
CNNers Whine Mueller 'Muddied' Impeachment Waters With 'Shaky' Hearing

July 24th, 2019 10:52 PM
While many on CNN were trying to keep the faith and suggest the disastrous House hearings with Special Counsel Robert Mueller were somehow going to lead to President Trump’s impeachment, some couldn’t help but admit that Mueller’s testimony was an absolute mess that hurt their cause. During the five-o’clock-hour of CNN’s Situation Room, senior justice correspondent Evan Perez kicked off a round…

Blitzer Fears Trump Will Have ‘Loyalty Test,’ Uses Bible to Bash Trump

July 23rd, 2019 2:16 PM
On Monday’s The Situation Room, Congressman Mark Walker (R-NC) showed why Republicans appearing on CNN shows has become a chore filled with persistent hostility and left-leaning questions, no matter the host. In this case, it was Wolf Blitzer badgering Walker to further condemn the President for his criticism of “The Squad,” using the Gospel of Matthew to hit Trump and fretting that the President…

Blitzer: ‘Condemning’ Trump’s ‘Racism...Shouldn’t Be a Partisan Issue’

July 16th, 2019 6:27 PM

CNN’s Situation Room host Wolf Blitzer might be viewed as an iconic journalist and bastion of truth, but the Trump era has shown that he’s a liberal pundit who mirrors, say, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. On Tuesday’s show, Blitzer came back from break to insist that voting in support of a House Democrats resolution “condemning the President's racist comments...shouldn’t necessarily be a partisan…


Watch CNN Panel Gush Over 'The Squad,' Bash Trump as a 'Racist'

July 15th, 2019 7:55 PM

A war of words took to new heights on Monday between President Trump and four freshmen House Democrats when the President responded to attacks directed at him from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), Ilhan Omar (MN), Ayanna Pressley (MA), and Rashida Tlaib (MI). On CNN’s The Situation Room, Wolf Blitzer could hardly wait to pounce on the race card and made CNN part of the story after the women held…


CNN: Trump’s Census Move Was ‘White Identity’ ‘Nonsense’ to Please Fox

July 11th, 2019 8:16 PM

Seven days after CNN offered a meltdown for the ages following President Trump’s Salute to America, The Situation Room was indignant on Thursday after Trump announced the Commerce Department would find another way to determine who in this country was here legally versus who wasn’t. The panel on-hand blasted it as “nonsense” promoting “white identity” that would go over well at Fox News.


Here’s the WORST of CNN’s Hatefest After Trump's Fourth of July Speech

July 4th, 2019 10:40 PM
Over the course of about 28 minutes of airtime (including commercials) following the President’s Fourth of July event A Salute to America, CNN’s The Situation Room put on one of the most disgraceful displays of liberal media bias, Trump hatred, and slights at America you’ll ever see. Attacking the President like bitter preschoolers, a cast of CNN personalities bashed the Trump speech as a “…

Ryan: Trump's Fourth of July Parade Is About 'Looking Like a Dictator'

July 2nd, 2019 7:59 PM
There have been plenty of criticisms of President Trump's desire for a Fourth of July event to take place in Washington D.C. Criticisms include it being a misguided use of funds, the tanks being too heavy for D.C.'s streets and bridges, and assertions it would resemble a Soviet military parades down Red Square. On Monday, Trump raised eyebrows with his comments about "brand new Sherman tanks,"…

CNN's Golodryga Pushes Conspiracy Theory Regarding Mulvaney's Coughing

June 18th, 2019 4:46 PM
The panel on Monday’s edition of The Situation Room obsessed over a segment of President Trump’s interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, where President Trump “becomes really angry at his Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney.” President Trump expressed his frustration with Mulvaney, who was audibly coughing as President Trump sat down with Stephanopoulos in the Oval Office, asking him to “please…

Blitzer Urges Republican to ‘Help’ House Thousands of Immigrant Kids

June 6th, 2019 8:50 AM
Wolf Blitzer and his CNN colleagues won’t acknowledge there’s an actual crisis at the southern border, but still insists it’s the United States’ responsibility to take in illegal immigrants. On his show The Situation Room Wednesday evening, Blitzer had on Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger to discuss immigration and even snuck in a snarky question about President Trump dodging the draft to the…

‘Art of the Conceal’; Fake News Jim Claims Trump Has Caused a ‘Crisis’

May 8th, 2019 6:21 PM
All set with his hair sloshed to one side (presumably by the wind), CNN chief White House correspondent and carnival barking extraordinary Jim Acosta reported on Wednesday’s Situation Room ahead of a Trump rally that the President has plunged America “toward a constitutional crisis” while solidifying a reputation as a con-man, turning “the art of the deal...into the art of the conceal.”

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer: Will Democrats Send the Attorney General to Jail?

May 3rd, 2019 5:26 PM
Now that Bill Barr has refused to continue testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, Wolf Blitzer pressed a liberal guest on Thursday about one of the most egregious possible outcomes: sending the Attorney General to prison. Even though Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, a Democrat from New York, stated that jail time is “not something that I believe is being seriously contemplated,” the anchor of the…

NY Times Pundit Tom Friedman Goes 'Fascist'? High Border Wall Needed

April 27th, 2019 11:34 AM
Did New York Times columnist Tom Friedman have a true epiphany resulting in a "flying pigs" moment when, after going on a tour of the border, he declared that a high wall as President Donald Trump has wanted is needed? Well, not exactly. His call for a high border wall problably comes more from desperate political expediency since Friedman has a history of extreme Trump Derangement Syndrome.   

Vinograd Slams Mueller Report as 'a Gift to the Government of Russia'

April 19th, 2019 4:48 PM

As part of a six-person, unanimously anti-Trump panel on CNN’s The Situation Room Thursday, CNN National Security Analyst and Obama administration alum Samantha Vinograd proclaimed that the Mueller report “is a gift to the government of Russia.” Later in the evening, during a back-and-forth with former Bush administration official Scott Jennings, Vinograd refused to acknowledge that the Obama…


CNN's Toobin Accuses Barr of Sending a 'Dog Whistle to Sean Hannity'

April 11th, 2019 9:50 PM
Discussing Attorney General William Barr’s testimony on Capitol Hill Wednesday, the panel on The Situation Room repeatedly used the terms “dog whistle” and “bullhorn” when describing his assertion that there was spying on the Trump campaign leading up to the 2016 election. CNN chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin went so far as to accuse Barr of sending a “dog whistle” to Fox News host Sean Hannity…