Camille Paglia Calls Katie Couric 'Definitively the Stupidest' Journal

January 14th, 2009 11:23 AM
Salon's Camille Paglia believes that of all the print and television journalists that have ever interviewed her, CBS's Katie Couric was "definitively the stupidest."According to Paglia, "There's many a moose in Alaska with greater charm and pizazz" than that possessed by Couric. So wrote the outspoken columnist Wednesday in response to a reader's question about the media's treatment of Gov. Sarah…

Salon Claims Obama's Big Gov't Spending Promise is 'Economic Growth

December 12th, 2008 5:04 AM
The first two paragraphs of a recent Salon Magazine piece by Michael Lind on Obama's plans for America's future are striking for the utter lack of any relationship whatsoever between them. The lack of cognitive dissonance between them is amazing but easily proves that liberals don't have the first idea what an economy is. This Salon piece is proof once again of the stark difference between…

Hitchens and Walsh Battle Over Secretary of State Clinton

December 2nd, 2008 1:24 PM
Vanity Fair's Christopher Hitchens and Salon's Joan Walsh squared off Monday evening on MSNBC's "Hardball," and things deliciously got personal.The topic on host Chris Matthews' mind was president-elect Barack Obama's choice for Secretary of State.Hitchens was none too pleased with the nomination of Hillary Clinton for this position, while Walsh defended Obama's decision with all her soul.With…

Salon Publishes Piece About Michelle Obama's Butt

November 18th, 2008 11:04 AM
I guess if you live long enough, you'll see everything, for this morning the e-zine known as Salon actually published an article about Michelle Obama's butt.No, sadly, I'm not kidding.Entitled "First Lady Got Back," the piece actually praised, and discussed in great detail, Mrs. Obama's posterior. As some readers might find this subject a tad offensive, the lowlights are conspicuously placed…

Camille Paglia Attacks Media's 'Sadomasochistic, Anti-Palin Orgy

November 12th, 2008 10:57 AM
As press members on both sides of the aisle continue their feeding frenzy on Sarah Palin, it seems almost poetic that a liberal, lesbian feminist would be staunchly coming to her defense while aggressively criticizing the media's treatment of her as well as their absurd disinterest in some of the scandals surrounding Barack Obama.Yet, once again, Camille Paglia is doing exactly that with a Salon…

Palin, Jesus and Witches

October 29th, 2008 6:16 PM
Seven days before America elects a new leadership team, Newsweek is making a last-ditch attempt to portray GOP vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin as a religious nut.In her article "Jesus and Witches," Newsweek Religion Editor Lisa Miller suggests Palin believes in witchcraft, thinks the world is coming to a fiery end in her lifetime, and may have a "special sense of destiny" fueled by her "…

PBS Ombudsman Raps Anti-Palin Wisecrack

September 19th, 2008 9:33 PM
On PBS's Web site today, ombudsman Michael Getler writes of complaints over an incident during last Sunday's pledge drive.  He describes the cheap shot taken by actor Mike Farrell against vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin:According to Joseph Campbell, vice president of fundraising programs, here's what happened:

Salon: Palin Church One of the Most Extreme, But Jeremiah Wright Not

September 10th, 2008 11:41 PM
File this one under ‘Are you serious?' Salon writer Sarah Posner offers a scathing commentary on Sarah Palin's former church, the Wasilla Assembly of God.  In fact, the sub-title itself spells out her opinion in plain language. The church where Sarah Palin grew up and was baptized preaches some of the most extreme religious views in the nation. Yet it was only a few months ago that Posner ran…

CNN's Chetry: 'Please Tell Me It's Not Lipstick Again

September 10th, 2008 11:40 PM
 On CNN's American Morning today, White House correspondent Suzanne Malveaux reported on Barack Obama's campaigning in Virginia.  Afterwards, anchor Kiran Chetry had a question:CHETRY: All right. And Suzanne, what's on tap for the campaign today? And please tell me it's not lipstick again.MALVEAUX: Let's hope not. He's going to be in Norfolk, Virginia. That is in southeast Virginia, and it's home…

Paglia: Palin Represents New Style of Muscular American Feminism

September 9th, 2008 11:51 PM
Last week at the Republican National Convention, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich told NewsBusters that if Sarah Palin becomes vice president, she will have "delegitimized the entire left's ability to define what a successful, competent, professional woman is." On Wednesday, feminist author and social critic Camille Paglia published an article at Salon wherein she not only seemed to…

Democrats Using MoveOn Slogans – Why Hasn’t the MSM Noticed

August 17th, 2008 1:04 PM
How entwined is the Democratic Party with the nutroots nation? It would seem that they are now getting their campaign slogans directly from them. Despite their efforts to pretend that they have nothing to do with such radical organizations as (one only need look so far as the Petraeus ads), the Dem's do indeed appear to be getting their talking points and campaign ideas from…

CNN's Yellin: Edwards Story Unimportant -- He Wasn't a Contender

August 10th, 2008 2:06 PM
Now that the National Enquirer has been vindicated for revealing John Edwards' affair last October, liberals in the media are having to explain why they ignored this story for many months.Some truly extraordinary hypocrisy was onstage for all to see Sunday when Howard Kurtz invited CNN's Jessica Yellin and Salon's Joan Walsh on "Reliable Sources" to discuss why the press boycotted the Edwards…

Liberals and Profanity, a Perfect Match

August 7th, 2008 3:08 PM
Profanity, those taboo words banned from the broadcast airwaves, is a feature of many people's daily lives. It's much less so in the establishment media world. TV and radio broadcasts are legally prohibited from using it, most newspapers have traditionally refrained from its usage. That's not the case with the Web, where bloggers and readers face no such restrictions. That likely comes as no…

Even Salon Says: McClellan Looking 'Worse for Wear

July 29th, 2008 8:58 PM
Q. How can Scott McClellan tell he's pushed his turncoat trip a tad too far?A. When even leading media liberals suggest his reputation's in tatters.Say what you will, but I like Joan Walsh, editor of  Liberal? No doubt.  But also a grownup.  On this evening's Hardball, Walsh had the integrity to acknowledge that by accusing Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly of regurgitating Bush White…