Vick Ignites Media Firestorm over Kaepernick's Hair

July 18th, 2017 7:48 PM
Colin Kaepernick's Afro hairstyle is all the media rage today. Perhaps, not since the musical "Hair" opened on Broadway in 1968 has the media made so much of someone's hairstyle. On Monday, retired football star Michael Vick said it would be a good idea for Kaepernick to sharpen up his image by cutting his hair and making himself more "presentable" to potential NFL suitors. Indignant Left-stream…

Lester Maddox of Golf: NYT Lets Feminist Foe Smear Golf Star in Obit

July 18th, 2017 12:02 PM
Hootie Johnson, former chairman of the Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Ga., home of The Master’s Golf Tournament, died on Friday at age 86. The New York Times recognized him in an obituary by Richard Goldstein and could not resist getting in last swings at its unlikely foe. In 2002-03, Johnson was in the paper’s cross-hairs for refusing to admit women members to Augusta National. In a…

Media Attack on Golfer Daly's White House Visit Out-of-Bounds

July 16th, 2017 7:06 PM
To many in the media, ripping President Donald Trump and trying to shame his friends is par for the course. By taking his family to the White House to visit the president, pro golfer John Daly just opened the door for more hacks at the president the left-stream media love to hate. Trump haters fired chip shots at Daly after he tweeted about the fun he had at the White House:

Rhoden on Racism: We're Still Not a Free Nation

July 10th, 2017 8:23 PM
William C. Rhoden once wrote award-winning sports columns for The New York Times and he authored the book Forty Million Dollar Slaves. Writing for The Undefeated, a subsidiary blog of ESPN, he claims slavery is alive in America, but freedom is not, as evidenced by the plight of Colin Kaepernick.

MSN Defends Kaepernick for Finding His Independence in Ghana

July 5th, 2017 8:29 PM
Numerous media sites reported today on NFL pariah Colin Kaepernick tracing his roots back to Africa. They portrayed him as a victim who is being "blackballed" by team owners and as a great humanitarian. They reported little about his angering of Americans by disrespecting the flag, veterans and police officers or his role with the radical group Black Lives Matter.

TSN Advocates for New Masculinity in Baseball

July 5th, 2017 6:58 PM
This is not my father's issue of The Sporting News anymore. A minor league baseball writer fronting as a major league LGBT activist for the publication claims Major League Baseball has a problem with "toxic masculinity" and that by allowing "Christian Night" at the ballpark, teams are negatively offsetting "pride nights." If Jessica Quiroli, alias #heels on the field, had her way, baseball would…

Fake News Loves Loud-Mouthed Wrestler 'Liberal Progressive'

June 28th, 2017 7:45 PM
What could be better for the Left-stream media than a sporting event in which a far Left progressive athlete grabs a microphone and uses it to insult President Trump, Fox News and Republicans? That's what Dan Richards -- the "Liberal Progressive" -- is doing on the Kentucky wrestling circuit, and Left-stream media are digging it big-time.

Fox Sports Says Kaepernick Tweet Might Doom His Career

June 22nd, 2017 12:16 AM
Fox Sports Radio’s Clay Travis says it’s all over for NFL-estranged Colin Kaepernick because of his recent Tweet comparing modern police officers to “slave catchers.” Late last week, a Minnesota jury acquitted St. Anthony, Minnesota, police officer Jeronimo Yanez of second-degree manslaughter charges in the shooting of Philando Castile.

Bleacher Report: NFL Displays 'Decency' Through its Activism

June 19th, 2017 5:42 PM
There's an old adage in sports that cheering from the press box is not allowed. However, the Bleacher Report's Mike Freeman is openly cheering for the NFL's power moves to appease left-wing special interest groups.

WashPost: Warriors Could Set Positive Tone for Nation at White House

June 16th, 2017 6:44 PM
In this poisonous political climate in America, and in the aftermath of a hateful Democrat's shooting of Republican congressmen, Washington Post sports columnist Sally Jenkins is urging the NBA champion Golden State Warriors to attend a White House celebration and set a civil tone for the nation. She recommends the Warriors show the nation that when we disagree with someone, we shake rather than…

Anthem Booed in Mexico, Media Focus on Homophobic Slurs

June 12th, 2017 8:25 PM
President Trump did not attend Sunday's international soccer match pitting Team USA vs. Mexico in Mexico City, but he was topic numero uno south of the border. Mexican fans made the game a forum on Trump, and they booed loudly and blew air horns during the playing of the Star Spangled Banner. However, American media were much more exercised about "homophobic slurs" directed at the USA goalie than…

Whitlock Courageously Opposes Left-Stream Narratives

June 7th, 2017 6:40 PM
Is Jason Whitlock conservative? Colin Cowherd, his partner of Fox Sports 1’s Speak for Yourself, recently told Whitlock he is considered a “Black conservative.” In an interview with Dave Rubin on The Rubin Report, Whitlock reveals he is conservative on some issues and strongly disagrees with some of the key narratives of the left-stream media.

Seahawks' Kaepernick Snub Angers Media

June 5th, 2017 6:20 PM
With their much hoped-for Seattle Seahawks-Colin Kaepernick dream team now reduced to dust in the wind, many in the left-stream sports media are crying unsportsmanlike conduct and some say he has a right to be on an NFL team.

Lib Media Brands Conservative 'Just a N----'

June 3rd, 2017 7:40 PM
In a vast wasteland of liberal lemmings masquerading as reporters and fair-minded commentators, Fox Sports 1's Jason Whitlock stands apart from the left-stream media sheeple. He's a stereotype-defying Black conservative who tells it like it is. His independence attracts scorn from the PC police, who branded him ''just a n----'' for recent comments about LeBron James.