'Homeland' Blames Alex Jones Character for Fake News

March 13th, 2017 12:04 AM
The liberal media has waged a rather pathetic war against what they deem “fake news” since the November election, and Showtime’s Homeland seems quick to offer its support. Not content with simply parodying a right-wing media host, the episode is a little too eager to pretty much call him a liar. 

Showtime's 'Billions' Adds Trans Character: I'm Not 'She,' I Am 'They'

February 27th, 2017 1:55 AM
The second episode of this season of Billions, “Dead Cat Bounce,” had Showtime’s much praised gender non-conforming star begin transitioning to the forefront of the show. Taylor (Asia Kate Dillon), Axe Capital’s new intern with exceptional financial prowess, makes a game-changing discovery regarding a business competitor. Before reporting the findings to the CEO, Taylor lists “their” preferred…

'Billions' Pushes Agenda that Success and Debauchery Go Hand in Hand

February 20th, 2017 12:00 PM
The second episode of this season of Showtime’s Billions, which aired February 19, illumines the left’s belief that any sort of success must be associated with moral indecency. The show revolves around the power politics between billionaire hedge-fund manager Bobby Axelrod (Damian Lewis) and U.S. Attorney Chuck Rhodes (Paul Giammati).

'Billions' Pushes Agenda That Success and Debauchery Go Hand in Hand

February 20th, 2017 12:58 AM
The premiere of the second season of Showtime’s Billions, which aired February 19, illumines the left’s belief that any sort of success must be associated with moral indecency. The show revolves around the power politics between billionaire hedge-fund manager Bobby Axelrod (Damian Lewis) and U.S. Attorney Chuck Rhodes (Paul Giammati).

Showtime's 'Homeland' Parodies Infowar's Alex Jones

February 19th, 2017 11:47 PM
Showtime’s Homeland is really working on trying to get back on the good side of liberals this season, even after empathizing with terrorist sympathizers and demeaning Israeli settlers. But if they want a medal for that, they’ll have to wait a lot longer than six seasons. Until then, we have to deal with their next appeasement to the liberal crowds: an Alex Jones parody.

Showtime's 'Homeland' Portrays Terrorist Sympathizer as 'Angry Kid'

January 16th, 2017 12:54 AM
One can be forgiven for considering reality stranger than fiction these days, but nothing will remind you how ridiculous political shows can be like the 6th season premiere of Showtime’s Homeland. If this episode is any indication, get ready for a new season of political correctness, terrorism edition.

‘Billions’ To Feature First Gender Non-Conforming TV Star

December 19th, 2016 12:23 PM
Move over, transgenders. There’s a new kid in town. Huffington Post reported that Billions will make “TV history” for featuring the first gender non-conforming star in a mainstream show. Showtime, Billions host network, has a history of pushing boundaries with its leading characters. Season seven of Shameless included a major character who was transgender, played by a transgender actor. 

‘Billions’: When Under Threat of Invasion, Forget Guns, Grab Bats

February 22nd, 2016 6:39 PM
So, as we have discussed before, Showtime’s Billions does not shy away from the dramatic. Though, at times they may shy away from telling the absolute truth.

Showtime’s ‘Billions’ Turns Boring U.S. Attorney Into Sexual Deviant

February 15th, 2016 7:39 PM
So it’s been a while since I’ve written about Showtime’s Billions. Mainly because the show is just awesome and largely unbiased.

'Billions' Serves Up Lib Stereotypes with a Healthy Side of Dominatrix

January 18th, 2016 11:51 PM
A strong indicator that the plot of your show might be a tad underwhelming is when you feel compelled to make your opening scene an orgy of sadomasochistic torture. I won’t describe it. Just watch, if you dare.

Obama and Showtime Admit to Exploiting Extreme Weather Events to ‘Sh

June 10th, 2014 3:43 PM
If you suspected that Showtime had a liberal agenda, the June 9 finale of “Years of Living Dangerously” confirmed it. The finale of Showtime’s “Years of Living Dangerously” wrapped up a long effort to push climate alarmism with an interview between New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman and President Barack Obama. Friedman and Obama agreed on the need to connect extreme weather events to…

CBS Touts Showtime's 'Groundbreaking,' 'Well-Done' New Series Hyping C

April 12th, 2014 8:58 PM
Friday's CBS This Morning set aside almost six and a half minutes of air time to promote Showtime's upcoming series about climate change, which features liberal New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman and CBS's Lesley Stahl. Charlie Rose heralded the "groundbreaking new documentary series," and let Friedman spotlight Arab environmentalists, who supposedly "understand that there's no Shiite air…

New Climate Alarmist Tack: Go Green for God

April 7th, 2014 3:43 PM
There’s a certain delicious irony in the global warming industry – the one that’s always screaming about climate change “deniers” not “believing in science” – trying to make a religious appeal to Christians. The Huffington Post on April 5 published “Climate Change Threats To ‘The Least of These’ Compel Evangelical Christians to Act,” in which writer Lynne Peeples interviewed Katharine Hayhoe…

Networks Making a Killing with Serial Killer Shows

July 1st, 2013 10:29 AM
Sawed off limbs, gouged out eyes, slashed throats, decapitation, disembowelment, cannibalism, human corpses used as fertilizer, graphic rape and blood splattering stabbings – just another day’s work for TV’s new favorite characters.  Serial killers are a hot trend on TV these days. You can even watch your favorite serial killer hero doing all the above, 5 out of 7 days of the week – and then…