Big Media Gives Ball a Pass on Racist Remarks

April 7th, 2017 7:47 PM
In the shallow minds of left-stream reporters, accusations of racism are relative to skin color and political identity. Whites and Republicans are assumed to be inherently racist in their DNA. It’s a different story when a member of a minority group utters racist comments.

News One Now: Colin Kaepernick Is Being ‘Whiteballed’

March 26th, 2017 8:36 PM
The prolonged free agency of cop-hating, baggage-toting quarterback Colin Kaepernick has prompted the formation of a new sports fantasy game. It’s best played by race-baiting, left-stream talk show performers who have the unique ability to read the minds of NFL owners and general managers.

USA Baseball Skipper Leyland: ‘Trying to Make America Great Again'

March 23rd, 2017 11:46 AM
Could Jim Leyland be any different from Colin Kaepernick? Last night, Team USA dominated Puerto Rico 8-0 to win the World Baseball Championship for the first time. Leyland, 72, the Hall of Fame-bound manager and baseball lifer who came out of retirement to manage the U.S. team got emotional in a post-game interview.

USA Today Touts Barkley, NCAA Coaches Opposing NC Bathroom Law

March 17th, 2017 4:32 PM
Stripped of NCAA Tournament basketball games because of its new public bathroom law, the State of North Carolina bore the brunt of heavy criticism Thursday from well-known sports figures. The law requires people to use the public bathroom of their birth gender. Conservatives say the law is needed to protect women and girls from predators, but LGBT activists want people to be able to choose their…

ESPN Is Tanking, But Lib Sports Media Stubbornly Remain Biased

March 7th, 2017 8:48 AM
Let the seller beware. Buyers aren’t buying what they’re offering. I’m speaking of sports reporting. Sports writers jumping into the realm of the political are admitting that much of the public disagrees with their hard-left editorializing. But they are stubbornly turning up the volume and focusing on Trump-bashing and supporting illegal immigration, the transgender movement, Black Lives Matter…

Live from Spring Training: ESPN Contracts Tebow Derangement Syndrome

March 2nd, 2017 8:31 AM
There is no shortage of media criticism of professional athletes, but David Fleming’s attack on Tim Tebow has re-written the standards of mean-spiritedness. In a post dripping with malice, sarcasm and anti-Christian bigotry, “Tim Tebow’s relentless pursuit of failure,” Fleming has taken Tebow Derangement Syndrome to a level not previously thought attainable.

Writer Calls out ‘Arrogant’ Sports Media’s Growing Bias

February 22nd, 2017 8:51 AM
“Today, sports writing is basically a liberal profession, practiced by liberals who enforce an unapologetically liberal code." -- Bryan Curtis, The Ringer. That’s the first honest thing a liberal sports writer has said this year. The writer busting on Curtis and his fellowship of left-wing media comrades is Michael Brendan Dougherty, a self-described “conservative” writing for The Week.

BDSM-Themed Super Bowl Ad Sparks T-Mobile, Verizon Twitter Battle

February 6th, 2017 6:08 PM
Super Bowl commercials are known for being creative, funny, and sometimes controversial, but T-Mobile’s BDSM-themed commercials took the game day ads to a weird new level. Sunday night, two T-Mobile ads compared Verizon customer experience to BDSM during the 2017 Super Bowl. The ads were meant to reflect the controversial (and media-hyped) BDSM-themed movie 50 Shades of Grey and its sequel 50…

7 Outrageously Liberal Super Bowl Ad Campaigns

February 6th, 2017 2:21 AM
If you just crawled out from under a rock and turned on Fox last night, you might have thought you were witnessing a presentation sponsored by the United Nations, instead of the Super Bowl. We weren’t treated to “We are the World,” but there was no shortage of advertisements pressing Americans to go the way of the world.

Prof Claims Trump-Supporter Brady ‘More Un-American’ than Kaepernick

January 30th, 2017 7:58 AM
Who’s more threatening? A professional athlete who disrespects our flag and our troops and supports the radical activism of Black Lives Matter and the ruthless dictatorship of the late Fidel Castro? Or an athlete who wears a Trump hat?

Deadspin to Ted Cruz in Spat Over Playing Basketball: ‘Go Eat S***’

January 24th, 2017 8:53 PM
Univision-owned and far-left sports site Deadspin took a dive into the gutter on Tuesday night, telling Republican Senator Ted Cruz (Tex.) to “go eat shit” on Twitter following a post about Cruz playing pick-up basketball games with Senate colleagues.  

ESPN’s The Undefeated Warns Against Ignoring Climate Change ‘Facts’

January 24th, 2017 8:07 AM
What do we do if we are increasingly willing to ignore “facts?” According to Jeff Rivers, “we’ll end up in real trouble.” Writing for ESPN’s The Undefeated blog, Rivers writes that when it comes to public policy “we too often allow ideology and political maneuvering to render facts moot, especially when those facts support inconvenient truths such as global climate change.” 

The Agony of Defeat: Lefty Coaches, Athletes Freak Over Trump

January 23rd, 2017 9:32 AM
Barack Obama no longer resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and that means it’s a dark, dreary day in the parallel universe of left-wing sports figures and their admiring media. San Antonio Spurs Coach Gregg Popovich renewed the attacks on Trump he began after the election in November. Associated Press sports-writer Tom Withers reported Popovich “would bench President Donald Trump.”  He also…

Bleacher Report: NBA Stars Could Lead Resistance Against Trump

January 20th, 2017 8:44 AM
NBA star-activists may be hip, but they’re also depressed about the change of leadership in Washington. As they pout over Barack Obama’s departure from the White House, a writer for the left-leaning Bleacher Report is encouraging them to lead reprisals against President Trump and white, far-right Americans who voted him into the Oval Office.