
CNN's Mudd: FBI Eager to Take Down Trump, 'We're Going to Win'

February 5th, 2018 10:23 AM

The media went into full meltdown mode on Friday when the memo alleging surveillance abuse by the FBI was released.  While many in the media downplayed the contents of the memo as a “nothing burger”, others continued to harp on the narrative that President Trump is at war with the FBI. 


After Memo's Release, AP, Others Push 'Free Beacon Funded Steele' Lie

February 3rd, 2018 8:22 PM
Shortly after the Nunes memo's Friday release, five reporters — three at the Associated Press and one each at MSNBC and CNN, pushed the long-discredited claim that, in the AP's words, "(Christopher) Steele’s opposition research effort was initially funded by the conservative Washington Free Beacon."

CNN’s Preston Claims ‘People Are Consumed With’ Trump-Russia Probe

January 30th, 2018 7:33 PM
Leading into President Trump’s first State of the Union address on Tuesday, CNN continued its pathetic role as expressing a Chicken Little-like fear that Trump is on the verge of firing Robert Mueller while putting the speech on the back burner. CNN senior political analyst Mark Preston did his part, foolishly discarding the importance of discussing the strong economy under Trump because everyone…

CNN Gives 11x More Coverage to Trump Scandals than Immigration Plan

January 25th, 2018 11:47 PM
Early Thursday night, the White House released the parameters of an immigration plan being sent to Congress, which included legalizating 1.8 million illegal immigrants. However, this dramatic attempt at a compromise fell on deaf ears at CNN. From 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Eastern, CNN devoted an astonishing 11 times more coverage to the Trump-Russia probe, discrediting the Peter Strzok-Lisa Page…

CNN Panel Dismisses Any FBI Criticism; This Is What Authoritarians Do!

January 25th, 2018 4:06 PM

CNN’s The Situation Room continued on Wednesday the liberal media narrative to condemn any questioning of the FBI and Mueller investigation, deeming it the sort of thing meant to confuse and permanently “discredit” institutions that occur in authoritarian regimes like Russia and Turkey.


CNN Unloads: Trump's 'S***hole' Quote Shows He's Clearly 'Racist'

January 11th, 2018 8:29 PM
On Thursday’s The Situation Room, CNN analysts and correspondents brought out the long knives for President Trump after his disturbing and startling comments about certain countries being “sh***holes,” using it to bludgeon home the notion that Trump is “racist” and “inject[ing] a lot of poison” into the immigration debate.

‘Situation Room’ Spends Over 20 Minutes Hinting Trump Is Mentally Ill

January 4th, 2018 9:52 PM

On Thursday, CNN’s The Situation Room spent over 20 minutes during its two-hour airtime peddling accusations by Democrats, a far-left Yale psychologist, and the hot takes of CNN partisans like Brian Stelter that President Trump was mentally ill and thus should be removed from office. This topic has long been on CNN’s periphery, but it popped up on a flagship program on Thursday following other…


CNN Is Now GNN: The Grinch News Network

December 27th, 2017 9:15 AM
Who knew that two words could drive the people at CNN this crazy? At the network which has exemplified fake news since Donald Trump's election in 2016, the "resistance" to Trump's preference for saying "Merry Christmas" during this time of year has led network talking heads to repeated denials that there ever has been a war on Christmas, while at the same time trying to open new fronts in that…

CNN Panel Mocks Video's Thanks to Trump For Favoring 'Merry Christmas'

December 24th, 2017 7:28 AM
Anyone who has been out in the real world during current and previous Christmas shopping seasons knows that there has been an informal (and occasionally formal) proscription against stores wishing customers a "Merry Christmas" and promoting Christmas in their ads and promotions. On Friday, Wolf Blitzer's CNN panel tried to pretend that the hostility towards "Merry Christmas" has never existed, as…

CNN Touts Anti-Tax Cut Public Sentiment It Helped Foment

December 19th, 2017 9:36 PM
In the lead-up to Congress passing the Republican tax cut plan, various CNN shows on Tuesday played up a CNN poll finding that 55 percent of Americans oppose the proposal. Such public opposition is hardly shocking given that dominant left-leaning media outlets like CNN have pushed negative spin against the tax cut proposal -- a fact noted by Louisiana Republican Senator John Kennedy just this…

Adam Schiff, Unchallenged on CNN: Where Are the Anti-Hillary Texts?

December 15th, 2017 6:55 AM
In a Thursday interview with Wolf Blitzer, Democrat Adam Schiff inanely wondered why only anti-Donald Trump texts and no anti-Hillary Clinton texts from Robert Mueller's partisan Democrat-dominated investigative team have been presented to Congress. Naturally, Schiff engaged in this pathetic misdirection on CNN, where he was confident he wouldn't be challenged — and he wasn't.

Didn’t Take Long: CNN Leaves NYC Terror to Hype Mueller-Trump

October 31st, 2017 9:07 PM
Only a few hours into their coverage of the deadly terror attack in New York City on Tuesday, CNN found it more important to break away to continue to their Robert Mueller marathon. “A terror attack that killed eight people and injured a dozen others when a man in a truck mowed down bike riders and pedestrians on the west side. Much more on that coming up,” declared Wolf Blitzer on The Situation…

Blitzer Lets Dem Say GOP Wants to 'Purposely, Physically Harm People'

October 17th, 2017 5:37 PM
Apparently, John Garamendi, a California Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives, either doesn’t know or doesn’t care about the term ad hominem, which means attacking someone directly instead of venting criticism at that person’s position on an issue. And, even worse, apparently a key member of the liberal media didn't know it when he saw it.

CNN/MSNBC Push Accusation Trump Treating Puerto Rico Poorly

September 29th, 2017 12:08 AM
On Thursday, the federal government stepped up its hurricane relief effort in Puerto Rico by dispatching three-star Army general, Lt. Gen. Jeff Buchanan to oversee all operations. The move came as the sheer devastation from Hurricane Maria continued to cripple relief efforts and supply distribution. Instead of recognizing the unique and difficult challenge of trying to aid Puerto Rico, both CNN…