Editor Weisberg Diagnoses Bush with a 'Learning Disability

January 31st, 2008 4:16 PM Editor Jacob Weisberg can now add "medicine" to his list of expertise. Weisberg told an audience the awkwardness some claim Bush shows during speeches can be attributed to a learning disability. Weisberg linked it back to a pattern of dyslexia in the Bush family. "I agree with that," Weisberg said when presented the possibility that Bush has a "learning disability." "The other…

Newsweek Joins Media Chorus in Praise of John Edwards

January 31st, 2008 12:34 PM
In a January 30 Newsweek Web Exclusive, Matthew Philips added his voice to a chorus of mainstream media figures effusively eulogizing the failed candidacy of class warrior par excellence John Edwards.In, "Travels With John: Edwards ran hard, and he leaves a lasting mark on his party," Philips moved from his lament about Edwards long hours and non-stop campaigning...Some of us started wondering…

Newsweek Laments Bush's Tax Cut Push at State of the Union

January 29th, 2008 12:12 PM
"Uncivil Discourse: Bush pressures Dems to fall in line for his final year."That's how teases a Richard Wolffe Web Exclusive analysis of President George W. Bush's final State of the Union address. Wolffe lamented the bitter partisanship in Washington, noting that the Bush-Pelosi-Boehner agreement on an economic stimulus plan was "the rare exception" of "respect and cooperation" that…

Recession Skeptics – The Side Unheard in the Media

January 29th, 2008 9:18 AM
Recession stories have a lot in common with global warming stories - there are a lot of them and you hear only one side. And like global warming, recession is the subject of a Newsweek cover story, appearing on the front of the magazine's February 4 issue. The story, "The U.S. Economy Faces the Guillotine," written by Daniel Gross, takes a one-sided gloomy approach to reporting on the U.S.…

In Newsweek, Bush Aide Says GOP Suffers from 'Bolshevik Fervor

January 27th, 2008 12:02 AM

Newsweek Incredulous at Lieberman Backing McCain

January 25th, 2008 4:44 PM

Newsweek's Meacham: Media Bias Is Toward Conflict, Not Ideology

January 22nd, 2008 4:02 PM
Although a recent Sacred Heart University poll indicated 45.4 percent of respondents thought journalists and broadcasters are mostly or somewhat liberal - the bias isn't ideologically driven according to Newsweek editor Jon Meacham. Meacham appeared on Comedy Central's January 21 "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" and told viewers the media gear reporting toward conflict. "I absolutely…

Newsweek Headline: ‘Leading Democrats To Bill Clinton: Pipe Down

January 20th, 2008 8:33 PM
It has become infinitely clear that America's media are deeply concerned former President Bill Clinton's recent antics on the campaign trail threaten Hillary's chances of winning the White House.Not only was this subject addressed at length on the Sunday political talk shows, but also Newsweek's senior editor Jonathan Alter wrote an article Saturday amazingly titled "Leading Democrats To Bill…

Newsweek’s One-Sided, but Blunt Reporting: 'The Economy Sucks

January 16th, 2008 8:37 AM
The headline "The Economy Sucks" might be something you'd expect to see in Rolling Stone or on, but certainly not in a reputable news magazine, right? Yet, the January 21 issue of Newsweek defied expectations by using that for part of a headline for a one-sided, pro-Bill Clinton view of the economy. The article recalled the 1992 "It's the economy, stupid!" campaign as it tore down…

Newsweek CW Boosts Clinton, McCain, Slams GOP Base as 'Nativist

January 14th, 2008 11:05 AM

Newsweek Editor Equates Hillary's Spirituality With Abe Lincoln's

January 13th, 2008 10:54 PM

Top Clinton Adviser Arrested for Drunk Driving, Media Mum

January 12th, 2008 11:11 AM
Imagine if a longtime adviser for Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, or Fred Thompson had been arrested for drunk driving two nights before the New Hampshire primary. Do you think this would have gotten reported? Probably as much as Hillary's crying game, or even more, correct? Well, Newsweek's Stumper blog reported Friday evening that longtime Clinton adviser and…

Barack Oba-moderate

January 10th, 2008 6:45 AM
It's one of the great MSM rituals of presidential politics: the labeling of leading Dems as "moderates" or "centrists." Gail Collins honors the tradition in her New York Times column of today. Now it's true that Collins ostensibly speaks more of Obama's tone than of his politics. But, ultimately, as you'll see, she melds the two to portray a thoroughly moderate man. We'll do a reality check…

Newsweek's Alter Sees Women Voters Driven by Emotion, Pique at Males

January 9th, 2008 11:17 AM
Writing on Newsweek's Web site, Jonathan Alter offers up three "pop psych theories" as to why Hillary Clinton won in New Hampshire when the media establishment (Alter included) unanimously predicted an Obama victory. To Alter, the mystery is why women voters flocked to Hillary in such large numbers, and his theories range from the patronizing (discounting her First Lady "experience" as irrelevent…