Leftist ProPublica Questions Politico's Decision to Publish Cain Alleg

October 31st, 2011 7:12 PM
For those who don't know, ProPublica (bold is mine) "is an independent, non-profit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest. Our work focuses exclusively on truly important stories, stories with 'moral force.' We do this by producing journalism that shines a light on exploitation of the weak by the strong and on the failures of those with power to vindicate the…

Self-Loathing? Former Newsweek Reporter Denounces 'Mainstream Media' o

October 29th, 2011 7:32 AM
One of the most popular articles on the liberal website Slate right now is by former Newsweek legal reporter Dahlia Lithwick, denouncing the "mainstream media" which fail to understand the Occupy Wall Street movement. The article is titled "Occupy the No-Spin Zone." Lithwick speaks as a participant, since "I spent time this weekend at Occupy Wall Street and my husband spent much of last week…

MSNBC's Matthews: Personhood Amendment in Miss. Would Deprive Women of

October 27th, 2011 7:08 PM
MSNBC could easily change its acronym to MSNARAL given its concerted effort to attack a pro-life ballot measure that goes before Mississippi voters in 12 days. Hardball host Chris Matthews joined MSNBC colleagues Thomas Roberts and Tamron Hall today in featuring guests on their respective programs who blasted Initiative 26, an amendment to the state constitution that would confer legal…

Morning Joe: If Cain Were a Democrat Media Would Be 'Swooning Over' Hi

October 19th, 2011 10:21 AM
While their colleagues at MSNBC spend hours of airtime mercilessly bashing Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, the folks on Morning Joe took a different position Wednesday. Much to the surprise of this author, Joe Scarborough and Willie Geist claimed that if Cain were a Democrat, the media would be "swooning over" him just like they did Barack Obama (video follows with transcript…

Eleanor Clift: President Sent ObamaCare to Supreme Court Because He's

October 2nd, 2011 4:45 PM
Newsweek's Eleanor Clift made a rather shocking prediction on this weekend's "McLaughlin Group." "Obama’s justice department took the, asked for healthcare ruling from the Supreme Court because they’re nervous that they’re not going to be in office a year and a half from now" (video follows with commentary):

Media Mash: Attempts to Smear GOP as 'Bloodthirsty' and Newsweek Edito

September 30th, 2011 10:28 AM
In the weekly take-down of the liberal media on Fox News Channel's "Hannity" on Thursday, NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center President Brent Bozell condemned efforts to "demonize the Tea Party, to marginalize the Tea Party, to suggest that the Tea Party's extremist" simply because GOP debate audiences voiced support for the death penalty. [Audio available here] Following a clip…

Former Congresswoman Smacks Down Bill Maher for Calling Fox's Megyn Ke

September 24th, 2011 10:34 AM
Former Congresswoman Jane Harman called out Bill Maher Friday evening for saying Fox News's Megyn Kelly was a "blonde twink" who's "not bright." Appearing on HBO's "Real Time," Harman responded by noting that Maher had just minutes before discussed with author Ron Suskind the sexist treatment of women in the Obama White House, and then said, "I want to point out that the last time I was on…

Conservative Woman-hating Tina Brown Launches 'Women in the World Foun

September 13th, 2011 3:12 PM
Daily Beast/Newsweek editor-in-chief Tina Brown today announced the launch of the new Women in the World Foundation, which holds itself out as "a powerful, new initiative dedicated to highlighting and driving solutions for advancing women and girls" that "will serve as a resource to all who seek to learn about and engage on the issues facing women and girls." Sounds like a worthwhile venture…

Flashback 2007: Tim Russert and Chris Matthews Agree Social Security I

September 13th, 2011 11:03 AM
Whether or not Social Security is a Ponzi scheme was again a source of great discussion during Monday's Republican presidential debate, and it appears this is likely going to be a hot issue throughout this election cycle. What should be interesting to participants and pundits alike is that during the last presidential campaign, on November 5, 2007, the late Tim Russert, and Chris Matthews,…

Newsweek Ranks America's 'Horniest' Colleges

August 31st, 2011 10:01 AM
If you want to know the best universities and colleges in the country, you might turn to US News. But suppose you want to know the horniest. Well, for that you'd have to consult Newsweek. Say what you will about the pre-Daily Beast-merger Newsweek -- it was doubtless liberal and strongly slanted to the left -- but it never, to my knowledge, tried to muscle in on Playboy's turf and find the…

Newsweek's Tomasky: Huntsman a 'Narrow Thread of Hope' for GOP

August 23rd, 2011 12:12 PM
Newsweek's Michael Tomasky counts himself as one of many "impressed liberal[s]" who are heartened by Jon Huntsman's attacks on Rick Perry. Writing yesterday on the Daily Beast website, Tomasky suggested the former Utah governor was "a narrow thread of hope about the future" of the GOP dominated by both leaders and rank-and-file primary voters who are far from "reasonable." As such, Huntsman…

'Malice in Wonderland' Rewrite has Tea Party led by 'Mad Hatter' Bachm

August 23rd, 2011 10:57 AM
The left and its media allies have systematically reduced Tea Party members to caricatures, calling them everything from "bigots" to "racists" to "terrorists," hoping to make something stick. The latest installment is a rewrite of the famous story tale "Alice in Wonderland," in which their "Mad Hatter" leader is none other than GOP presidential contender Michele Bachmann. TBTM Media, the…

USA Today’s Neuharth Slams Newsweek as ‘Inaccurate and Unfair Left

August 19th, 2011 2:09 PM
Prompted by Newsweek’s Michele Bachmann cover picture choice, in his weekly Friday column, USA Today founder Al Neuharth, a pretty consistent liberal, recognized the magazine’s political agenda. “When Newsweek was owned by the Washington Post, it was predictably left-wing, but it was accurate,” Neuharth observed before slamming the new owner/editor who picked a picture to make Bachmann look…

Bozell Column: Fear and Loathing of Bachmann

August 16th, 2011 10:42 PM
In the last election cycle, we heard a lot of complaining about the sexist treatment accorded to Hillary Clinton as she campaigned for president. One magazine wrote, “It’s her resilience and capacity to survive and thrive against all comers that partly fuels the haters’ fury.” They even wrote “The anti-Hillary industry has never managed to bring down Hillary herself — in fact, the more they…