Once Again, Networks Tout Obnoxious Liberal Editorial as 'News'

April 10th, 2016 2:07 PM
Just three days ago, CBS, NBC and CNN all found it newsworthy to wave around copies of the New York Daily News with its obnoxious “F U” cover insult directed toward Ted Cruz. On Sunday, the networks all decided to cover a sophomoric anti-Donald Trump parody from the Boston Globe, even though the slam is appearing more than five weeks after the Massachusetts GOP primary. Since December, liberal…

CNN Trumpets New York Daily News's 'F.U.' Headline at Ted Cruz

April 7th, 2016 4:40 PM
CNN's Alisyn Camerota repeatedly touted the New York Daily News's lowbrow anti-Ted Cruz headline on Thursday's New Day. The anchor first cracked, "Look at how helpful the Daily News is being, though, for Ted Cruz. They're giving him helpful subway directions about how to get out of the Bronx. They're suggesting that he 'take the F.U. train.'" Camerota then spotlighted it in a segment about the "…

NBC & CBS Tout NY Daily News Telling Cruz ‘F U’

April 7th, 2016 12:51 PM
On Thursday, both NBC’s Today and CBS This Morning eagerly seized on the left-wing New York Daily News hurling a vulgar insult at Ted Cruz as he kicked off his primary campaign in the Empire State. Employing a subway pun, the cover of the tabloid screamed: “Take the F U Train, Ted!”

CNBC's Kernen: ‘Out of Touch’ NY Daily News Is a ‘Rag,’ Not Worth $1

February 19th, 2016 2:32 PM
The Daily News’s provocative covers aren’t impressing everyone. Squawk Box co-host Joe Kernen slammed the newspaper on Feb. 19, 2016, calling it a “rag” and a “joke” whose papers weren’t even worth a dollar.

CNN Hypes New York Daily News's 'Dolt .45' Blast at Jeb Bush's Gun Pic

February 17th, 2016 5:25 PM
CNN's Athena Jones spotlighted the latest pro-gun control headline on the New York Daily News's front page during Wednesday's New Day. Jones, who was following Jeb Bush's campaign, noted that the former Florida governor was "getting some attention for a tweeted photo of a handgun engraved with his name. The caption: 'America.' The New York Daily News having some fun with that picture, with the…

Jake Tapper Criticizes Mocking Press Coverage of Trump

February 12th, 2016 2:22 PM
Some of the mocking press coverage of Donald Trump is so over the top that it is a surprise that there has been so little criticism of the absurd antics of such media outlets as the New York Daily News and the Huffington Post. Fortunately there is one bright light to counter this absurdity in the form of Jake Tapper of CNN. Tapper expressed his criticism in an interview published yesterday in The…

MRC's Bozell Calls NY Daily News Out for Insulting GOP Voters

February 10th, 2016 6:27 PM
Appearing on the February 10 edition of Fox Business Network's Risk & Reward, Media Research Center founder and president Brent Bozell blasted lefty tabloid papers like the New York Daily News for insulting Republican primary voters and engaging in a "campaign of character assassination."

NYT Hails Vulgar Left-Wing Turn of 'Newly Relevant' Rival NYDaily News

January 31st, 2016 10:07 AM
New York Times media reporter Jonathan Mahler indulged in a celebration of a rival paper, the New York Daily News, and its recent hard turn to the left, as shown in the tabloid’s spurt of vulgar anti-conservative headlines – like the one calling NRA president Wayne LaPierre a terrorist – that have gone viral on social media, in “Drop Dead? Not The Newly Relevant Daily News." Mahler took us inside…

Disgusting: NY Daily News Tells Cruz to ‘Drop Dead’ over NYC Remarks

January 15th, 2016 5:07 AM
Always desperate for attention, the far-left New York Daily News tabloid attempted to work itself back into the political discussion on Friday as the far-left outlet placed on its front-page a picture of the State of Liberty giving the middle finger with the headline: “DROP DEAD TED! Hey, Cruz: You don’t like NY values? Go back to Canada!”  

Despicable NY Daily News Headline Screams: GOP 'Party of Pro-Death'

January 6th, 2016 11:06 AM
In November and December, the New York Daily News characterized the NRA and its CEO Wayne LaPierre as a jihadists and terrorists. Now it has set its sights on Republican Party presidential candidates and leaders who are defending the plain, Supreme Court-upheld wording of the Constitution's Second Amendment and Congress's power to make laws over lawless presidential actions. Wednesday's NYDN…

NY Daily News Editor Offers Lame Defense for Inflammatory Front Pages

December 13th, 2015 8:08 PM
Look no further than the front page of the New York Daily News for the desperate state of newspapers today. Whereas the motto of broadsheet rival New York Times is "All The News That's Fit to Print," the motto of the Daily News has become "Hell, Whatever Sells Papers."  It's gotten to the point that CNN media critic Brian Stelter on today's Reliable Sources asked Daily News editor-in-chief Jim…

NB's Tim Graham Blasts Cartoonish Left-Wing N.Y. Daily News Covers

December 9th, 2015 8:23 PM
"I would call this newspaper sophomoric but it's an insult to sophomores," quipped NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham, reacting to the latest New York Daily News cover which depicts Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as having beheaded the Statue of Liberty. "They are just in such high dudgeon... they're much more against Donald Trump than they are against [San Bernardino…

ABC: Trump ‘Declared His Own Personal Jihad on American Values’

December 9th, 2015 3:56 PM
Whether one considers Donald Trump’s recent comments highly offensive or simply over-the-top, it’s clear that the networks have abandoned any attempt at objectivity. On Wednesday, Good Morning America’s Tom Llamas trumpeted the New York Daily News’s assault. Llamas described the front cover featuring Trump. The journalist cheered, “It shows Trump with a large sword. His victim? The Statue of…

Liberal Columnist: Christian Victim 'Just as Bigoted' as ISIS Shooters

December 7th, 2015 6:01 PM
Ever since the deadly shooting in San Bernardino, Calif., last Wednesday, several members of the media have tried to spread the blame from the “radicalized” Muslim couple who shot and killed more than a dozen people to other individuals who are “just as bigoted” as the murderers. One of those people in the media is columnist Linda Stasi of the New York Daily News, who wrote in a Dec. 6 article…