Media Divided over NFL Teams' Opposition to Protest

October 9th, 2017 8:54 PM
After more of than a year of political sideline shenanigans by disrespectful players and severe alienation of the NFL's fan base, team owners are finally coming to their senses and trying to save their freefalling enterprise. Dallas Cowboys' owner Jerry Jones says any of his players who disrespect the flag will take a seat on the bench during the game. The Miami Dolphins have now made it a rule…

Reporter Chided by Sexist Newton Exposed as Racist

October 6th, 2017 6:28 PM
Remember when Bill Murray slithered away from the golf green he had just blown up in the movie Caddyshack? Liberal media are now doing their own version of slinking away -- from one of their own. Earlier this week liberal media closed ranks around Charlotte Observer reporter Jourdan Rodrigue after Cam Newton directed a sexist remark her way. However, she was quickly exposed as a racist, and media…

The Shadow League Demands NBA National Anthem Protests

October 3rd, 2017 7:10 PM
The Shadow League's J.R. Gamble assumes he is the acting "shadow commissioner" of the NBA in advising every single player in the league to take a knee during the playing of the National Anthem this season. Gamble issued an immediate challenge to Commissioner Adam Silver's recent memo to the teams advising them to have their players stand.

The Root: Burning NFL Jerseys Is In The Spirit of Lynching Blacks

October 1st, 2017 10:58 PM
Amid news and YouTube videos of pro football fans burning the jerseys of protesting NFL players, an African-American writer from Brooklyn alleges these actions are the modern manifestations of lynching, hanging and burning of blacks. Matthew Allen, a music journalist and television producer, made his inflammatory claims today in a blog on The Root.

Learning from NFL's Blunder, NBA Will Not Allow Kneeling

September 30th, 2017 1:36 PM
After 13 months of denial, it appears the NFL is "woke" now. Growing public opposition, boycotts, declining ticket sales and television viewership have substantially damaged the league's bottom line. A stubborn commissioner and team owners were slow to admit their marketing blunders and brand damage, but the National Basketball Association will not make the same mistakes.

Sports Illustrated: Cut the 'Unity,' Get Back to Racial Inequality

September 29th, 2017 8:12 PM
We're hearing and reading more about a growing complaint from the Kaepernick apologists in the media. They're upset that Kaepernick's original protest against police brutality and racial inequality has been morphed into the suddenly offensive call for unity. Sports Illustrated's Jimmy Traina is lecturing everyone -- especially two star white quarterbacks -- to cut the disgusting unity talk and…

Kaepernick Foundation Gave $25K to Group Honoring Cop-Killer

September 29th, 2017 12:46 PM
Amidst the fury over the NFL players kneeling during the national anthem – the heated arguments about Trump, the fecklessness of league officials – we as Americans have forgotten something very important that goes to the heart of the issue and should unite us all: Colin Kaepernick is a jerk.

Sports Writer Complains Protests Stress Unity over Police Brutality

September 27th, 2017 6:32 PM
Last weekend's unparalleled level of protest around the NFL was not acceptable to David Steele, of The Sporting News. More than 100 players dishonored America by kneeling during the national anthem and many more players, along with some owners, stood and linked arms. Steele said these activities were too long on unity and too short on police brutality.

AP Ignores Steeler Who Left Locker Room to Sing Anthem (UPDATED)

September 24th, 2017 5:17 PM
The Associated Press is virtually celebrating how, in reaction to "President Donald Trump’s criticism of players who protest during the national anthem," there was "a mass increase in such activism Sunday, with more than 100 NFL players sitting or kneeling, others raising their fists and whole teams standing with locked arms to display unity." The AP also reported that "One team, the Pittsburgh…

Media Coverage of Sports Protests Appalling, Trite

September 24th, 2017 3:15 PM
North Korea's madman dictator is threatening to nuke people off the face of the earth, but angry, vulgar, leftist athletes in America and their media apologists have been firing verbal warheads at the president of the United States all weekend.

SB Nation: Trump 'Goons in Red Hats' are White Supremacists

September 16th, 2017 11:43 PM
Tyler Tynes is a staff writer for the liberal blog SB Nation whose beat is sticking to the intersection of race, politics and sports. In other words, his livelihood depends on race hustling. Along with a few like-minded friends, Tynes just marched from Charlottesville to D.C. to "combat forms of white supremacy, inflamed by the presidency, which they see a resurgence of in this country."

At ESPN, Hill's Poison Slides, While Cohn Was Suspended For Frankness

September 14th, 2017 7:30 PM
Many readers here know that ESPN's Jemele Hill, co-host of SC6, went on a Twitter rant earlier this week calling Donald Trump and his administration a pack of white supremacists. (Many in the press simply will not allow the fact that Trump has disavowed white supremacists and their ilk 55 times get in the way of fueling this non-stop smear.) Hill appears to have suffered no visible consequences…

Sports Illustrated: WH Call for Hill Firing a Trip to 'Crazytown'

September 14th, 2017 12:45 AM
To ESPN, co-anchor Jemele Hill's 9/11 Twitter caricature of President Trump and his supporters as "white supremacists" merited only a light tap on the wrist. But officials at the White House today were incensed by the outrageous claims and called for Hill to be terminated by ESPN. Hardcore media lefties went ballistic.

WH Reporters Advocate for Single-Payer Health Care, Push Hill Tweets

September 13th, 2017 6:11 PM

Wednesday’s White House press briefing didn’t feature CNN’s Jim Acosta, so his colleagues picked up the slack with lobbying efforts for single-payer health care, ensuring wealthy Americans don’t get tax cuts, and anti-Trump comments by ESPN’s Jemele Hill. Los Angeles Times reporter Noah Bierman got the ball rolling on single-payer health care, asking Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders what…