Eleanor Clift & Clarence Page Can't Simply Admit U.S. Done More for Gl

April 8th, 2012 3:48 PM
John McLaughlin on the PBS show bearing his name asked his guests this weekend, "Has America done more to spread peace and prosperity than any other power in human history, yes or no?" The conservatives on the panel - syndicated columnist Pat Buchanan and the Washington Examiner's Tim Carney - were quick to say "Yes" as their liberal colleagues - Newsweek's Eleanor Clift and the Chicago…

Rick Warren Smacks Down ‘Disingenuous’ Media for ‘Bait and Switc

April 8th, 2012 2:48 PM
When ABC’s Jake Tapper held up Andrew’s Sullivan’s “Forget the Church, Follow Jesus” Newsweek cover story on how, as Tapper described Sullivan’s premise, “American Christianity is in a ‘crisis,’ it’s too focused on politics and policy, too little on spirituality,” Pastor Rick Warren took the opportunity to air “a little personal gripe.” He contended: “I think it’s disingenuous that…

Eleanor Clift Shocker: 'Romney Is in Better Shape Than Clinton in

April 8th, 2012 11:08 AM
Here's something you don't see every day from an Obama-loving media member. Newsweek's Eleanor Clift actually wrote Sunday, "Romney is in better shape than Bill Clinton in 1992, or Ronald Reagan in 1980."

Rich Historian Connects Titanic Tragedy to Modern Day Class Warfare

April 5th, 2012 3:27 PM
April 15 will mark the 100th anniversary of the sinking of RMS Titanic, that giant, gilded, floating city that struck an iceberg and rapidly sank, taking with it more than 1,500 lives. British historian Simon Schama wrote about that “Voyage of the Damned” for Newsweek’s April 8 edition. The article about “all walks of life” above Titanic is certainly worth the read, especially for those…

Newsweek Urges Sarandon to Trash Rush and 'Wacky GOP' After Slapping H

March 21st, 2012 6:34 AM
On March 7, Newsweek assistant culture editor Marlow Stern went after "right-wing actress" Patricia Heaton of ABC's "The Middle" in an article headlined "Patricia Heaton's History of Outbursts:Sandra Fluke No Anomaly."  He complained "right-wing actress Patricia Heaton unleashed a Twitter tirade against Fluke. But Heaton, best known for playing the caring, cerebral housewife Debra Barone on the…

Ex-Newsweek's Fineman Suggests Romney Should Have Said: 'Rush Limbaugh

March 11th, 2012 6:47 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's syndicated Chris Matthews Show, as the group discussed Rush Limbaugh's "slut" comment, the Huffington Post's Howard Fineman - also of MSNBC and formerly of Newsweek - asserted that Mitt Romney missed out on the "riskless opportunity" of having a "Sister Souljah moment" by not telling Limbaugh to "stuff it." Fineman:

John McLaughlin Asks 'Is the Press in Love With Obama?' Eleanor Clift

March 11th, 2012 5:05 PM
The host of PBS's McLaughlin Group asked his panelists this weekend, "Is the press in love with Obama?" Not surprisingly, all in attendance said "Yes" with the exception of Newsweek's Eleanor Clift who predictably protested, "No, they aren't" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Zuckerman Smacks Down Clift: 'That's Nonsense to Say Israelis Don't Th

March 11th, 2012 4:20 PM
Newsweek's Eleanor Clift got a bit of a tongue-lashing from US News and World Report's Mort Zuckerman on this weekend's McLaughlin Group. After Clift predictably praised President Obama's press conference last week, Zuckerman aggressively shot back, "That's nonsense to say the Israelis don't think through the consequences of war! That’s ridiculous!" (video follows with transcript and…

Savaging Santorum: The Top 10 Worst Anti-Santorum Quotes

February 24th, 2012 9:00 AM
Rick Santorum’s recent rise in the polls in the GOP primary has escalated the liberal media’s attacks on the former Pennsylvania Republican Senator, primarily on his socially conservative views. This is not surprising since journalists have admitted, in several surveys, to being far more liberal on social issues like abortion than even the general public. One such survey of journalists, from…

Rich Lowry Schools Eleanor Clift: This Is a 'Flat Out Tax and Spend Bi

February 18th, 2012 5:23 PM
Newsweek's Eleanor Clift on PBS's McLaughlin Group Friday voiced predictable praise for President Obama's just released budget claiming you can't "drastically cut a deficit before you invigorate the economy or you’re going to look at a lost decade." National Review's Rich Lowry quickly refuted this nonsense telling his progressive co-panelist, "This isn’t a Keynesian budget. It’s a flat out…

Chris Matthews Facepalms When Andrew Sullivan Claims Catholic Bishops

February 14th, 2012 6:59 PM
As NewsBusters reported Sunday, Andrew Sullivan in his most recent Newsweek column claimed, "Obama Set a Contraception Trap for the Right." Two days later when Sullivan, appearing on MSNBC's Hardball, flipflopped saying, "I think a lot of this was ginned up by the Bishops. They were the ones that set a trap for Obama," host Chris Matthews was seen on the screen doing a facepalm (video follows…

Newsweek: 'Put a Mitt In It

January 25th, 2012 11:25 AM
In a "Databeast" illustration in the January 30 magazine, Daily Beast/Newsweek's Ben Crair carps that Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney should "Put a Mitt in It!" Romney rarely loses his composure, unless you interrupt him. Then he insists he speak," Crair complains, citing 10 instances of his "outbursts." Oddly enough, an editor at the Daily Beast toned down the digital version's…

Notable Quotables: GOP Candidates Pandering to Black-Hating, Jim Crow

January 23rd, 2012 9:15 AM
You know liberals are desperate if they’re playing the race card so early in the 2012 campaign cycle. The latest edition of MRC’s Notable Quotables is now out, and this week’s collection was heavy with media quotes attacking both Republican voters and their presidential candidates as racist. Among the lowlights: NBC’s Ann Curry accusing Newt Gingrich of “intentionally playing the race card”…

Who's Dumb? Andrew Sullivan Says Tax ‘Revenues Currently Are At 50 Y

January 18th, 2012 11:23 PM
The more one listens to Newsweek’s Andrew Sullivan, the more one has to conclude that he either knows absolutely nothing about the economy or he’s lying through his teeth. Appearing on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 Wednesday evening, Sullivan actually said tax “revenues currently are at 50 year lows” (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):