Newsweek Shills For Smart Cars

September 19th, 2007 11:18 AM

Newsweek Proclaims Woman Is 'Approved' Catholic Priest

September 15th, 2007 3:02 AM
In keeping with the MSMs constant denigration of organized religion, Newseek has published a story proclaiming a female as an "approved" Catholic priest accepting the claims of rogue Catholic offshoot organizations over that of the official cannon of the real Catholic Church. Everything is relative to the MSM and their fellow nihilists, so the fact that the actual Catholic Church still doesn't…

Newsweek Columnist to GOP: Kill Your Base! Win Friends

August 31st, 2007 3:54 PM

Clift Frets Over 'Right-wing, Libertarian Refusal to Let Government Sp

August 28th, 2007 1:00 AM
Add Newsweek's Eleanor Clift to the list of journalists who ludicrously believe opposition to tax hikes has left the nation unable to repair infrastructure. On the McLaughlin Group over the weekend, she blamed crumbling infrastructure on how “now we have this tax-averse society, rallied by the Republicans, tax-averse where everything becomes sort of a right-wing, libertarian refusal to let…

Newsweek's Partisan Arts Honors: Best to Bill Clinton, Reno, Worst to

August 27th, 2007 11:27 PM

Newsweek's Hirsh Ignores 'Killing Fields' as He Mocks 'Harsh' Vietnam

August 26th, 2007 3:12 PM
In a “Web-exclusive” commentary posted Thursday, Newsweek Senior Editor Michael Hirsh ridiculed President George W. Bush's warning that a precipitous pull-out from Iraq could lead to the humanitarian horrors that followed the American pull-out from Vietnam. Recalling a trip he made to Vietnam in 1991, Hirsh reported that he found a nation looking to the West and capitalism, adding that “today…

Barnicle to WaPo, Newsweek Reporters: 'Regular People' Like Us Want Ch

August 20th, 2007 5:56 PM
Looking to sample the political opinions of regular Americans? What better cross-section than the denizens of MSM newsrooms! That seems to be Mike Barnicle's attitude, at least. The former Boston Globe columnist-turned-MSNBC contributor is guest-hosting for Chris Matthews on this afternoon's "Hardball."Chatting with guests Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post and Holly Bailey of Newsweek, talk…

Mark Steyn Shows Officials, Media in Denial About Newark Murders

August 19th, 2007 1:55 PM

NBC Nightly News Joins Newsweek in Smearing Global Warming 'Deniers

August 16th, 2007 3:10 AM
Only days after Newsweek was embarrassed when its own columnist, Robert Samuelson, excoriated the magazine for a “fundamentally misleading” and “highly contrived” cover story meant to defame the global warming “denial machine,” Wednesday's NBC Nightly News aired an equally distorted story which smeared “deniers,” a term no doubt meant to conjure a similarity to dishonorable Holocaust deniers.…

Newsweek Editor Calls Global Warming Cover Story ‘Fundamentally Misl

August 12th, 2007 1:25 AM
It appears hell hath frozen over, for a Newsweek contributing editor published an article Saturday extraordinarily critical of his magazine's cover story last week about "global-warming deniers" being funded by oil companies in an organized scam to thwart science. In fact, Robert J. Samuelson accurately noted how "self-righteous indignation can undermine good journalism," and that this…

Sci Am Worried Newsweek’s ‘Global Warming Is A Hoax*’ Headline i

August 8th, 2007 4:48 PM
I received an e-mail message from a global warming skeptic yesterday suggesting that Newsweek's disgraceful article about climate change "deniers" could backfire given the facetious headline "Global Warming Is A Hoax*" on the cover. The thinking was that since far more people would see the magazine at the newsstands than would actually buy it and read the article, a much larger number of people…

Are Gore and Newsweek’s Climate Change ‘Deniers’ Accusations Coo

August 8th, 2007 11:11 AM
As NewsBusters reported Sunday, Newsweek's current issue featured a cover story blasting anthropogenic global warming skeptics as "deniers," and pointing fingers at companies like ExxonMobil as participating in a coordinated misinformation campaign akin to the tobacco industry misleading citizens about the dangers of cigarette smoking. Shortly after this new issue hit the stands, Al Gore told a…

Chicago Tribune Religion Blogger: Is Just a Little Bit of Porn Okay

August 7th, 2007 11:23 AM

Senator’s Office Objects To Disgraceful Newsweek Global Warming Arti

August 6th, 2007 10:27 AM
As NewsBusters reported, Newsweek published an absolutely disgraceful cover-story Saturday calling manmade global warming skeptics "deniers" funded by oil companies and other special interests making them as bad as folks who misled people about the dangers of cigarette smoking. In fact, the article was so thoroughly offensive that it has received an angry response from Sen. James Inhofe's (R-…