
Video: Great Moments in Celebrity Mueller-Love

March 25th, 2019 3:42 PM
There’s no two ways about it: Robert Mueller is a heartbreaker. He led the Democrats, the media and Hollywood on for two years, loving them and leaving them with “No Collusion.” To Hollywood lefties, there’s nothing for it but sobbing into a pint of Haagen-Daaz. Hopefully, it’s Chocolate Chip Crow flavored.

Video Venom: 40 TV Shows Slam ‘A**hole’ Trump, Praise ‘Communism'

March 13th, 2019 11:09 AM
Entertainment media continue to wage war on President Donald Trump and conservatives, with major networks, cable TV, and streaming services hurling insults and ignorant opinions at every opportunity. In February alone, at least 40 separate entertainment programs attacked conservative values and/or President Donald Trump while promoting a hardcore progressive agenda.  

Kurtz Hits Media Hypocrisy on Liberal TV Stars Wearing Blackface

February 24th, 2019 3:10 PM
On Sunday's MediaBuzz show on Fox News Channel, host Howard Kurtz gave a commentary in which he highlighted recent media double standards on the issue of whites wearing blackface, including the firing of Megyn Kelly from NBC's Today show simply for mildly defending the practice, when several prominent liberals affiliated with NBC and in other places have openly done routines in blackface in the…

Alec Baldwin Goes Full Snowflake: Trump Tweet ‘A Threat to My Safety?’

February 18th, 2019 12:28 PM
Alec Baldwin sure knows a thing or two about the feeling of being threatened. He’s seen it multiple times, both in the eyes of the man he punched in a parking squabble, and in the fearful faces of the paparazzi he’s been recorded bellowing at. But now Baldwin expects the world to believe he’s the snowflake after Donald Trump criticized his Trump impression on SNL, wondering whether the “…

33 TV Shows in Jan. Slam ‘Terrorist’ Trump, Praise Abortion

February 11th, 2019 11:30 AM
Entertainment TV is far worse than news when it comes to progressive bias and hatred for conservative people and views. A cross section of nightly programming on major networks, cable TV or popular streaming services is loaded with anti-conservative, anti-Trump propaganda. January features at least 33 separate entertainment programs that attack conservative values and/or President Donald Trump…

Barf: 'SNL' Promotes Liberal Democrat Women as Heroic Crime Fighters!

February 10th, 2019 2:42 PM
Many conservatives and Republicans have stopped watching Saturday Night Live because the NBC gang have no desire to  make fun of Democrats. Instead, they openly gush over their Awesomeness. It happened again this week, with a pseudo-TV  promo that sounded a little bit like Charlie's Angels. Christian Toto summed it up on Twitter: "Remember how embarrassing the #SNL Hallelujah sketch was? The To…

Snotty NYTimes 2018 Wrap-Up Lauds SNL Kavanaugh Skit, Mocks Trump Fans

December 31st, 2018 1:51 PM
New York Times politics editor Patrick Healy led an informal, unprofessional roundtable of the paper's political reporters Matt Flegenheimer, Astead Herndon, and Katie Rogers, who happily passed around liberal stereotypes of conservatives in their year-end wrap-up discussion. Healy joined the list of media elite who just loved Saturday Night Live's anti-Kavanaugh skit: "[Actor Matt] Damon…

Final Countdown: Behold the Ten Most-Read NewsBusters Blogs of 2018

December 31st, 2018 9:05 AM
For a year that featured Joy Behar’s anti-Christian tirade on The View, faux conservatives making fools of themselves on cable news, Jim Acosta’s nuttiness, and Samantha Bee’s ugly use of the c-word against First Daughter Ivanka Trump, 2018 provided an inordinate amount of content for the NewsBusters staff. Following the precedent set in 2016 and 2017, the following post gives you, the readers, a…

BLEH: De Niro Knocks Trump as ‘One of the Worst That I Have Ever Seen’

December 19th, 2018 3:55 PM
Longtime liberal actor Robert de Niro has hurled expletives and insults against President Trump and played Special Counsel Robert Mueller on NBC’s Saturday Night Live since April 14, so he’s obviously not a fan. So Monday afternoon on CNN International, De Niro insisted that he’s not lowering our discourse, lashed out at the “nightmare” Trump presidency as “one of the worst that I have ever seen…

Was That Mika This Morning or Some SNL Parody?

December 12th, 2018 7:56 AM
Turning on the tube this morning, you had to wonder whether you were actually watching Morning Joe, or a rerun of Saturday Night Live's satire of Mika Brzezinski's histrionics on the show. The doubt arose because Mika gave an exceptionally emotional performance that seemed like a virtual parody of the parody. As others spoke, Mika made a series of excited interjections.

All ‘SNL’ Wants for Christmas Is for Mueller to Lock Up Trump

December 2nd, 2018 11:19 AM
In what was supposedly a “comedy” act to close out the latest episode of NBC’s Saturday Night Live, the female cast members got together to sing their rendition of Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You”. But the person they had their eye on was Special Counsel Robert Mueller, or, at least a report that would put Trump in jail. Because, according to the SNL cast, “the only other option…

Today Hosts Thank Crenshaw for ‘Incredible Act of Generosity’ on SNL

November 12th, 2018 11:44 AM
After Republican Congressman-Elect and military veteran Dan Crenshaw appeared on Saturday Night Live over the weekend to publicly forgive comedian Pete Davidson for a skit mocking his service, on Monday, the newly-elected Texas lawmaker was interviewed by the hosts of NBC’s Today show. In part, co-host Savannah Guthrie thanked him for his “incredible act of generosity” in agreeing to go on the…

‘SNL’ Brings on Vet They Mocked to Share Special Veterans Day Message

November 11th, 2018 12:21 PM
Last week, NBC’s Saturday Night Live united the left and right in outrage when they targeted former Navy SEAL and now Congressman-elect Dan Crenshaw for ridicule regarding his missing right eye, which he lost in an IED blast. But during this weekend’s show, they invited Crenshaw on to bury the hatchet and to deliver a very important Veterans Day message.

Bozell & Graham Column: NBC's Saturday Night Sickness

November 10th, 2018 6:54 AM
NBC's Saturday Night Live is taking on a very sour look. It mocked its own Trump impersonator Alec Baldwin after he reportedly punched a man in the face in a parking-spot dispute. It mocked Fox News for faking news about the "caravan" after NBC aired fake news about Brett Kavanaugh raping women. And Pete Davidson mocked the looks of an Afghanistan war hero who lost an eye in a terrorist blast.