Palm Beach Post

Palm Beach Post Columnist Defends Political Smear Story About Parents
January 20th, 2011 8:57 PM
Palm Beach Post columnist Jose Lambiet (photo) is so desperate to defend the indefensible that he is now basically telling his readers that what they saw they didn't see. In this case, Lambiet is claiming that his column wasn't political even though that is exactly what it was from playing the class resentment card against the parents of neurosurgeon Michael Lemole who treated Represenstative…

Palm Beach Post Columnist Slams Parents of Rep. Giffords Doctor for Su
January 19th, 2011 10:16 PM
Michael Lemole is a neurosurgeon who has been treating Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. However, that noble work wasn't enough to keep Palm Beach Post Page 2 Live columnist Jose Lambiet (photo) from dragging his parents through the mud for the "high crime" of supporting Tea Party candidates. Somehow Lambiet thinks it ironic that while the son has worked to save the life of Giffords, his parents are…
Palm Beach Post Misses Own Charlie Crist 'Pinocchio Moment' Scoop
October 4th, 2010 12:01 PM
Updated with correction below.How embarrassing is it when a senatorial candidate sits down with your own editorial board and issues a statement so absurdly mendacious that the video clip of the "Pinocchio moment" becomes a big hit in the blogosphere yet your own story about the interview completely misses it? Such was the case with the Palm Beach Post. Charlie Crist sat down for an hour long…
Crickets Chirp at Palm Beach Post Over Student Conservative Club Kicke
September 16th, 2010 8:38 AM
EEK!There is a conservative student group at our sacred campus club rush. Remove them immediately!Such was the attitude of Palm Beach State College administrator Olivia Ford-Morris at the sight of a Young Americans for Freedom table. You can see and hear the extreme urgency in the attitude and voice of Ms Ford-Morris accompanied by campus security guards in this video as she demands the students…
Publisher Suggests Fake Happy Face Response to Grim Newspaper Cutbacks
November 22nd, 2009 9:46 AM
Pick out a pleasant outlook,Stick out that noble chin;Wipe off that "full of doubt" look,Slap on a happy grin!And spread sunshine all over the place,Just put on a happy face!Put on a happy facePut on a happy face!It is a scene that has been played out quite a bit recently. A newspaper publisher delivers a grim announcement of yet more employee cutbacks in the newsroom. So how should the remaining…
SF Chron Paints McCain as Bad for Women
June 20th, 2008 4:21 PM
San Francisco Chronicle’s Carla Marinucci dutifully dusted off the same liberal talking points we hear every four years about Republican nominees: the women in their own party hate them. In her front page article, Marinucci found no conservative Republican women to defend McCain or critique him from the right, but she found three Republican, including Obama backer Susan Eisenhower, and two…
Fla. Paper: Americans Want Out of USA, But NO Proof Offered
June 9th, 2008 2:53 PM
This is the sort of report that immediately gets my BS detector up. A recent Palm Beach [Fla.] Post story is trying to claim that Americans are running to Europe to claim dual citizenship because the U.S. is so horrible for everyone here. Yet, even as the story is making the claim that more Americans are fleeing this country for Europe, it offers no statistics to prove it. And the Post even…
Newspapers Fail to Recognize Liberal Leanings of Families USA
March 27th, 2008 12:41 PM
From windy Washington, D.C., to sunny Palm Beach, Florida, the liberal print media are refusing to note the liberal bent of an interest group vocal in the health care debate. The March 26 edition of the Palm Beach Post -- a broadsheet notorious to conservatives for its unbalanced treatment of Rush Limbaugh -- featured not one but two articles which pushed government-run universal health care…
Palm Beach Post: Using Global Warming Activist's Press Release as News
August 6th, 2007 2:39 AM
The Palm Beach Post was caught in a bit of deception by one of its readers over the weekend. At issue was another globaloney alarmist story the paper printed on July 25th, titled "This century hotter than last, group finds," supposedly by Post writer Dara Kam. Unfortunately for the reputation of Dara Kam and that of the paper, this "article" was merely a rewording of the press release of an…