
Sundance Lineup Reflects $75.8 Million From Soros and Other Lefties
January 21st, 2016 3:21 PM
Like Cannes and even, increasingly, the Academy Awards, The Sundance Film Festival isn’t so much a showcase of new movies as an annual mile marker denoting how far elite tastes and preoccupations have wandered from those of the movie-going public.

Dance of Death: Sundance Worships Abortionist Involved In Botched Abor
February 19th, 2013 11:38 AM
Sundance glorified adultery, porn, and sex with minors during the 2013 Sundance Festival, but now another topic received excruciating recognition: death.
Two weeks ago, Jennifer Leigh Morbelli died at the hands of LeRoy Carhart, one of the four remaining United States “doctors” who performs third-trimester abortions. Morbelli sought a 33-week abortion in Germantown, Md., after learning her…