
Reckless Fake News Newsweek Tweet: 'Trump Supporters Booed John Glenn'

December 10th, 2016 6:30 PM
The unsolicited "Step away from your Twitter account" advice Donald Trump is constantly receiving needs to be turned around on certain members of the media. One such person would be Kurt Eichenwald at Newsweek — except, as will be seen later, the magazine apparently lets him intemperately and obsessively tweet at will. In claiming that Donald Trump's victory rally audience in Iowa began booing at…

Newsweek Describes Trump as 'Dear Leader' of White Supremacists

December 9th, 2016 4:12 PM
Six years ago, Newsweek sold for a grand total of one dollar. Many would say that amount was way overpriced and one big reason is the completely unprofessional sick smear job they are pulling on Donald Trump. An example is an article written by their culture writer Ryan Bort who makes no attempt to hide his Trump hate. Bort uses a timeline of very bad years to exhibit his Trump Derangement…

Newsweek: Slavishly Devoted 'Madam President' Outsourced, Not Reviewed

December 3rd, 2016 4:34 PM
Did you know that some Donald Trump supporters actively advocated for repealing the 19th Amendment which gave women the right to vote almost a century ago? Or that Hillary Clinton, who memorably characterized half of Trump's supporters as "a basket of deplorables ... racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it," really "went high" as "her opponent went even lower" during the…

Newsweek: Unused 'Hillary Wins' Items Similar to Apollo Failure Speech

November 30th, 2016 11:01 AM
On Tuesday, Zach Schonfeld, a senior writer for Newsweek, decided to mine what is "now a massive, unprecedented content graveyard of articles celebrating or analyzing Hillary Clinton's would-be historic victory," presenting "a small sampling ... of what the internet would have looked like on November 9 if Clinton beat Trump, as so many pundits forecast." It's mildly entertaining, but it comes…

Flashback: The Media’s Decades of Cheering Castro’s Communism

November 26th, 2016 9:10 AM
Fidel Castro’s communist regime executed hundreds of political opponents and drove tens of thousands more into exile; hundreds of dissidents today languish in Cuban prisons. Yet liberals in the U.S. media — who rightly condemned such abuses when perpetrated by dictators such as Chile’s Augusto Pinochet — inexplicably remain enchanted with Castro and his socialist revolution. For almost 30 years,…

Newsweek: 'Racist Voter Suppression' To Blame For Trump-Clinton Tie

November 4th, 2016 7:58 PM
Newsweek's Alexander Nazaryan wildly claimed in a Thursday post on Twitter that "racist voter suppression" was the root cause of the statistical tie between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in North Carolina, according to recent poll. The senior writer didn't explain what he specifically meant by his statement, but it could be a reference to a recent lawsuit filed by the NAACP that alleges that…

If Hillary Wins, Liberal Journalists Paved Her Path to the Presidency

November 1st, 2016 7:40 AM
The liberal media establishment has spent the past 25 years celebrating Clinton as an “icon of American womanhood,” while fiercely attacking those who would challenge her ethics. Far from impeding Hillary Clinton’s career with critical coverage, the establishment media have enabled her political rise with what amounts to a 25-year long infomercial on her behalf: admiring testimonials about her…

Hating Hillary’s Enemies in the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy

July 4th, 2016 8:52 AM
Over the next two weeks, NewsBusters will be documenting the media’s role in fueling Hillary Clinton’s political career by showering her with adoring press coverage while smearing her critics as sinister and sexist. Today, examples of reporters cheerfully echoing Hillary’s attempt to blame all of her and her husband’s scandals on a “vast right-wing conspiracy,” as opposed to the Clintons’ own…

Fact-Checking The Washington Post’s Callum Borchers

July 2nd, 2016 3:32 PM
So. Over at The Washington Post this week, I see that columnist Callum Borchers is upset with me. The reason, it seems, is that in an appearance on CNN’s Reliable Sources with Brian Stelter I had the audacity to say the following in a discussion about the current fashion of “fact checking” in the media.

A NewsBusters Special Report: Hillary Clinton’s Media Fan Club

June 29th, 2016 10:12 AM
The liberal media establishment has spent the past 25 years celebrating Clinton as an “icon of American woman-hood,” while fiercely attacking those who would challenge her ethics. Far from impeding Hillary Clinton’s career with hostile coverage, the establishment media have enabled her political rise with what amounts to a 25-year-long infomercial on her behalf: admiring testimonials about her…

Newsweek: ‘Has There Been Any President Cooler Than Obama?’

May 11th, 2016 5:31 PM
Journalistic love for Barack Obama certainly hasn’t gone away. Newsweek’s Twitter page on Tuesday hyped, “Has there been any president cooler than Obama?”  The magazine, which barely publishes these days, features contribution from a website called Quora. That article wondered, “OBAMA, THE FIRST POP CULTURE PRESIDENT?” 

Newsweek Fawns over Jerry Brown, Never Mind the Messes He'll Leave

April 19th, 2016 6:04 PM
Has Newsweek just admitted to something the rest of the press knows but won't acknowledge? In promoting its insufferably fawning portrayal of California Governor Jerry Brown, the weekly magazine tweeted that Brown is "arming California to meet an economic recession head-on." Recession? What recession?

Cincinnati Paper Plays Race Card in Lookback at Area Hit by 2001 Riots

April 12th, 2016 1:33 AM
Despite the decay of the left-dominated blue-city model during the past several decades, liberals and the press are not fans of many urban neighborhood improvement efforts. One recent example found at a national media outlet is at Newsweek, where on April 2, Alexander Nazaryan, in an item headlined "WHITE CITY: THE NEW URBAN BLIGHT IS RICH PEOPLE," wrote that "gentrification ... turns cities…

Newsweek Pontificates: Mississippi Christians Don't Know The Bible

April 11th, 2016 6:17 PM
Kurt Eichenwald deemed himself an authority on the Bible and Christianity in a Monday item for Newsweek, as he lectured Mississippi Christians on their new religious liberty law. Eichenwald blasted the "the rogues' parade of Bible-thumpers who know nothing about what the Bible actually says" in the state, and contended that orthodox Christian theologians had gotten it wrong about sexuality and…