NR's Jonah Goldberg Destroys 'Morning Joe' as Real-Life 'Mean Girls'

May 3rd, 2016 4:43 PM
In a fantastic piece that it’s highly recommended for news junkies and those interested in the media, National Review senior editor Jonah Goldberg took on MSNBC’s Morning Joe and their infatuation with Donald Trump as “unwatchable” and full of “condescending snootiness” that rivals the cast of Mean Girls. 

Press Blows Off 10-Solyndra $ Losses at Two Bankrupt Solar Companies

April 22nd, 2016 9:50 PM
Solary energy company SunEdison filed for bankruptcy on Thursday. According to Reuters, the company's stock traded as high as $33.44 in July 2015. The stock closed at 22 cents today. Nine years ago, the company's market value was over $17 billion. According to the Associated Press, in July of last year it was still worth $10 billion. The losses aren't limited to investors, however, a fact that…

Lowry Calls Out Media for Salivating Over Trump’s NY Primary Win

April 21st, 2016 4:06 PM
In his Politico column posted on Wednesday, National Review editor-in-chief Rich Lowry mounted a thorough trouncing of the liberal media for their universal gushing over Donald Trump’s win in the New York primary despite the fact that a landslide had long been predicted as a possibility.

Liberal New Republic: Trump the ‘True Heir’ to Movement Conservatism

February 20th, 2016 12:55 PM
From a flawed premise, it’s easy to reach a silly conclusion. TNR’s Jeet Heer proved that in a Thursday piece in which he argued that “racism [is now] integral to right-wing ideology” and that therefore Donald Trump is authentically conservative -- a “natural evolutionary product” of long-term trends in movement conservatism. “If Republican voters were anywhere near as diverse as the Democrats…

Lowry Takes Fire from Outnumbered Panel on Trump; You're 'Really Rude'

February 2nd, 2016 7:22 PM
After FNC’s Outnumbered offered near unanimous condemnation of National Review’s anti-Donald Trump issue and editor-in-chief Rich Lowry a few weeks ago, Lowry responded as a guest host on Tuesday’s show and not surprisingly was bombarded with criticism and accused of being “elitist,” “really, really rude,” and part of “the establishment” for having “insulted” voters by opposing Trump.

Pundit: Why Won’t Conservatives Admit They’re the GOP Establishment?

February 1st, 2016 10:10 AM
The kids in The Family Circus blame their misbehavior on gremlins with names like Ida Know and Not Me. The Week’s Damon Linker believes grown-up conservatives do something similar when they deny what Linker sees as the plain truth: that they run the Republican party. In a Tuesday column, Linker contended that the right-wing “counter-establishment” that first gained a share of power in 1981 now “…

NR's Rich Lowry Calls Out GOP Strategist for Flip-Flopping on Trump

January 24th, 2016 4:09 PM
Near the tail end of a debate on Sunday during ABC’s This Week over the anti-Donald Trump issue of National Review, National Review editor in chief Rich Lowry blasted Republican strategist Alex Castellanos for coming out as someone who’d accept Trump as the GOP nominee after his attempts to seek alternatives (i.e. a moderate, establishment candidate) failed and “your donors wouldn't go with you.”

Lefty Pundits: Right’s Racial Politics, Ignorance Paved Way For Trump

January 23rd, 2016 3:14 PM
Commenting Friday on National Review’s anti-Donald Trump editorial and symposium, The New Republic’s Jeet Heer and New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait agreed that conservatives are responsible for Trump’s Republican frontrunner status, but differed on which unpleasant right-wing trait, “white identity politics” or anti-intellectualism, was the prime mover.

Matthews Lectures NR Writer on Trump and Iraq War, Gets It Wrong

January 23rd, 2016 2:57 PM
On Friday night’s Hardball, host Chris Matthews unleashed a harangue on National Review writer Eliana Johnson, theorizing that the “Against Trump” symposium was pretty much all about Trump’s opposition to the Iraq war. When Johnson insisted this isn’t single-issue thing, Matthews kept berating her: “Can you answer me? Which is not a hawk in that group?” Johnson didn’t offer a name, but could…

National Review Takes a Unanimous Beating on Fox's 'Outnumbered'

January 22nd, 2016 4:24 PM
National Review was clearly outnumbered on the Fox News show Outnumbered today. The entire panel lit into NR for daring to assemble a symposium titled “Against Trump.” The Fox panel was unanimous that this was “offensive,” would have “zippo” effect, and only underlined that conservatives in “tassel loafers and bow ties” are “defunct” and “worthless.” They professed their “love” for NR editor…

Heilemann, Wallace Rip NR's 'Against Trump': Helps Trump, Stupid

January 22nd, 2016 8:28 AM
National Review was created by the great William F. Buckley, Jr., the brilliant pioneer of the modern conservative movement. Throughout the current presidential campaign season, NR has been a consistent critic of Donald Trump, whose conservatism it views with, to say the least, skepticism. And so it was entirely consistent for NR to publish "Against Trump," a special edition appearing today that…

Ferguson Media Darling Joshua Williams Sentenced to 8 Years For Arson

December 13th, 2015 11:24 PM
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported Thursday that Joshua Williams "was sentenced ... to eight years in prison for starting a fire at a QuikTrip in Berkeley (a St. Louis suburb) after an officer-involved shooting there." The Dispatch apparently didn't think it important to tell readers that the crime spree which occurred after that shooting took place despite the fact that the suspect had pulled…

Nets Cheer 'Historic' NYT Gun Control Editorial; ‘Dramatic’ Front-Page

December 5th, 2015 11:03 PM
On Saturday, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC continued to prove why the liberal media loves congratulating itself for their so-called accomplishments as the morning and evening newscasts spent nearly four minutes (without teases) cheering the “historic” decision by The New York Times to publish a “dramatic” front-page editorial chiding gun rights advocates and pushing for massive…

Kelly Exposes Left's Double Standard on Placing Blame After Violence

December 1st, 2015 8:07 AM
In a thorough takedown of the left and the liberal media over their double standard in selectively assigning blame after mass shootings, the Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly dismantled on Monday night the arguments of abortion activists who have rushed to blame conservatives and the pro-life movement for supposedly causing the deadly shooting Friday at a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado.