Univision Defense of Defund Police Reminiscent of Defund ICE
The call to defund the nation's police was quickly adopted by the Hispanic media, with Univision vowing that the “death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police has revived calls to dismantle, defund or reinvent police.” Change the word “police” for ICE, and presto, it's a seamless narrative transfer.
Moms Demand Rep: 'We Were Required' to Attend Floyd Funeral
Univision never passes on an opportunity to promote its broader political agenda, which includes gun control. This latest attempt, though, backfired very badly. Check out the full post as a local Houston representative for Moms Demand Action, a Bloomberg-backed gun control group, told Univision's correspondent that they were required to attend George Floyd's funeral on live television.
Univisión critica a Trump por sostener Biblia, ignora vandalismo
En shock. Así dijeron estar los integrantes de un panel de "expertos" en Despierta América de Univisión, ante la imagen del presidente Donald Trump frente a la Iglesia de St. John´s en Washington, D.C., con una Biblia en la mano. El comentario, como es de esperar, es una réplica exacta de la retórica en los medios de comunicación angloparlantes de corte liberal.
Univision Bashes Trump for Holding a Bible, Ignores Church Burning
Parroting their mainstream media counterparts, a panel of “experts” at Univision's Despierta America expressed their “shock” at seeing President Donald Trump stand before St. John's Church in Washington, D.C., with a Bible in his hand.