Seattle Times Gives Lame 'Fact Check' to Trump Seattle Takeover Claim

September 13th, 2024 4:01 PM

The blog criticizes the Seattle Times for downplaying former President Donald Trump's debate claim that a significant part of downtown Seattle was overtaken by CHOP protesters. Trump referenced the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) zone, which occupied six city blocks, a park, and a police precinct in Seattle. The post mocks the Times' focus on whether this area was "big" and highlights…

Seattle Journalists Fight Police in Court to Protect Antifa Criminals

July 24th, 2020 3:59 PM

Some media outlets haven’t just been lying about the left-wing riots in Portland and Seattle, now they are even protecting violent criminals from being apprehended by law enforcement. Thursday, a judge ordered five Seattle-based media outlets, including the left-…

AP Reporter Bitterly Rips Amazon as Seattle's 'Head Tax' Faces Repeal

June 12th, 2018 5:21 PM
Seattle's $275-per-employee "Head Tax" (EHT), which was to be levied against every business with over $20 million in revenue, was repealed on Tuesday by a 7-2 City Council vote. City leaders' abrupt repeal occurred when it became obvious that a referendum effort would gather far more than enough signatures to qualify for the November ballot. In a 1 p.m. ET Associated Press dispatch published…

Finally, Seattle Mayor Resigns, a Decade After Local Press Coverup

September 12th, 2017 8:14 PM
The world finally got an answer today to this question: "How many serious allegations of sexual abuse of minors have to be brought forth against Democrat Mayor Ed Murray of Seattle before he'll do the right thing and resign?" Early Tuesday, Murray's fifth accuser came forward. Hours later, he resigned, effective Wednesday afternoon. Thus ends one of the most disgraceful sagas in the history of…

Press Downplays Seattle Mayor's Party ID as New Teen Abuse Docs Appear

July 17th, 2017 1:41 PM
In May, as noted at NewsBusters, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray ended his run for reelection in the wake of "mounting allegations that he sexually abused underage boys in the 1980s." On Sunday, the Seattle Times reported that records previously thought destroyed revealed that "An Oregon child-welfare investigator concluded" that" Murray "sexually abused his foster son in the early 1980s." The Times, as…

Press Cover-up Returns to Haunt: Seattle Mayor Ends Reelection Bid

May 10th, 2017 9:52 PM
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray announced on Tuesday that he will not run for reelection as the city's mayor because of mounting allegations that he sexually abused underage boys in the 1980s. Press coverage has either ignored Murray's Democratic Party affiliation or buried it in related stories' late paragraphs. This outcome also exposes a double standard in the Evergreen State press, and should (but…

Democrat Tag For Seattle Mayor Accused of Paying Boys for Sex Is Rare

April 10th, 2017 4:26 PM
Perhaps in response to media critics, the establishment press has generally been more likely to prominently apply a party tag to Democrats charged with crimes or affected by scandals in recent years — not nearly as often or as prominently as for Republicans and conservatives, but an improvement over the almost laughable situation a decade ago. But in its treatment of Ed Murray, beginning Thursday…

CEO of Starbucks, Which Supported Obamacare, Now Worried Mandate Will

March 22nd, 2011 5:17 PM
It seems Starbucks is regretting the health care Frankenstein it helped create. The company was a key corporate backer of Obamacare in its legislative stages, but its top executive has raised concerns about the law's economic damage.

AP, Seattle Times Blame GOP for Downing DREAM Act; In Truth, Five Demo

December 18th, 2010 4:30 PM
Today liberal Senate Democrats failed to garner the 60-vote threshold to end debate on and move to a final passage vote for the DREAM Act. In covering the story, the news wire credited Republican opposition for "doom[ing]" the legislation, but the math doesn't work out when you look at the breakdown of the votes on the motion to end debate -- also known as invoking cloture. [h/t reader Kevin…

Seattle Times Promotes Gay Calls to 'Queer the Census

April 6th, 2010 10:29 AM
The Seattle Times needs a refresher course on impartial journalism. Staff reporter Lornet Turnbull didn't even try to cover her liberal tracks as she embraced the LGBT agenda in a March 31 article: "Census Will Count Gay Couples Who Check 'Husband or Wife.'" Turnbull's article about the LGBT community's anger toward the Census Bureau tilted in favor of the homosexual agenda with sources…

The Ignorant Seattle Times and the Rep. Driehaus Office Rock-Throw (UP

March 26th, 2010 1:46 AM
(March 26, 8:30 p.m. -- SEE THE UPDATE at the end of this post.)People in Cincinnati who follow politics reasonably closely will be scratching their heads wondering what's gotten into the people assembling news stories at the Seattle Times once they learn of what the Times reported in an item that originally went up Wednesday evening and was modified Thursday morning: A rock was thrown through…

Seattle Times Publishes Erroneous Editorial on Cuba Trade Facts

December 23rd, 2009 8:34 AM
Oops!It seems that the Seattle Times couldn't be bothered to do even a bit of simple research. If they had, they might have spared themselves from publishing an editorial that got  the facts about American trade with Cuba completely wrong:SEN. Maria Cantwell calls our attention to a law, signed by President Obama, allowing Cuba to buy U.S. farm produce and pay after the goods are shipped. The law…

'Saw VI': Horror Movie Villain Kills For ObamaCare

October 24th, 2009 1:36 PM
What's become of America when you can't even go to a horror movie without having to endure Obama propaganda?Unfortunately, such exists in the recent installment of the hit slasher series "Saw VI."Readers are encouraged to stow fluids, flammables, and sharp objects before proceeding further, for the following review by Los Angeles Times movie critic Robert Abele is sure to elicit bouts of…

Joe Conason's Revisionist History of ACORN

September 18th, 2009 1:54 PM
In a column today, Salon’s Joe Conason drastically downplays the history of illegality that characterizes the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. In his revisionist history of the organization, Conason tries to show that ACORN may commit voter registration fraud, intimidate its employees to prevent them from unionizing, and willingly assist in the trafficking of underage sex…