Liberal Media Suddenly Love Republican-Loathing George Will
Washington Post columnist George Will is just another pseudo-conservative pundit in the Bezos bubble, like Jennifer Rubin. Liberal outlets like CNN and NPR delighted in his column recommended Senate Republicans "must be routed" in November for their "Vichyite collaboration" with the apparent Nazi president of the United States. He also compared them to affection-starved dogs. What a…
NPR Media Reporter Hails $4.7M Donation to NPR from Major DNC Donor
Public Radio 'News' Man: GOP, Inject Your Lungs 'With a Bullet'
Some liberals keep ruining the idea that public radio is an oasis of civility and nonpartisanship. Take Bob Collins, a longtime political editor at Minnesota Public Radio. Anthony Gockowski of the Minnesota Sun site pointed out some Twitter savagery from Collins (account name @MyLittleBloggie). Many tweets are just the usual Democrat hack stuff -- Trump should resign, his supporters are rats.…