Bob Schieffer Cues Up DNC Chairwoman: ‘Is Mitt Romney a Wimp

July 29th, 2012 3:12 PM
A left-wing writer for a liberal magazine wrote an article trying to undermine the Republican presidential candidate, a cover story which featured an insulting characterization. But instead of treating the attack as irrelevant, CBS’s Face the Nation decided to showcase it. “I just got a copy of the Newsweek cover that’s going to be hitting the newsstands tomorrow that calls you a ‘wimp,’”…

Newsweek Magazine, Which Mocked Obama's 'Dumb' Critics, to Cease Publi

July 27th, 2012 12:30 PM
According to an announcement on Wednesday, Newsweek magazine will "likely" go digital and switch to an online presence. Despite hemorrhaging money for years, the publication has been a steady voice of liberalism, both in the magazine and when contributors and editors appeared on  television. On June 9, 2009, managing editor Evan Thomas famously told Hardball anchor Chris Matthews: "[Barack]…

Failing Newsweek/Daily Beast Company Loses Funding From Rich Liberal F

July 24th, 2012 3:54 PM
The family of late billionaire Sidney Harman announced on Monday that it will no longer invest in the ailing Newsweek magazine and the online Daily Beast website, leaving the joint company under the control of Barry Diller's IAC/InterActiveCorp. According to a Reuters article by Peter Lauria, IAC said it will continue to subsidize Newsweek Daily Beast's operations, and as a result, its…

Ex-Newsweek's Wolffe Compares Romney Economics to 'Pre-9/11 Mindset

July 9th, 2012 12:49 AM
On Friday's The Ed Show, MSNBC analyst Richard Wolffe - formerly of Newsweek - compared Mitt Romney's economic plan to a "pre-9/11" mentality as he went along with substitute host Michael Eric Dyson's complaint that Republicans are being "clearly obstuctionist" against President Obama's economic agenda. Dyson asked the question:

Pro-Life Activist's Home Vandalized Following Newsweek Profile; Will M

July 2nd, 2012 6:02 PM
Last Wednesday, vandals smashed windows and spray-painted the home of Colorado pro-life activist Keith Mason, Newsweek/Daily Beast's Abigail Pesta noted in a July 2 post. Mason, a leader of the Personhood Movement which seeks to change the legal definition of human personhood to begin at conception, was profiled in a June 25 story at the magazine's website. From Pesta's July 2 story (emphases…

Back-Scratching Newsweek Honors Its Own Writers as 'Digital Disruptors

June 30th, 2012 10:27 AM
Perhaps only Tina Brown's Newsweek would be shameless enough to offer a cover story (in a double issue, no less) on "100 Most Powerful Digital Disruptors" and then plug their own writers. In the "Opinionists" category, Newsweek gave a "Lifetime" honor to Andrew Sullivan, who's written several glowing Obama cover stories this year, most recently the rainbow-halo tribute.  "His insightful,…

Increasingly Shrill Liberal Journalists Attack 'Legitimacy' of Supreme

June 25th, 2012 4:50 PM
As the ObamaCare decision looms large on the horizon, the Left is doing their best to defame the Supreme Court in anticipation of a defeat of the president's signature legislative accomplishment. In the past two days, liberal journalists Michael Tomasky and James Fallows have published histrionic tirades at their respective publications, the Daily Beast/Newsweek and The Atlantic.

James Pethokoukis Smacks Down Eleanor Clift: GOP Isn't 'Anti-Immigrati

June 23rd, 2012 11:20 AM
A common media deception is to accuse Republicans of being anti-immigration. When Newsweek's Eleanor Clift tried this on PBS's McLaughlin Group Friday, US News & World Report's James Pethokoukis quickly scolded, "They’re anti-illegal immigration. They’re not anti-immigration...That’s just wrong" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

MSNBC Panel Paints White Voters as Rejecting Democrats as 'Black Party

June 19th, 2012 7:06 AM
On Sunday's Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, as host Harris-Perry led a discussion of what the presidential candidates will need to do to appeal to white voters, panel member and CNBC contributor Keith Boykin asserted that Republicans have "carefully caricatured" the Democratic Party as the "party of black people," and suggested that Americans have been duped into believing that most federal…

Mort Zuckerman Smacks Down Eleanor Clift: 'I Know About Bain Capital S

June 16th, 2012 12:58 PM
U.S. News and World Report's Mort Zuckerman deliciously smacked down the perilously liberal and unwarrantedly arrogant Newsweek columnist Eleanor Clift on this weekend's edition of PBS's The McLaughlin Group. When Clift ignorantly said Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney didn't create jobs at Bain Capital, Zuckerman quickly dismissed her saying, "I’m not going to argue. I know about…

Eleanor Clift Shocker: 'Independent Voters Souring on Obama

June 15th, 2012 2:49 PM
This is quickly becoming Obama's summer of discontent. On Friday, the perilously liberal Newsweek columnist Eleanor Clift offered readers a shockingly dour piece about the state of the current White House resident's reelection campaign titled "In Focus Group, Independent Voters Souring on Obama":

Newsweek Headline: 'Is Barack Obama Too Weak to Win in November

June 5th, 2012 9:45 AM
It's becoming clearer with each passing day the Obama-loving media are now in a full-scale panic that the man they helped get elected in 2008 is in serious trouble to repeat that feat in 2012. Take for example Newsweek/Daily Beast which published a piece moments ago with the somewhat shocking headline, "Is Barack Obama Too Weak to Win in November?":

Chris Matthews: 'Can the President Make Mitt Romney Scary

June 3rd, 2012 1:49 PM
Chris Matthews must be really getting concerned that the man that gives him a thrill up his leg is in serious jeopardy of losing in November. On this weekend's syndicated Chris Matthews Show, the host asked his panel of perilously liberal journalists, "Can the president make Mitt Romney scary?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Remember When the National Media Despised Recall Elections? California

June 3rd, 2012 7:03 AM

As the national media's political attention turns again to a Wisconsin recall election ginned up by angry labor unions -- that's not counting Ed Schultz, who's never stopped obsessing about ousting Gov. Scott Walker -- it's easy to forget that the national media used to be on the other side of a recall election. In 2003 in California, it was liberal Gov. Gray Davis who was recalled, and…