heated…
Dylan Ratigan Yells At Dem Congresswoman, Abruptly Ends Interview
December 19th, 2009 12:26 PM
MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan on Friday got into a very heated discussion about healthcare reform with Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) that resulted in the "Morning Meeting" host abruptly ending his interview with her and moving on to another guest.After Schultz spouted the usual Democrat talking points about the benefits of healthcare reform legislation currently before Congress, Ratigan pointed out…
MSNBC Graphics Fret About Joe Lieberman, ‘The Spoiler’ Who Is ‘B
December 15th, 2009 11:51 AM
Some of the clearest examples of MSNBC’s liberal bias can be found in the onscreen graphics selected for the network’s programming. In the span of 20 minutes on Tuesday, three such Morning Meeting images stated a pretty clear opinion about Joe Lieberman’s opposition to parts of the health care bill. At 9:20am, one whined, "Joe Blowing Health Reform?" At 9:01, another graphic actually used an…
TVNewser: MSNBC's Ratigan to Gain Afternoon Slot on Network in
December 4th, 2009 3:24 PM
Dylan Ratigan (file photo at right), whose bias and occasional forays into balanced journalism have both been documented at NewsBusters, is set to gain an afternoon slot in 2010, according to Chris Ariens of TVNewser:MSNBC's "Morning Meeting" is about to get an afternoon edition. TVNewser has learned that starting Monday, host Dylan Ratigan will be on for one hour, 9am ET only, so he and the…
MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan Slams ClimateGate Fakery: When Will NBC Do the
December 4th, 2009 12:41 PM
MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan on Friday aggressively took on the subject of ClimateGate, informing a global warming scientist that the "perceived integrity of what you are saying is diminished by scientists who appear to be hiding something." If MSNBC can debate this serious subject, why have the three major networks ignored it for 14 days? [Audio available here.] The Morning Meeting host brought on…
Film Producer Polone Dismisses Woods’ Infidelity, Says Marriage Is
December 3rd, 2009 3:16 PM
Every once in a while, a liberal cuts right through the hemming and hawing and verbalizes his true world view. Like Hollywood producer Gavin Polone commenting on the Tiger Woods episode: If you can't live up to the terms and responsibilities of an institution, the institution must change. That's essentially the lesson Polone believes Tiger should draw from his adultery disgrace. Marriage, you…
MSNBC’s Ratigan Wonders If Americans Should ‘Stop Whining
November 20th, 2009 2:50 PM
Citing a Democratic congressman who recently proposed a no whining day, on Friday’s Morning Meeting on MSNBC, host Dylan Ratigan asked: “...unemployment, health care, a couple of wars, Americans got plenty to be frustrated about these days...But some people say stop the whining....Is ‘shut up and deal’ the new American mantra?” Ratigan made that question the topic of discussion for the ‘Trend or…
Four Days After Airing Fake Photos of Sarah Palin, MSNBC ‘Fact Check
November 17th, 2009 12:49 PM
Only four days after airing faked photographs purporting to be of Sarah Palin wearing a bikini and holding a gun, MSNBC hosts on Tuesday decided they were qualified to fact check the ex-governor of Alaska. Contessa Brewer chided Palin’s new memoir: "But can this book really be classified as fact, fiction or a little of both? Okay, so here is a bit of fact-checking." Brewer, who was part of the…