Salon: States That Most Strictly Regulate Abortion Are ‘Most Dangero

July 11th, 2013 12:38 PM published an article last Friday entitled “The 10 Most Dangerous Places To Be A Woman In America.” Naturally, the ten places were the states with the strictest abortion regulations in the country. The article, written by Katie McDonough, was chock-full of pro-abortion rights language, starting with the opening sentence: “Lately, the preferred strategy for reproductive rights…

Joan Walsh: ‘Obama Got the Last Laugh’ When People Died During Sup

June 25th, 2013 6:49 PM
There are times when I can’t believe liberal media members are in any way part of the United States of America. On MSNBC’s Hardball Tuesday, Salon’s Joan Walsh actually said “Obama got the last laugh” when people died as a result of Superstorm Sandy because it rebuffed something Mitt Romney said about the President at last year’s Republican National Convention (video follows with transcript…

MSNBC Panel Sees 'Misogyny' and 'Villainous Rhetoric' in Abortion Oppo

June 24th, 2013 5:14 PM
On Saturday's Melissa Harris-Perry show, host Harris-Perry called the rhetoric from abortion opponents "villainous" as she fretted over Tennessee Republican Representative Marsha Blackburn being a woman who is pushing a House bill banning abortion. And panel members Irin Carmon of and Aisha Moodie-Mills of the left-wing Center for American Progress both saw "misgyny" in the measure…

Howler of the Day at Salon: Fox News 'Has Become a Stable for Journali

June 22nd, 2013 11:55 PM
Before taking a series of cheap shots at Howard Kurtz, the former Daily Beast Washington bureau chief and CNN "Reliable Sources" host who has moved to Fox News to host its "Fox News Watch" program, Salon political reporter Alex Seitz-Wald characterized Kurtz's new employer as "a stable for journalists who have fallen on hard times." In related news, the New York Yankees and the Miami Heat,…

MSNBC's Craig Melvin Slams Pro-life Congresswoman Over Abortion Bill

June 18th, 2013 6:24 PM
Craig Melvin typified MSNBC’s stance on abortion Tuesday morning. Filling in for Thomas Roberts as the anchor of MSNBC Live, Melvin conducted a rabid attack-dog interview with Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) about an abortion bill before the House of Representatives that would ban abortion after 20 weeks with a few exceptions, such as rape and incest. Minutes later, Melvin brought on hard-left…

MSNBC Panel Agrees: Republicans 'Don't Care About' Individuals Struggl

June 12th, 2013 9:16 AM
The pundits over at MSNBC have it all figured out: Republicans don’t care about the millions struggling in the Obama economy. At least that was what a left-wing panel on Sunday’s The Ed Show decided, with Salon’s Joan Walsh declaring that Republicans “don’t care” about people who have lost their jobs. Walsh’s ridiculous comments came after guest host Joy Reid preposterously worried that the…

HuffPo Helps Woman Scapegoat Abstinence for Bad Marriage

June 4th, 2013 11:53 AM
“Just do it” before you say I do, HuffPo Live suggested when interviewing Jessica Ciencin Henriquez last week. Bashing programs that promote abstinence until marriage, author Henriquez attempted to blame her bad marriage on the fact that she stayed a virgin until the wedding. HuffPo Live host Marc Lamont Hill was all support for Henriquez’ blame-game: “As the saying goes, you wouldn’t buy a…

Salon Slams Disney for No Gay Characters

June 3rd, 2013 2:47 PM
Get with the times and be gay, urged Disney on Saturday. The liberal site ran Renee Davidson’s piece “Why are there no gay Disney characters?” which ominously warned  that if Disney doesn’t start pushing LGBT imagery, then Mickey Mouse and his pals run the risk of going out of date. "The animation giant has never featured an openly gay character in any of its multimillion dollar…

Media Incorrectly Claim Pope Gave Atheists Pass Into Heaven

May 23rd, 2013 4:11 PM
Pope Francis made waves on Wednesday when he said that atheists can do good; but some media headlines jumped on the chance to portray the new pontiff as bucking Church teaching.  Preaching on Christ’s words that “Whoever is not against us is for us,” Pope Francis emphasized that Christ died to redeem all men, “even atheists,” and insisted we can’t assume non-believers cannot do good.  Such… Story Lamely Claims 'Gross Exaggeration' In MRC Research on

April 27th, 2013 6:19 PM
Sometimes, the left simply can’t argue against hard facts. In a book excerpt warning of the “resurgent right” on, leftist Lee Fang accused Brent Bozell of “gross exaggeration” in describing media apathy on Obama scandals.   Fang reported that in a speech at the Council for National Policy in February 2009, Bozell claimed by the time the national networks ran "a single story on…

Salon’s Joan Walsh: Bush’s Poll Numbers Are Up Because…Obama’s

April 24th, 2013 4:18 PM
There are times when I’d really like to see a liberal brain next to a conservative brain to see if there really is a physiological difference. Consider Salon’s Joan Walsh who on MSNBC’s The Cycle Wednesday actually said the reason former President George Bush’s poll numbers are up is because President Obama is doing such a good job (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Sirota: Did Some Americans Want Bombers to be Muslim to Get ‘Bigoted

April 21st, 2013 5:20 PM
Salon contributor and syndicated columnist David Sirota really seems to despise many of his fellow countrymen. In a piece he published Sunday, Sirota actually asked regarding the Boston Marathon bombing, “Could it be that some Americans actually want to see the kind of bigoted, violent, civil-liberties-trampling reaction we tend to see when terrorism suspects end up being Muslim?”

Salon's Sirota Hits Conservatives Who 'Suddenly Pretend They Care Abou

April 20th, 2013 10:36 AM
Salon's David Sirota, who on Tuesday wrote a column called "Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American" and doubled down on Wednesday with "I still hope the bomber is a white American" (respectively noted by Noel Sheppard at NewsBusters here and here), has predictably continued his incoherent rants. In a subsequent column, he wrote about how the "Boston aftermath brings out…

Actual Salon Headline: 'I Still Hope the Bomber Is a White American

April 17th, 2013 5:15 PM
As NewsBusters reported earlier, unabashedly liberal commentator David Sirota published an article at Salon Tuesday with the disgusting title, "Let’s Hope the Boston Marathon Bomber Is a White American." As a result of all the negative attention he's gotten due to this piece, rather than doing the right thing by apologizing, Sirota on Wednesday actually doubled down with a new article titled…