Predictably, PolitiFact NJ Rates ‘Millions Will Die’ Ad as ‘True

August 13th, 2013 2:16 PM
Planet earth has been getting cooler, not warmer in the past few years. That’s an objective fact that PolitFact New Jersey omitted in its duplicitous July 22nd “Truth-O-Meter” article giving cover to Rep. Rush Holt’s (D-N.J.) alarmist statements on global warming. Holt is challenging Newark City Mayor Corey Booker in today’s N.J. Democratic primary. In a campaign ad, Holt claimed “millions will…

Tampa Bay Times Slams Michelle Bachmann For ‘Lying’ According To L

May 30th, 2013 11:19 AM
On Wednesday May 29, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) announced that she will not seek reelection to Congress in 2014, and ever since the liberal media has had a field day mocking her political career. It appears the latest example of Bachmann-trashing has come from the Tampa Bay Times, which runs the liberally-skewed PolitiFact website, for having problems with their “Truth-O-Meter.” In a piece…

Gay Rights Kommissar Rachel Maddow Wants Legal Action Against PolitiFa

May 8th, 2013 3:52 PM
For sheer entertainment on MSNBC, few things rival the spectacle of its marquee host, Rachel Maddow, in the throes of high dudgeon. There she was again last night, the full shtick, wide eyed, arms waving, sentences ending with exclamation points, the fact checkers at PolitiFact the target of her wrath. (Video after page break)

Pants on Fire? Despite Media Outcry, Romney's 'Lie of the Year' Was Tr

January 18th, 2013 6:21 PM
It turns out that the Romney campaign was right to claim that Fiat, who owns Chrysler, would be making Jeeps in China instead of America, even though the media disparaged that case at the time with PolitiFact going so far as to declare the ad "Lie of the Year." According to PolitiFact, the campaign falsely implied the jobs would be outsourced, among other claims. As Reuters reported yesterday…

Self-Proclaimed Media ‘Fact Checking’ Site Clearly Favors Democrat

October 3rd, 2012 11:14 AM
As their circulation numbers continue to decline, the self-described mainstream media has errected a new idol for Americans to worship: so-called “fact checking” websites which ostensibly exist to vet claims from all sides about political disputes. A review of one such site, PolitiFact Ohio -- an arm of Cleveland's Plain Dealer -- shows that the supposedly non-partisan fact-checkers there have a…

Desperate Media Scramble to Call Paul Ryan a Liar Ignores the Facts

August 31st, 2012 4:00 PM
Immediately after Paul Ryan concluded his acceptance speech for the Republican Party's vice presidential nomination on Wednesday, the media sought ways to tear down the Wisconsin Congressman's indictment of the failures of the Obama administration. In particular, networks and newspapers attempted to knock down Ryan's accurate claim that President Obama promised to keep open a GM plant that closed…

NBC 'Reality Check': 'Effective' Obama Ad Paints Romney as 'Mr. Burns

August 22nd, 2012 9:52 AM
In what co-host Matt Lauer billed as a campaign ad "reality check" on Tuesday's NBC Today, a Romney ad criticizing the Obama administration for gutting Welfare reform was dismissed as ineffective, "too complicated" and "Pants on Fire" false. Meanwhile, an Obama ad slamming Romney over taxes was praised for making Romney look like a cross between wealthy Simpson's villain "Mr. Burns" and an "evil…

ATR Responds to Politifact's Critique of Their Olympic Tax Analysis

August 2nd, 2012 10:19 PM
Yesterday, the Tampa Bay Times's Politifact unit assigned a "mostly false" label to a July 31 blog post by Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) which argued that American athletes winning medals in the London Olympic Games would pay hefty taxes as a result of their success. For example, a gold medal winner could pay up to nearly $9,000 for each gold medal victory. Today, ATR Tax Policy Director Ryan…