Colbert's Cartoon Bill Clinton Admits: 'I Should Be in Jail'

July 23rd, 2018 1:42 AM
From gags like President Donald Trump being beckoned to the situation room with promises of doughnut crumbs to Vladimir Putin's declaration that the Helsinki Summit was "a vibrant conversation of me telling him exactly what to say and do," Stephen Colbert's animated Showtime series Our Cartoon President, is a sophomoric, ham-handed attempt to make fun of Trump, his family and administration. But…

Gun Store Owner: ‘Borat’ Comic ‘Just Looked Stupid’ in Attempted Sting

July 19th, 2018 7:30 PM
It’s been said that if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem quickly becomes a nail. That’s apparently the case with Sacha Baron Cohen, a British comedian who went undercover across America for his 2006 film Borat and now is the driving force behind the new Showtime series Who is America? After several unpopular projects have since crashed and burned, Cohen is now going back to his…

Colbert’s Showtime Cartoon: 'We’re Sorry' New Dem Party Slogan

July 16th, 2018 1:21 AM
Taking a swipe at the Democrats as the return of Our Cartoon President aired on Showtime, Stephen Colbert’s animated show has House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer come up with a new slogan for Democrats in the 2018 elections. The slogan “We're Sorry” was hatched to win back voters on the July 15 episode titled “Russia Investigation.”

'Billions' Finale Schemes to Remove Trump Appointed AG from Office

June 10th, 2018 11:02 PM
The season finale of Showtime’s Billions culminated in U.S. Attorney Chuck Rhoades (Paul Giamatti) attempting to remove Trump appointed Attorney General Waylon “Jock” Jeffcoat (Clancy Brown) from office. Last episode, after Chuck discovered that AG Jeffcoat, a parody of AG Jeff Sessions, earned all of his money illegally, he plans to lure Jeffcoat into obstructing justice. 

10 Worst Liberal TV Scenes of 2018 So Far

June 7th, 2018 7:00 AM
We’re hardly halfway through 2018, and entertainment television has already given us heaps of liberal propaganda before we've even started our summer vacations. If the first five months were any indication, we’re in for a long year filled with race-baiting, Christian-bashing, and ever-growing Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Showtime’s Stand-Up Show Mocks Sacrament of Confession

June 3rd, 2018 11:57 PM
Showtime’s I’m Dying Up Here proves it’s not offering any new material by once again bashing Christianity. It’s only fitting, I suppose, since the show is based in the 1970's that its jokes feel that old. This week, the show attempts to give us tasteless and disparaging humor about one of the sacraments of Catholicism.

Trump's AG Demands Search of FBI Employee Emails, Texts on 'Billions'

June 3rd, 2018 10:45 PM
Showtime’s Billions continues its vendetta against Attorney General Jeff Sessions by characterizing its Jeff-Sessions parody character, Attorney General Waylon “Jock” Jeffcoat (Clancy Brown), as a man who “recognizes no legal or moral authority, no justice but his own” and deserves “assassination."

CNN's Lemon Slams ‘Racist’ Trump, Suggests Criticism Is Race-Based

May 21st, 2018 12:51 PM
On Sunday’s installment of Showtime’s The Circus, CNN Tonight host Don Lemon was profiled and he lashed out at President Trump as a “racist” and insinuated that Trump’s criticism of him was racially-based. Thankfully, the show also profiled our friends at the Daily Caller and, to the show’s credit, the interviews allowed for Daily Caller personality to offer some excellent points about liberal…

Foul-Mouth Bisexual Christian Introduced On Showtime Comedy

May 21st, 2018 12:09 AM
The Showtime series I’m Dying Up Here returned earlier this month with the start of the brand-new second season. However, it has still yet to move past the awful low-brow humor that plagues the series. Once again, it’s back to taking a swipe against the Christian faith through a new character.

Trump-Appointed AG Asserts 'All Lives are Not Equal' on Showtime Drama

May 20th, 2018 11:11 PM
Showtime’s Billions can’t decide what type of show it wants to be. Google characterizes the show, “Wealth, influence and corruption collide.” Two episodes ago, U.S. Attorney Chuck Rhoades (Paul Giamatti) colluded with corrupt hedge fund manager Bobby Axelrod (Damian Lewis) to plant evidence in an innocent man’s house and put him in jail to cover up their own involvement in a company sabotage gone…

‘Homeland’ Invokes 25th Amendment on ‘Unconstitutional’ President

April 16th, 2018 12:54 AM
Showtime’s Homeland has already shown how they're relating the show to the Trump administration this season. Now they've show their true colors by finally reaching the end goal: invoking the 25th Amendment. Yes, I’m sure that forcibly removing the first female president will definitely show President Trump a thing or two.

'Billions' 'Mounts the Resistance' Against Trump-Appointed AG

April 9th, 2018 12:23 AM
Showtime’s Billions, a show that traditionally shied away from getting too political, has tossed its hat into the ring and joined the tirade of TV shows attacking the Trump administration. The third season premiere introduced Trump-appointed attorney general Waylon Jeffcoat (Clancy Brown), an evil, redneck Jeff Sessions parody who demanded that U.S. Attorney Chuck Rhoades (Paul Giamatti) refrain…

Colbert's Easter Cartoon: 'How Do Grown Adults Still Worship Jesus?'

April 1st, 2018 10:34 PM
On Easter Sunday, Stephen Colbert’s anti-Trump animated cartoon show on Showtime, Our Cartoon President portrays President Trump as desperate to increase his waning support from evangelical voters. In “Church and State” he is caught on an open mic saying to Vice President Mike Pence that he would "cut off God’s penis” if his wife were to become pregnant as Joseph’s wife, Mary, did.

Easter Top 8: Which Shows Are Worst to Christians?

March 29th, 2018 8:00 AM
Holy Week is upon us and Easter, the holiest day of the Christian year, is Sunday. NewsBusters readers won’t be surprised to hear that popular culture isn’t kind to Christians, but you may not have seen some of the worst examples to have polluted our television screens in the last year.