John Berman Harvey Risch New Day 8-3-20

CNN Anchor Rips Yale Prof Who Advocates Hydroxychloroquine

August 3rd, 2020 2:17 PM

In a lengthy, contentious, interview, CNN's John Berman attempts to discredit the assertion by Dr. Harvey Risch, a Yale professor of epidemiology, that hydroxychloroquine is effective in treating high-risk outpatients.

Newsweek Publishes Op-Ed Blasting Media Hate of Hydroxychloroquine

July 27th, 2020 10:19 AM

Something strange seems to be going on with Newsweek. Although few are still aware it even exists and even fewer actually read it, they sometimes publish stories that diverge drastically from its usual liberal orthodoxy. Perhaps they are willing to sometimes commit such heresy simply to draw attention. And in the case of their op-ed column by a Yale professor of epidemiology on…

Hallmark Holiday Films to Bow to LGBTQ 'Standards of Christmas’

July 22nd, 2020 9:00 AM

It’s Christmas in July for LGBTQ advocates with the news that the Hallmark Channel will feature queer themes in its holiday specials for the first time.


MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Not Pulling Ads from Tucker Carlson Tonight

June 15th, 2020 10:35 AM

In a country where corporate liberal pandering to violent mobs is the new trend in business, one CEO decided to stand on principle and go against the tide. MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has refused to join companies like T-Mobile in pulling advertising from Fox News’s Tucker Carlson Tonight following Carlson's rebuke of the leftist Black Lives Matter movement. Lindell told Newsweek:

CNBC Founder: Send Joe Biden to Weeks of Coherency Boot Camp

May 12th, 2020 10:51 PM
Although neither the words "incoherent" nor "not coherent" appear in a Monday Newsweek column by CNBC founder Tom Rogers, it is apparent that he is worried that the apparent Democrat presidential nominee, Joe Biden, lacks the coherency to defeat President Donald Trump in November. You can see Rogers' coherency fear about Biden right from the start in the column title, "WORDS MATTER. AND JOE BIDEN…

Report: Bloomberg Staff Laid Off After Told of Potential Exposure

March 23rd, 2020 6:43 PM
It looks as though liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg may have had other reasons why he was laying off his presidential campaign staff, and they could be interpreted as just downright cruel. Bloomberg had reportedly told NY-area campaign staffers “they had potentially been exposed to coronavirus” in an email last Thursday, before they were laid off the next day, Newsweek reported March 20. 

Cleveland's Kevin Love Shines Amid Corona Crisis

March 14th, 2020 10:00 AM
Are you crushed by the ultimate bracket buster, the cancellation of March Madness? Worried about the coronavirus and bummed out by all the news of infections, deaths, quarantines and the shutting down of sports? In need of a feel-good story on the sports pages in these trying times? Amid the crisis, Kevin Love is providing one.

NFL Superstar Thomas Says Voters Duped By MAGA

March 13th, 2020 10:00 AM
National Football League star Michael Thomas gets his news from the Left, and that was evident Wednesday night when he blasted President Donald Trump and his supporters. Thomas, a superstar receiver for the New Orleans Saints, echoed the leftist site Vox in criticizing the president's handling of the coronavirus.

San Antonio Coach: Trump Is a 'Coward' for Coronavirus Response

March 9th, 2020 10:00 AM
Trump-hating coach of the San Antonio Spurs Gregg Popovich blasted his favorite political target again Friday. This time his criticism concerned President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus, and for the second time he called the commander in chief a "coward."

Nike Donates $5 Million for Obama Public Library Park

January 16th, 2020 10:00 AM
In a meeting of "Hope and Change" and the Swoosh, Nike announced a $5 million donation to an athletic facility at the Obama Foundation's planned presidential center in Chicago. Nike's latest progressive effort aims to help create a place to inspire, learn and reflect in honor of the former president who "brought his love of hoops from the South Side of Chicago to the White House."

Newsweek Reporter Axed After Botched Story on Trump and Thanksgiving

December 3rd, 2019 11:05 AM
A political reporter for the liberal Newsweek magazine has been dismissed after producing an inaccurate article regarding President Trump’s activities on Thanksgiving Day, claiming that the GOP occupant of the White House intended to spend the holiday just “tweeting and golfing.” The item was posted before the President traveled to Afghanistan to visit the U.S. soldiers stationed there, and it…

Trump Compared to Nixon, Watergate for Attending LSU-Bama Game

November 9th, 2019 6:16 PM
Trump Derangement Syndrome and college football collided head-on in Tuscaloosa, Alabama this weekend over the president's attendance at the LSU-Alabama game. University of Alabama students claimed the "racist" president's visit put the student body at risk, while Newsweek compared Trump with Richard Nixon as presidents facing impeachment who both attended high-profile college football games.

Liberal Media, Trump Spar on Saturday Night's UFC Reception

November 4th, 2019 10:00 AM
Most media reports of President Donald Trump's attendance at a Saturday night UFC event at Madison Square Garden claim he was soundly booed, with some cheering. The president and his son called it a positive reaction, but Newsweek disputed their claims. A Vox story said videos taken from different places in the arena varied on the president's reception, and biased and fair reporting was evident…

Newsweek Conspiracy: 'Greta Thunberg Snubbed for Nobel Peace Prize'

October 12th, 2019 5:33 PM
Newsweek reporter Rosie McCall offered a conspiracy theory as to how a 16-year-old environmental activist somehow failed to win the Nobel Peace Prize this year: “Greta Thunberg Snubbed for Nobel Peace Prize by Committee Run by Norway, One of the World's Biggest Oil and Natural Gas Exporters.” This new theory comes courtesy of a magazine fresh off breaking the news that opening tanning salons in…