NBA kneelers

NBA Progressives Fast Breaking On Social Activities

July 31st, 2020 2:40 PM

A left-wing organization whirled into political action Thursday in Orlando, working to get out the Democrat vote, fighting so-called voter suppression, and protesting systemic racism. Activists were allowed to conduct their political activities on the job at NBA games played at Disney World. Marching in lockstep with these athletic activists are numerous members of the media.

WNBA's BLM on-court display

Resistance to Social Justice in Sports Is Futile

July 27th, 2020 10:00 AM

Forget pro sports as you once knew and loved them. Those days are, like the late Detroit Tigers broadcaster Ernie Harwell's famous home run call, "long gone!" Even baseball has gone social justice mad. WNBA players did a walk-off Saturday, but not of the game-winning variety; they disrespectfully walked out of the arena as the Star Spangled Banner began to play. The NBA has approved slogans…

Adam Silver

NBA Commissioner Silver Donates Maximum To Biden

July 24th, 2020 12:56 PM

NBA Commissioner Adam Silver has donated the maximum amount allowable to the 2020 presidential campaign of China ally and Democrat Joe Biden. This was according to Outkick the Coverage, which claimed this as proof the association is more interested in repairing relations with China than doing anything positive here in America. The Silver donation also gave credence to claims that NBA player…

Does NBA Have a Conscience? League Cut Ties to Chinese Academy

July 22nd, 2020 1:37 PM

Let’s face it: “Uyghurs” isn’t easy to spell, and “Stand With Hong Kong” is kind of long for the back of a jersey, at least compared to “BLM.” And being confronted with actual systemic oppression is pretty embarrassing for millionaire athletes who fancy themselves social justice warriors. So the victims of the Chinese communist government really couldn’t expect even a nod from the oh-so woke…

Straight Talk? Roenick: NBC Fired Him for Being Hetero Trump Supporter

July 20th, 2020 10:15 AM

Back in June, our nominally conservative U.S. Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional to discriminate against employees on the basis of sex or sexual orientation, making it exceedingly difficult for a company to fire the guy caught getting freaky with the office copier. Perhaps now we’ll find out if those protections extend to normal people.


Jason Whitlock

Jason Whitlock Talks to Mark Levin, Exposes 'Useful Idiot' Athletes

July 20th, 2020 10:00 AM

Outkick The Coverage blogger/commentator Jason Whitlock wowed Mark Levin Friday in explaining to him how clueless professional athletes are when it comes to the Marxist anarchist Black Lives Matter movement they are supporting. Whitlock also stated that LeBron James and Colin Kaepernick are "useful idiots," a reference to Vladimir Lenin's strategy of spreading communist propaganda through…

Arquette Sisters Condemn Feds Policing Portland as ‘Stasi,’ ‘Gestapo'

July 17th, 2020 12:43 PM

Some real steps to securing order in the wake of the violent Black Lives Matter riots have commenced in Portland, Oregon, with Federal agents rounding up agitators. On cue, the left immediately screamed that this is evidence that Trump is Hitler.

Shannon Sharpe, left, and Skip Bayless

Redskins To Drop Nickname; Media Whoop It Up

July 13th, 2020 2:16 PM

The guilt-mongers at politically correct media outlets can breathe easy now. Their years of feigned suffering over the name of the "Washington NFL team" they dare not speak is over. Today the Redskins announced they plan to drop what USA Today writer Tom Schad calls "a polarizing team name and logo." It's a case of the tyranny of the minority prevailing over huge majorities of people…

Sen. Kelly Loeffler

Sharpe: WNBA Owner's Opposition to BLM Another 'Sterling Moment'

July 9th, 2020 3:10 PM

Hang down your head,Sen. Kelly Loeffler. Confess your white privilege! Take the perp walk and admit you were dead wrong for criticizing Black Lives Matter. God knows you deserve to go to sports owners purgatory and join ex-Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling there.

DeSean Jackson

Pro Football Player Under Fire For Quoting Hitler, Praising Farrakhan

July 7th, 2020 4:13 PM

Philadelphia Eagles receiver DeSean Jackson is on the end of a different kind of reception today: heaps of flack for posting anti-semitic social media messages that could threaten his lucrative pro football career. Over the Fourth of July weekend, Jackson binged on Lewis Farrakhan messages and posted anti-semitic quotes supposedly made by Adolph Hitler, leading former Eagles owner Joe Banner…


Fox Sports Defends Nuclear Family: Questions BLM Organization and NBA

July 7th, 2020 7:01 AM

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” According to Marcellus Wiley in a recent episode of Speak for Yourself, that is exactly what we may be looking at with the NBA and NBPA’s decision to paint Black Lives Matter on the courts in the “Disney Bubble.”

Colin Kaepernick Calls July 4th ‘White Supremacist' 'Celebration'

July 6th, 2020 12:30 PM

Kaepernick is so willing to captain any team that he has signed on to be quarterback of a literal anti-American resistance. Geez, who would’ve thought? After all, his fans told us he wore socks depicting police as pigs and fanboyed over Fidel Castro because of his love for America! Surely, he would tone down the rhetoric at some point, right?


Redskins owner Daniel Snyder

Redskins Nickname on the Ropes; Sports Media Elated

July 6th, 2020 10:00 AM

Feeling extreme corporate and political heat, the Washington Redskins and the Cleveland Indians are talking about changing their nicknames, and elated sports media "piranhas" are smelling blood in the water. Despite overwhelming national support for Native American nicknames, left-stream media -- The Washington Post and USA Today in particular -- have been demanding this…

Francis Scott Key in Smithsonian Channel portrayal

Blogger Wants Anthem Replaced With 'Lift Every Voice And Sing'

July 6th, 2020 7:00 AM

The National Football League is figuratively going through a frantic two-minute drill to placate the Black Lives Matter crowd, and a sports blogger from The Shadow League is whining that the league's lengthy list of social justice activities is too little and too late. Rhett Butler writes that the league's decision to play the black national anthem "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing" is wise, but…