CNN Uses Bogus PolitiFact Rating to Discredit Romney Campaign Claim

April 11th, 2012 8:02 PM
On Wednesday's The Situation Room, CNN used a slanted PolitiFact report to dismiss Mitt Romney's claim that "women account for 92.3 percent of the jobs lost under President Obama." CNN correspondent Jim Acosta aired a clip of Romney making the claim before adding that "the watchdog website PolitiFact rates that claim as 'Mostly False'." PolitiFact even admitted that the campaign's numbers…

CNN Asks If Romney's 'Rich Guy Image' Will Hurt Him, Although Poll Sho

April 10th, 2012 5:43 PM
CNN continued to hype the possible negative implications of Mitt Romney's "rich guy image" on Monday evening, even though a new poll reports 71 percent of Americans said Romney's wealth is "not a major factor" in their presidential decision. The network blared such headlines as "Is his [Romney's] big fortune a big political liability?" and "Wealth Will Be an Issue in 2012." CNN correspondent…

For Two Straight Days, CNN Harps on Romney's Wealth as Potential Voter

March 29th, 2012 6:40 PM
For the second straight day on Thursday, CNN emphasized Mitt Romney's wealth as a possible turn-off to voters. Correspondent Joe Johns aired a segment on Thursday's The Situation Room about "Mitt Romney-isms," or Romney's references to his own wealth and beliefs that seem to "hit the wrong note" for a presidential candidate. "Mitt Romney the millionaire may still have some problems with the…

Even Scalia? CNN Legal Analyst Toobin Says SCOTUS Might Uphold ObamaCa

March 23rd, 2012 6:18 PM
If the Supreme Court upheld ObamaCare, would it really be by an eight-to-one margin? CNN's senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said it's possible, expressing more confidence in that prediction than the common analysis that the Court is evenly split on the issue with Justice Anthony Kennedy as the tiebreaking vote. Toobin's analysis echoes the overwhelmingly positive liberal meme that…

CNN Again Features Obama Campaign Propaganda, Hypes Clinton's Support

March 12th, 2012 6:47 PM
CNN's Wolf Blitzer once again aired Obama campaign propaganda by playing a clip of Bill Clinton praising the President, from an Obama campaign film to be released soon. Last Thursday Blitzer had aired two whole minutes of footage from the film's trailer, and he referred back to the film on Monday afternoon's The Situation Room. Blitzer asked if Clinton stumping for Obama in swing states…

CNN Airs Two Uninterrupted Minutes of Obama Campaign Propaganda

March 9th, 2012 3:20 PM
The Obama 2012 campaign didn't even have to pay CNN for helping get its re-election message out on Thursday's The Situation Room. CNN aired two uninterrupted minutes of a trailer for a 17-minute Obama campaign film to be released in the future. And after the two-minute clip played, CNN saved the Republican criticism for last. Host Wolf Blitzer's first question after the video had to do with…

CNN Hits Santorum for His Religious Beliefs

February 17th, 2012 12:10 AM
Republican Presidential candidate Rick Santorum merely stated his affirmation of the Catholic Church's condemnation of contraception, but CNN's Mary Snow ran a critical segment on Thursday asking if such statements would hurt him with voters. In the video clips which aired in the report, Santorum strongly stated that he would not mix his opposition to contraception with his policies as…

Wolf Blitzer Pulls Quote From Liberal Political Activist to Grill Sant

February 10th, 2012 7:05 PM
Pressing Rick Santorum on his opposition to women serving in combat, CNN's Wolf Blitzer quoted a liberal veteran who harshly criticized Santorum's policy. Blitzer did not identify the veteran or his group as "liberal," thus failing to address the critic's possible political motives against the conservative candidate. "A very angry response from one veteran," Blitzer noted, before quoting the…

ABC, CBS and NBC Ignore Shocking Jump in Government Dependents

February 10th, 2012 3:57 PM
According to the Heritage Foundation Barack Obama’s policies, in just two years, have resulted in the number of Americans who rely on a federal program spiking by 23 percent to 67 million. Yet there was no mention of this grim figure on the Big Three network (ABC, CBS and NBC) evening or morning news programs. Since the study was released on Wednesday only Fox News and CNN have mentioned the…

Wolf Blitzer Gushes Over Obama, Spoke 'Very Movingly' at Prayer Breakf

February 2nd, 2012 7:00 PM
CNN's Wolf Blitzer was apparently quite moved by President Obama's speech at Thursday's National Prayer Breakfast. Blitzer hailed it as a candid address and noted that the President spoke "very movingly" of his faith. Of course, Obama's profession of his faith came shortly after his administration mandated religious-affiliated organizations to act against their church's teaching, a decision…

CNN Hypes Planned Parenthood's Claims of 'Bullying by the Right

February 2nd, 2012 12:10 PM
Normally, when a leading charity cuts ties to a large non-profit organization, the news will not spark a media controversy. But when the Susan G. Komen Foundation severed financial ties to Planned Parenthood due to Congressional investigations into the organization, CNN hyped Planned Parenthood's cries of foul play and "bullying from the right." Correspondent Mary Snow aired a pretty one-…

CNN's Cafferty Suggests Gingrich Is 'Clueless' About African-Americans

January 17th, 2012 11:36 PM
Borrowing from a liberal Daily Beast column, CNN's Jack Cafferty set about asking if Newt Gingrich was ignorant and "clueless" about the African-American community, on Tuesday's The Situation Room. Cafferty dropped the bomb right at the start as he matter-of-factly stated that "Newt Gingrich is clueless when it comes to African-Americans" before backing away and attributing the argument to…

CNN Highlights 'Bad Memories, Bitterness Over Romney Past' In South Ca

January 13th, 2012 6:20 PM
A report by CNN's David Mattingly that aired on Friday's The Situation Room emphasized the "bitter Bain memories" left in South Carolina from Bain Capital, the private equity firm that candidate Mitt Romney founded. Mattingly featured the president of the local Steelworkers union at the plant Bain Capital bought back in the 1990s. As the United Steelworkers union has been heavily pro-…

CNN Promotes Liberal Analysis of Gingrich Tax Plan as 'Non-Partisan

December 13th, 2011 6:22 PM
CNN touted a study from the liberal Tax Policy Center claiming that Newt Gingrich's tax plan would increase the deficit. On Tuesday afternoon's The Situation Room, business correspondent Poppy Harlow simply labeled the Tax Policy Center "non-partisan" even though it is a joint venture of two liberal think tanks, the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institute. CNN even reported the Gingrich…