True Blood

‘True Blood’ Actress: ‘I Did Have Fun’ Making Sarah Palin Angr
July 28th, 2014 2:52 PM
Editor’s note: This story contains strong language.
HBO certainly isn’t subtle in their disdain for conservatives. Last week, HBO’s “True Blood” mocked conservatives at a fictional Ted Cruz fundraiser, as “Republic**ts” and this weekend’s cast panel at Comic-Con brought up the episode again.
The actress who uttered the derogatory term, Kristin Bauer van Straten was asked about the…
Colbert Explains Connection Between Liberals and Vampires: 'They Scre
July 25th, 2014 4:35 PM
While Stephen Colbert usually regulates his humor to bashing Republicans, on the July 24 edition of The Colbert Report the Comedy Central comedian actually made a joke both his liberal and conservative audience could enjoy.
As Colbert’s faux conservative personality expressed his outrage over the “transparent Hollywood attack on Republicans” in HBO’s latest episode of the explicit vampire…

HBO’s ‘True Blood’ Mocks Ted Cruz, ‘Republic**ts’, 'A**holes
July 21st, 2014 2:08 PM
Editor’s note: this article contains objectionable language.
The Democrat party is the pro-woman party right? Well on Sunday night’s episode of HBO's "True Blood," the left-leaning characters inadvertently reveal their hateful attitudes towards women, all the while mocking conservatives.
In the July 20 episode, vampires Eric and Pam are looking for the parents of their enemy, who happen to…