Tell Me More

NPR Runs Only Two News Reports on Benghazi In Nearly 3 Months
May 22nd, 2014 2:14 PM
It’s been over a month but NPR has finally decided that the Benghazi scandal is worth covering. On Wednesday, May 21 House Democrats chose five members of Congres to participate in the House Select Committee on Benghazi and NPR’s Morning Edition covered the story on Thursday, May 22. NPR didn’t bother giving full a news report to the actual formation of the Select Committee, but deemed the…

NPR Drops Minority-Based 'Tell Me More' Show, Fires 28 Employees Due t
May 21st, 2014 8:29 PM
Despite the fact that National Public Radio is a publicly supported network, its long-term financial struggles claimed another casualty on Tuesday: Tell Me More, a program “expressly designed to have a primary appeal for African-American listeners and other people of color” will air its last episode on Friday, August 1.
The move will leave 28 people unemployed, and program host Michel Martin…