Joe Biden Calls Out Jorge Ramos’s Shameless Border Demagoguery
February 15th, 2020 7:21 PM
Univision anchor Jorge Ramos's interview with Vice President Joe Biden, broadcast on Facebook Watch ahead of the Nevada caucuses, was neither lengthy nor wide-ranging. However, the interview demonstrated that border enforcement of any kind is a non-starter with Univision’s senior anchor.
Indignado Jorge Ramos con AMLO por controlar la migración EN Mexico
February 12th, 2020 1:36 PM
En su columna más reciente para The New York Times, el veterano presentador de Univisión, Jorge Ramos, lamenta que el presidente de México Andrés Manuel López Obrador (conocido como AMLO) haya convertido a México “en la policía migratoria del presidente estadounidense Donald Trump”.
Ramos Outraged at Mexican President's Policy on Controlling Migration
February 11th, 2020 4:27 PM
In his most recent column for The New York Times, Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos laments that Mexican President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador (also known as AMLO) has turned Mexico “into an extension of Mr. Trump’s immigration police beyond American territory.”
Hispanos trumpistas SE ALMUERZAN a Jorge Ramos
February 11th, 2020 10:24 AM
La edición más reciente de Al Punto, el semanario político de la cadena Univisión, presentó un segmento con hispanos pro-Trump. Para el presentador Jorge Ramos, fue mucho abarcar y poco apretar.
Jorge Ramos Tosses Softballs to Elizabeth Warren on Immigration
February 10th, 2020 4:50 PM
Univision’s weekly political affairs show Al Punto has become a safe space for 2020 Democratic presidential candidates- a place where they can expect host Jorge Ramos to deviate from his “contrapoder” (opposed to power) gimmick so long as they pander on immigration and other issues.
La inmigración sigue dominando los noticieros en español
February 10th, 2020 2:47 PM
MRC Latino analizó todos los informes presentados en los noticieros vespertinos de Univisión y Telemundo durante el mes de enero de 2020, y descubrió que la inmigración reinó a pesar del juicio político en curso en el Senado.
Immigration Still Dominates Spanish-Language Evening Newscasts
February 10th, 2020 6:00 AM
MRC Latino analyzed every story on Univision and Telemundo evening weeknight newscasts for the month of January, 2020, and found that immigration continued to reign supreme despite the ongoing Senate impeachment trial.
During Impeachment Finale, Jorge Ramos Outs Himself as a Democrat
February 6th, 2020 9:00 AM
When compared with a recent opinion column, Univision’s coverage of the impeachment finale featured a revelation that all but confirms Jorge Ramos to be a partisan actor masquerading as an advocacy journalist.
Univision SOTU Analysis: Sadly, Trump Will Apologize For Nothing
February 4th, 2020 6:00 PM
Univision may have finally figured out a way around the inconvenient fact that Bill Clinton was the first sitting president to deliver a State of the Union Address while in an impeachment trial: By saying, “well, at least he apologized.”
Jorge Ramos Tried To Wokescold Hispanic Trump Supporters, Got SCHOOLED
February 1st, 2020 10:00 AM
The most recent edition of Univision political affairs show Al Punto featured a segment with Pro-Trump Hispanics. However, Ramos may have bit off a bit more than he was expecting to chew.
Univision, Telemundo Freak Out Over SCOTUS' ‘Public Charge’ Decision
January 30th, 2020 9:51 AM
The nation’s Spanish-language networks never waste an opportunity to remind us that, no matter what else may be going on, immigration is the first and foremost issue- both in coverage and in importance to their business interests. The latest instance of these biases on display comes via the network’s coverage of the Supreme Court decision allowing the Trump Administration’s “public charge” policy…
Univisión refuerza su papel de PAC liberal con licencia de difusión
January 24th, 2020 2:12 PM
A medida que las cadenas de noticias en español de la nación intensifican sus esfuerzos por persuadir a sus televidentes a votar por los candidatos que están alineados con sus propios intereses comerciales, el más importante siendo afianzar una audiencia infalible, y con ello, la inversión publicitaria mediante fronteras abiertas, más se desdibuja la fina línea entre información y propaganda.
Univision Acts Like Liberal PAC with a Broadcast License
January 17th, 2020 4:45 PM
As the national Spanish-language news networks ramp up their efforts to persuade their viewers to vote for those candidates that are aligned with their own business interests -chief among them, ensuring an unfailing audience, and thus, advertising dollars via open borders - they become more brazen at blurring the line between information and propaganda.
Univision: Importante para los inmigrantes que Trump sea derrotado
January 14th, 2020 4:14 PM
En Univisión, la campaña para bombardear a las audiencias de sus noticieros con propaganda liberal gana impulso a diario con los presentadores colmando las transmisiones de agravio racial y una determinación infatigable por retratar al presidente Donald Trump como "antiinmigrante".