Albany Paper Focuses on Alleged GOP Support for Gay Marriage, Ignores

April 15th, 2009 5:47 PM
In case you weren’t sure, the Albany Times Union firmly supports the legalization of gay marriage in New York, and they don’t care if they have to skew facts to prove it.The front page headline itself screams of what the paper is trying to push: GOP Votes for Gay Marriage?The sub-headline reads:            Some GOP senators may break ranks to back a bill for same-sex marriage in New YorkAfter…

NY Times Finally Marks Anti-Spending Tea Party...With Merciless Mocker

April 7th, 2009 11:36 AM
Liberal double standards ahoy! The New York Times news pages have virtually ignored the grass-roots "tea party" protests held in various towns across the country opposing Obama's big-spending and supporting free markets. The paper has run not a single story on a protest, even when one happened in the paper's own backyard of Ridgefield, Conn.By contrast, a much smaller "bus tour" protest organized…

NY Times: OK to Defend American Taliban, But Defending Big Tobacco Ver

March 27th, 2009 3:11 PM
It's enlightening to see what topics New York Times editors find disturbing and newsworthy and which ones they shrug off or ignore.New York's new senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, is a Democrat who is nonetheless under strong suspicions at the liberal Times for her support of gun rights and her previous representation of a white conservative district. On Friday's front page, she came under fire via a…

Baracking - Too Cool For School

March 25th, 2009 2:43 AM
The Albany Times Union recently showed the breadth of their journalistic abilities by doing a head scratching piece on ‘Baracking' - a supposed new culture-changing form of slang.  Ah, so that's what the kids are calling it... Scott Waldman of the Union apparently suffered from what those in the business would call ‘a slow news day' this past weekend.  As such, he ran with a piece on two local…

The NY Times Plants Pro-ACORN Propaganda

February 18th, 2009 2:13 PM
New York Times metro-beat reporter Fernanda Santos seems to truly believe that the left-wing housing activist group ACORN is some bottom-up citizens organization conducting a new civil rights "resistance movement" against unfair foreclosures. That's judging by her credulous story, "A Bid to Link Arms Against Eviction -- Grass-Roots Effort Takes Shape To Support Families Facing Foreclosure." There…

AP Headline: Florida Infanticide Just a 'Badly Botched Abortion

February 5th, 2009 4:37 PM
Update (Feb. 9; 11:15 EST): Apparently the Buffalo News updated the story and the link I gave in my lede goes to a follow-up story. I wasn't able to find the exact article I was writing about, but here is a link to an updated story from Feb. 6 by Armario, entitled: "Botched abortion outrages pro-life, pro-choice factions." "Fla. doctor investigated in badly botched abortion," reads the headline…

Cartoonist Equates Democrats to Marines in Iwo Jima

January 30th, 2009 1:41 PM
In one of the more insulting comparisons seen in recent memory, Albany Times Union editorial cartoonist John de Rosier does a major disservice to the honorable men who served during the Battle of Iwo Jima, by depicting recent efforts of Democrats to pass a non-stimulating ‘economic stimulus plan' as equally heroic. The cartoon shows Democrats in the role of the Marines featured in the Iwo Jima…

Refreshing: NY Times Blogger Rejects Hipster Affection for Che Guevara

December 4th, 2008 1:22 PM
There was an interesting post Tuesday morning on the New York Times's "City Room" blog, "Che, or a Statue of an Actor Playing Che," about a statue of an actor playing Che Guevara recently installed in a corner of Central Park. David Gonzalez interviewed passerby delighted at the representation (once-removed) of Guevara, the colorful Communist thug romanticized among the benighted left and the…

Buffalo News Supporting Silencing of Righty Radio Talkers

November 11th, 2008 6:24 AM
Douglas Turner of the Buffalo News wants conservative radio talkers silenced. He calls them "virulent," "violent" and "coarse" and hopes that starting January 1 the "work of flushing" them will begin. Turner fills his little anti-free speech screed with claims and a few examples of how rotten he thinks righty talkers are and how they need to be shut down, yet can't seem to find a single cross…

NY Paper: July's Killing of Liberals in Tennessee Church is Rush Limba

August 14th, 2008 5:14 AM
Rush Limbaugh killed some church goers in Tennessee last July. That is the message from a columnist for a local New York newspaper chain. Now, I've listened to Rush Limbaugh many times. Because of my schedule, I cannot listen every day, so certainly I have not heard every word the man has ever uttered, but I am sure that you won't be able to find a time when he told people to go out…

In Rochester, Almost Half of 7th and 8th Graders Fail Exam -- Even Whe

July 27th, 2008 7:14 PM
Given how much grief charter schools and other creative initiatives get from the government-school establishment if they don't instantly turn at risk kids into Einsteins, along with the hounding of homeschoolers that seems to be on the rise, this story shouldn't be allowed to fall through the cracks, or remain confined to its local area. Last Sunday's Rochester Democrat and Chronicle story (HT…

AP's 'US Now Winning Iraq War' Analysis Getting Light Exposure

July 27th, 2008 10:16 AM
Robert Burns and Robert H. Reid created quite a stir in the blogosphere yesterday with their dispatch from Baghdad, "Analysis: US now winning Iraq war that seemed lost." NewsBusters colleague Noel Sheppard accurately called it a "stop the presses" story, and ended his post with an important perspective that you really must read if you haven't already. Now that the story has had one overnight news…

Albany Newspaper Yawns at Heroin Dealing Illegal Immigrant

July 15th, 2008 6:22 PM
Like any respected newspaper, the Albany Times Union wants to bring information regarding regional drug arrests to its readers.  So it's no surprise that they would cover a recent drug arrest stemming from a routine traffic stop.  And being on top of their game, the Times Union presented this news as a breaking story.What is surprising, however, is that the Albany newspaper has opted not to call…

Seven Protestors for MoveOn Get Coverage by Albany Paper

July 10th, 2008 2:55 PM
The call to arms is emotional: ‘We need a President who will stand up to Big Oil!’ The impact is nationwide: ‘National Day of Action for an Oil Free President… At gas stations across the country…’ The movement is massive: ‘American people need an Oil-Free President!’ And the Albany Times Union took a photo-op to demonstrate the fury of the numerous protestors – all 7 of them. Making the photo…