St. Petersburg Times

Liberal Media Can't Believe Jeb Bush Described as 'Moderate Squish'
December 7th, 2014 9:24 AM
Liberal reporters cannot believe conservatives see Jeb Bush as a Republican establishment figure, a moderate squish. Mark Levin calls him a “very good moderate Democrat.” In Politico magazine, NPR’s S.V. Date couldn’t believe it; neither could Adam C. Smith of the Tampa Bay Times.
Both journalists thought conservatives were just misunderstanding reality.
Politifact Invokes Misleading Employment Numbers to Rate Conservative
May 31st, 2011 3:06 PM
This just in, by way of St. Petersburg Times fact-checking website Politifact: when considering irrelevant and misleading employment statistics, Texas has not, in fact, created more jobs in the past five years than the rest of the country combined.
Sure, when considering the relevant numbers - the ones that most honest observers would use - the claim, made by the Texas Public Policy…

NPR's Scott Simon: Shootings Just 'Didn't Happen When 63 Million Watch
January 16th, 2011 5:26 PM
Long past the time when it was debunked that Tucson shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner might have been motivated by talk radio or TV, NPR was still entertaining the "vitriol" attack line, as anchor Scott Simon interviewed liberal St. Petersburg Times TV critic Eric Deggans on Saturday morning's Weekend Edition. Simon even bizarrely claimed that this kind of violence didn't happen when "63…
Attacking 'Ideologically Slanted' Journalism, Media Critic Blames Cons
July 21st, 2010 3:24 PM
A journalist with a political agenda is not necessarily a dishonest one, and a journalist who claims to be objective is not necessarily honest. These are useful facts to bear in mind as media liberals call for Andrew Breitbart's head.Breitbart posted video of recently-fired USDA official Shirley Sherrod claiming she considered race in allocating federal agriculture funds. The apparent racism was…
Fact Checking ABC's This Week: Most Statements PolitiFact Sees as 'Fal
July 4th, 2010 2:27 PM
Back in April, as ABC's Jake Tapper took over as interim host of This Week (pending the arrival of ex-CNNer Christiane Amanpour in August), the show asked the fact-checkers at PolitiFact to evaluate the truthfulness of statements made on the show.After nearly three months, the results show far more Democrats and liberals earning a "False" rating, with most of the "True" ratings going to…
Despite Dismissive Media, Palin's 'Death Panels' Resurface in WH Ratio
April 27th, 2010 7:29 PM
PolitiFact called it the Lie of the Year, and journalists left and right (but mostly left) dismissed the claim as hyperbole at best, and fear-mongering propaganda at worst. But Sarah Palin's "death panel" comment may not be as off the mark as so many have claimed. Don't take her word for it. White House budget director Peter Orszag apparently agrees.Well, Orszag didn't specifically address Palin'…
Newspaper Circulations in 3-Year Plunge, with Four Exceptions
May 1st, 2008 10:27 AM
Old Media business reporters have a definitionally-incorrect habit of labeling single industries or economic sectors as being "in recession," when the term, as defined here, can only describe national economies or the world economy. Two examples of this are New York Times reporter David Leonhardt's description of manufacturing as being in recession in February 2007 (laughably incorrect, in any…
AP Ignores Fact Indicted Puerto Rico Gov an Obama Superdelegate
March 27th, 2008 1:14 PM
Color me unsurprised.The Associated Press, reporting the indictment of Puerto Rico Gov. Anibal Acevedo Vila (pictured at right via AFP/Getty Images file photo) failed to note Vila is a Democrat, let alone that he is an Obama superdelegate.But Vila's party affiliation is hardly a state secret. Indeed, ABC's Jake Tapper noted the Obama connection on his Political Punch blog this morning:
Newspapers Fail to Recognize Liberal Leanings of Families USA
March 27th, 2008 12:41 PM
From windy Washington, D.C., to sunny Palm Beach, Florida, the liberal print media are refusing to note the liberal bent of an interest group vocal in the health care debate. The March 26 edition of the Palm Beach Post -- a broadsheet notorious to conservatives for its unbalanced treatment of Rush Limbaugh -- featured not one but two articles which pushed government-run universal health care…