Bob Mueller vs. Ken Starr: A Classic Media Double Standard

December 11th, 2017 8:00 AM
Liberal reporters are scandalized by what they say is President Trump’s effort to “discredit” and “undermine” special counsel Robert Mueller, worried that it could presage an attempt to “remove Mueller, or end his investigation.” But when President Bill Clinton was being investigated by Ken Starr, journalists applauded Democratic and White House attacks on the independent counsel, and frequently…

Newsweek Injects Bias, Distortion in Covering... Pence Family's Pets

December 9th, 2017 8:44 PM
At what little is left of Newsweek, reporter John Haltiwanger published a story on the unfortunate deaths of several pets in Vice President Mike Pence's family during the past two years. In doing so, he followed what has apparently become a rule in the establishment press during the Trump administration — "There shall be no puff pieces" — and put on a virtual clinic on how to maximize bias,…

Press Ignores Man Who Revealed 'Beyond Classified' Hillary Emails

December 3rd, 2017 5:43 PM
During the past week, most people who follow center-right news outlets and blogs became familiar with the name of Charles McCullough III. McCullough, the former Intel Community General Inspector who identified 22 "beyond classified" emails present on Hillary Clinton's home-brew server years after she had left her position as Obama administration Secretary of State, has appeared on several Fox…

Kaepernick Protests Thanksgiving Day with Native Americans

November 24th, 2017 6:45 PM
If he's smart with his time and his millions, ingrate Colin Kaepernick will never have to work or worry about money again. Rather than express gratitude yesterday for all he's been given, Kaepernick chose to attend the UnThanksgiving Day protest on Alcatraz Island to do what he does best: insult America.

Steyn, Concha Mock Loony Cases of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome'

November 22nd, 2017 1:01 PM
On Tuesday’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, fill-in host Mark Steyn and The Hill’s Joe Concha enjoyed themselves at the expense of the latest liberal media diatribes, showcasing new cases of the incurably stupid Trump Derangement Syndrome involving everything from the death of Charles Manson to the attack on Republican Senator Rand Paul (Ky.).

NYT Slimes: Charles Manson ‘Was a Harbinger of Today’s Far Right’

November 21st, 2017 11:34 AM
Never miss a chance to smear conservatives, even if that means somehow connecting the right to the murderous cult leader Charles Manson. That’s apparently the view of the New York Times and Newsweek. Both liberal outlets used Manson’s death to attack political enemies.

Newsweek Headline: ‘People Will Die If Trump Kills ObamaCare’

November 1st, 2017 9:41 AM

Hollywood will do anything to clutch onto the last shreds of the Obama administration. Just ask Alyssa Milano. Newsweek reported that actress Alyssa Milano, former HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and actor Bradley Whitford are out to sell Obamacare. Or as Newsweek puts it: “Get people signed up for insurance through, even as President Donald Trump tries to get Obamacare to…

A Brief History of the Media’s Never-Ending Demand for Higher Taxes

October 23rd, 2017 8:40 AM
On Friday, the Treasury Department reported that the federal government took in a record $3.315 trillion in revenue during the just-completed 2017 fiscal year. None of the broadcast networks bothered to mention the Treasury on any of their Friday evening or weekend broadcasts. Yet even as revenues have grown at an average of 14 percent annually since 1980, liberal journalists have spent that…

Alt-Left Insanity: Alleged News Organization Celebrates Orgy Sex Tips

October 21st, 2017 1:30 PM
I have a hate/hate relationship with BuzzFeed. On one hand, I think it posts a lot of useless garbage that I almost never find even the slightest bit interesting. On the other, it also produces strongly biased pseudo journalism, yet gets credentialed by the media because it’s left-wing. You’ll see BuzzFeed staff all over cable and quoted like it’s a respectable journalistic entity. 

Newsweek Callously Speculates Over Melania Dumping President Trump

October 19th, 2017 11:11 PM
On Thursday, Newsweek published an absolutely uncaring article speculating if First Lady Melania Trump will leave her husband aka President Trump. Writer Beatrice Dupuy's piece was enitled, “Is Melania Leaving President Trump? After Body Double Rumors, You Can Now Bet On It” and wrote that, using the Irish bookmaker Paddy Power, it's now “25 percent more likely" Melania will dump The Donald.

Newsweek: Taylor Swift Should Tell ‘NRA Supporting Radicals’ to ‘Stop'

October 19th, 2017 11:13 AM
To the liberal media, talking to conservatives is like speaking a foreign language. Even they admit it. Never fear, Newsweek has the solution to the liberal media’s issues with the NRA: Get Taylor Swift to talk to conservatives. Emily Gaudette wrote on October 18, “If Everytown [anti-gun non-profit organization] wants to force difficult conservations among those who oppose gun laws, they need to…

Two Newsweek Hit-Piece Headlines Claim Trump Talks to 'Hate Group'

October 15th, 2017 10:52 AM
Newsweek, whose home page of late devotes every square pixel to anti-Trump-pro-liberal articles, featured a Harriet Sinclair piece Thursday on President Trump’s then-upcoming speech to the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit. Or, as the magazine’s hit-piece of a headline called it, “Donald Trump To Speak At Hate Group's Annual Event, A First For A President.” Seriously? (Newsweek ran a…

NY Times Announces Addition of First ‘Gender Editor’ to Its Staff

October 11th, 2017 6:27 PM
Here’s another entry for the “Just When You Thought You’d Seen It All Department.” On Tuesday, The New York Times proclaimed that the newspaper had hired a “gender editor” whose task is to “re-imagine the news through an inter-sectional lens.” Jessica Bennett, a former editor for Newsweek magazine and author of Feminist Fight Club: A Survival Manual for a Sexist Workplace, was motivated to apply…

Newsweek Desperately Promotes Validity of 'Golden Showers' Dossier

October 7th, 2017 11:11 PM
After months and months of investigation, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team of investigators have nothing to show for their manic search for a crime. Therefore the news this past week that members of Mueller's team interviewed the author of the "Golden Showers" dossier have given much of the mainstream media some slight hope that maybe, just maybe, something in that document can finally…