New Yorker’s Remnick: ‘Palin’s Career Would Be Eliminated’ If

February 9th, 2010 4:06 PM
On Tuesday’s Morning Joe on MSNBC, on the same show in which host Joe Scarborough had earlier complained about FNC’s Bill Sammon claiming that the media "hate" Sarah Palin, guest David Remnick of the New Yorker magazine -- formerly of the Washington Post--  declared that "Sarah Palin’s entire career would be eliminated" if Americans were influenced by seeing "preposterousness" on public display.…

WaPo's Kurtz Cops Out on Press's Failure to Follow Up on Enquirer's Ed

January 23rd, 2010 1:58 AM
In a Page C1 column in Friday's Washington Post about the National Enquirer's plans to apply for a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the John Edwards-Rielle Hunter affair and love child, Howard Kurtz delivers a completely inexcusable pass to his fellow alleged journalists in the establishment media (bold is mine, internal link is in original): When the Enquirer first reported in 2007 that…

O'Reilly Chides CBS Commentary Praising 'Certified Intellectual' Obama

January 6th, 2010 3:39 AM
On Monday’s The O’Reilly Factor, FNC host Bill O’Reilly seemed to pick up on a NewsBusters posting by the MRC’s Brent Baker which highlighted New Yorker magazine writer Rebecca Mead’s commentary from the January 3 CBS Sunday Morning in which Mead touted President Obama as a "certified intellectual," while accusing President Bush of giving terrorists a "partial victory" by creating "infringements…

New Yorker Writer Compares Glenn Beck to Lonesome Rhodes

November 23rd, 2009 9:35 AM
Um...Let me guess. Nancy Franklin is somewhat less than enamored with Glenn Beck. In fact, she downright hates and despises him as you can see in her New Yorker article. Ironically Franklin accuses Beck of spreading venom in her incredibly venomous story which concludes by comparing him to the character of Lonesome Rhodes in the excellent 1957 film, A Face in the Crowd. A few of the "love notes"…

Beck Rejects 'South Park' Criticism about Questioning Government Offic

November 16th, 2009 7:37 PM
Fox News' Glenn Beck isn't catching a break anywhere - from "Saturday Night Live," The New Yorker, Al Gore's Current TV and Comedy Central's "South Park." They have all taken shots at the popular TV host. On his Nov. 16 program, Beck responded to the "South Park" interpretation of him - that he wasn't making accusations, but phrasing them in the form of a question. The show's character Eric…

On War Policy, Comparisons to Lincoln Only Favorable for Democrats

November 12th, 2009 4:40 PM
On last night's "Rachel Maddow Show", the New Yorker's Seymour Hersh commended President Obama for taking the reins in Afghanistan. Hersh stated that Presidents must decide their own war strategies. But in the early stages of the war in Iraq, Hersh was a leading critic of similar actions by the Bush administration. Hersh's hypocrisy suggests he is more concerned with the political implications of…

Magazine Editors' Group Creates Award Category for Obama Covers

October 15th, 2009 11:53 AM
The Magazine Publishers of America's American Society of Magazine Editors has added a category to its annual magazine cover awards: Obama. This new category is the only ASME category focused on a single person, and highlights the reverential attitude for the President widely held in the magazine publishing community. ASME represents about 850 magazine editors nationwide. According to its…

New Yorker: Obama a Better Churchill than Churchill? (Or Bush

May 2nd, 2009 5:47 AM
Amy Davidson of the New Yorker should take up bowling or gardening because history doesn't seem to be her thang, if you will. In the aftermath of Barack Obama's own false historical reference of famed WWII era English Prime Minister Winston Churchill made during Wednesday's press conference, Davidson jumped to her keyboard to further garble history with an April 30 blog post on her Close Read…

The New Yorker: Obama Like Gandhi

February 17th, 2009 4:37 AM
We've seen the Obamacized media call President Obama Lincoln, we've heard him called FDR and Kennedy, we've been informed that he gives newsers a thrill up their leg. The media has even ridiculously called Barack Obama a "light worker." He is The One, their Obammessiah. Well, we can now add another undue adulation to the media's obsession of finding great figures to compare Obama to: Mahatma…

New Yorker Writer Finds Another 'Undecided Voter

October 15th, 2008 2:35 PM

Very Likable For a Knuckle-Dragger

September 9th, 2008 8:28 PM
As everyone knows, conservatives are a distinctly disagreeable bunch. Mean-spirited knuckle-draggers, pretty much.  It's therefore a shock to come across one who's actually likeable.  At least if you're Chris Matthews.Ryan Lizza of the New Yorker, a guest on this evening's Hardball, observed that the Obama campaign hasn't quite decided how to go after Sarah Palin.  The first line of attack was on…

Brokaw's Pauline Kael Moment

September 9th, 2008 8:35 AM
Tom Brokaw had his Pauline Kael moment on MSNBC this morning.  Though the story might be apocryphal, the late New Yorker film critic is famously credited with saying she was shocked by Nixon's 1972 victory, since everybody she knew had voted for McGovern.Here's Brokaw on today's "Morning Joe," discussing the importance of the upcoming debates.TOM BROKAW: Debates should be judged on two big counts…

Vanity Fair Cartoonist Cribs from Seattle P-I's Anti-McCain Cartoon

July 23rd, 2008 1:00 PM
Update below.Vanity Fair magazine thought it amusing to have artist Tim Bower work up a mock magazine cover that lampoons the now-infamous satirical depiction of Sen. Barack Obama as a Muslim and his wife as a gun-slinging leftist radical (h/t Marc Ambinder). In Bower's cartoon, McCain clutches a walker while his wife waits with vials of prescription medicine. A George W. Bush portrait hangs…

No Media Outrage Over Offensive Rolling Stone McCain Cartoon

July 20th, 2008 10:55 AM
You might think that a tidal wave of denunciation would ensue if a cartoon depicting John McCain being tortured in a bamboo cage by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and another person (who might be George W. Bush) were to appear in a supposedly respectable or trendy publication. You might further think that giving McCain's three torturers stereotypically exaggerated Asian features would only…