Media Make Selling Soccer a Goal

June 9th, 2010 3:53 PM
Something about the soccer World Cup brings out the missionary in the mainstream media, and every four years they strive to bring the good news of "the beautiful game" to the ignorant American masses. This year is no different. The 2010 World Cup is set to begin in South Africa on June 11. More than just covering the month-long event, the media are already doing their best to hype it,…

MSNBC's Scarborough Slams Conservative Foreign Policy as 'Dangerous' a

June 7th, 2010 6:21 PM
In the May/June issue of “Cato Policy Report,” MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough lamented conservative foreign policy as overly dogmatic and ideological and questioned whether winning the war in Afghanistan is in America’s national security interest.“Dogma and rigid ideologies are the enemies of conservative foreign policy,” lectured Scarborough. “Those who are still arguing in 2010 that we can somehow…

ESPN's Weissman: Despite Exoneration 'The Questions Remain' About Duke

May 30th, 2010 1:33 PM
What will it take for the MSM to stop smearing the falsely-accused Duke lacrosse players?  Judging by the performance of ESPN's Steve Weissman this morning, legal exoneration is not enough.Introducing an ESPNNEWS item on a lacrosse game between Duke and the University of Virginia, Weissman claimed that three years ago, the Duke team had been involved in "a devastating scandal," and that while…

CBS's Harry Smith Shoots Some B-Ball With Presidential Pal

April 2nd, 2010 4:21 PM
In addition to the softball interview CBS's Harry Smith conducted with President Obama on Thursday, the Early Show co-host also played some one-on-one with the commander in chief on the White House basketball court, declaring on Friday's show: "it's not just talk, there's a little action too, as we bring in Clark Kellogg of CBS Sports to check out the President's basketball skills." [Audio…

Guilty Pleasure: Prank Caller Pretends To Be Team USA Goalie, Fools MS

February 27th, 2010 8:58 AM
Although yours truly emphatically does not approve of the stunt, I have to acknowledge that whoever pranked MSNBC's "Morning Joe" co-host Willie Geist Friday by pretending to be Team USA hockey goalie Ryan Miller (pictured at right) did the nation two small favors: First, he embarrassed a network that seems incapable of being embarrassed by much of what its hosts and guests say on a daily basis…

Second Pro-Life Tebow Ad to Run During Super Bowl Pre-Game

February 6th, 2010 10:29 AM
The Left and their media minions may not have enough time to fully express their anger before it happens, but a second ad featuring Pro-Life advocate and college football star Tim Tebow is now scheduled to air during the Super Bowl pre-game show.Adding insult to injury, this one's supposed to run four times.Try to feel the liberal media's anger as you read USA Today's article on this subject:

George W. Bush Gets Applause Despite Katrina ... Oh, Wait

January 26th, 2010 6:02 PM
(This post has been updated below.) 'Ya just gotta love BDSers (those with Bush Derangement Syndrome). Their hatred is so intense that it causes them to get even the most elementary of facts wrong. In this case, it's sports guy Filip Bondy of the NY Daily News, writing about this past Sunday's NFC Championship game in New Orleans:If you needed further proof of this [New Orleans racial] divide,…

MRC's Bozell Challenges CBS to Stand Ground, Air Tim Tebow Super Bowl

January 26th, 2010 2:38 PM
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell called on the CBS television network to stay the course in planning to air a life-affirming Super Bowl commercial featuring Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow and his mother, who was pressured to abort him during her pregnancy, after a bout of opposition has arisen among left-wing activist groups:Radical leftist groups like the National Organization for…

Plans for Tebow Pro-Life Super Bowl Ad May Irk QB’s Critics

January 5th, 2010 11:36 AM
With his unconventional pass delivery and a physical style that seems just as comfortable running the ball anyway, some wonder if University of Florida star quarterback Tim Tebow will achieve NFL glory. But football fans just may get to see the story of the Heisman Trophy winner and unapologetic Christian impact the pro sport's biggest game of the year.Colorado-based conservative group Focus on…

S.I. Writer Charges BCS an 'Illegal Monopoly'; Likens Current Format t

December 9th, 2009 8:05 PM
There's certainly an argument to be made that college football's Bowl Championship Series (BCS) isn't an ideal system, but just to what degree should the federal government come in and regulate this multi-billion dollar industry? According to Andy Staples, a writer for Sports Illustrated's Web site, who appeared on the Fox News Channel's Dec. 9 "Studio B," the industry should be revamped…

WaPo's Dana Milbank: 'The Senate Really Has 100 Blanche DuBoises

November 22nd, 2009 9:09 AM
To say that there's good reason not to be impressed with a quite a few U.S. Senators is to state the obvious.But I really hope that Dana Milbank either hasn't read or really doesn't remember A Streetcar Named Desire. Because in his coverage of the Senate vote last night to go forward to debate on its health care bill, the alleged journalist stooped well below the level of most of the blogosphere…

Golf Channel's Chamblee On Advice: 'Good Stuff, Not Like Getting Hunti

October 29th, 2009 4:53 PM
Golf, too?  If there was one sport you'd think might be immune from the liberal slant that has invaded too much of sports reporting, it's golf.  The fairways-and-greens guys are known for generally being Republicans.But out of the blue [green?] on a Golf Channel show this afternoon, host Brandel Chamblee took a cheap shot at Dick Cheney with a rather nasty hunting reference.Chamblee, who before…

Krugman: Liberals Need to Learn from Conservatives How to Attack

October 19th, 2009 6:50 PM
Paul Krugman attacked the authors of the soon-to-be-released book SuperFreakonomics today for their audacious attempts to question the left's conventional wisdom on global climate change. He then touted the danger of attacking conservatives, and contended that liberal-bashing has always been the safer political and professional move.I have a theory here, although it may not be the whole story: it…

Double Standard: Olbermann Given Pass on NFL Commissioner's 'Divisive

October 19th, 2009 8:40 AM
After conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh was forced out of a consortium seeking to buy the National Football League's St. Louis Rams, there's evidence there is a double standard at play in the NFL. Last week, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said that people in "responsible positions" in his league are held to a "higher standard," reacting to the notion that Limbaugh could be a part-owner…