Sports Illustrated

Yes, Seriously: Sports Illustrated Urges NFL Teams To Tank
With fans like SI ...
30 Years Later, Media Still Fawns Over Magic Johnson
Sunday was the 30th anniversary of Magic Johnson’s shocking announcement that he had HIV and was retiring from pro basketball. With NBA Commissioner David Stern and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar by his side, Johnson immediately volunteered to become a spokesperson and poster child for the virus.

‘Beloved’ Nike Exec Gets Glossy SI Cover Despite Murder Conviction
The inconsistencies in what's acceptable in sports are beyond bizarre. Las Vegas Raiders coach Jon Gruden just watched his career fizzle away over 10-year-old text messages on race and gender. Meanwhile, NBA and NHL players are being punished for not getting coronavirus vaccinations. Also, the man who’s led Nike’s Jordan brand for 40 years has been hiding a murder secret for 56 years, and he…
USA Today Writer: Climate Change to Affect Fall Football
It’s best you take in as much fall football now as you possibly can, while it lasts. Due to so-called “climate change,” there may be as little as 10-15 more years of autumn football. That’s the load of bull spewing from the tweeting of a few prominent sports reporters.
Your Model's a Man, Baby! Sports Illustrated Is Lying
Sports Illustrated has gone completely anti-truth and released a new cover which features Leyna Bloom, who is a biological male. Despite what Bloom’s Twitter bio says, he is not helping to make the world or this country a better place.
Fed Up Activists Incensed NCAA Hasn’t Punished ‘Anti-Trans’ States
This spring when red states were legislating against male intrusions on women’s sports, the NCAA threatened to withdraw postseason events from them. LGBT activists smelled blood in the water as they envisioned conservative states losing postseason competitions and tons of tourist dollars, but so far, they've been disappointed.
Bigoted Deadspin Revives Tebow Derangement Syndrome With Jags Tryout
After all these years, Time Tebow is still living rent-free in the heads of lefty sportswriters. Tebow Derangement Syndrome reared its ugly head again today. Deadspin race-baiter Rob Parker declared Tebow “white privilege royalty” because the Jacksonville Jaguars gave him a tryout.

Sports Teams See Chauvin Verdict as Mandate For MORE Social Justice
Almost to a team, this week’s conviction of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is seen as a mandate to double down on social justice activism. USA Today said the verdict was centuries in the making. Sports Illustrated saw the world breathing a sigh of relief.
'Hateful':Woke Athletes Lash Out at Anti-Trans State Legislatures
Doing the dirty work of LGBT pressure groups, 550 woke college athletes are demanding the NCAA pull postseason events out of states legislating for the integrity of women’s sports. Their letter demanding safe spaces for gender-confused athletes would also cause states to get punished through lost revenue.
Social Justice: The New Barometer For Sports Media Athlete Awards
To no one’s surprise, LeBron James is Time magazine’s athlete of the year and one of Sports Illustrated’s sportspersons of the year. James had another big year of championship basketball, but this award is every bit as much about social justice as it is about the Lakers championship and James's stat line.
Jacksonville Football Player to Honor Slain Cop This Season
Starting next weekend, NFL end zones will throw social justice slogans in viewers' faces, the players' helmets will feature the same plus the names of glorified criminals and there will be mass kneeling during the national anthem. Sound like ample inspiration to play golf or clean out the garage? There will be one redeeming presence in it all, though. Jacksonville tight end Tyler Eifert will…
Sports Illustrated Impressed By 'Powerful' Sports Boycotts
Sports Illustrated on Thursday raved over the reactions of pro basketball analysts Kenny Smith and Chris Webber to the NBA's Jacob Blake-inspired boycotts resulting in Wednesday's cancellation of three playoff games. Afterwards, Outkick's Jason Whitlock said these former pro players have been duped by a hollow Nike "Just Do It" mentality and social justice bubble groupthink.

SI: Giants Pitcher Who Wouldn’t Kneel ‘Hid Behind Religion’
Don’t do groupthink? Sports Illustrated’s Dan Gartland will judge you. He’ll even lecture you about your Christianity.

Does NBA Have a Conscience? League Cut Ties to Chinese Academy
Let’s face it: “Uyghurs” isn’t easy to spell, and “Stand With Hong Kong” is kind of long for the back of a jersey, at least compared to “BLM.” And being confronted with actual systemic oppression is pretty embarrassing for millionaire athletes who fancy themselves social justice warriors. So the victims of the Chinese communist government really couldn’t expect even a nod from the oh-so woke…