Even a Pro-Immigrant Program Gets a Negative Spin at Univision
November 16th, 2019 10:30 AM
If you were to believe Univision News, you’d be convinced that Latino immigrants come to the United States only to suffer. Forget about historic economic prosperity, or unprecedented unemployment levels for the nation's largest ethnic minority. The network’s anchors will always find an excuse to inject the “anti-immigrant” tag into their reporting - even within a story about a pro-immigrant…
Univisión reportó menos de la mitad del tuit de Trump sobre DACA
November 14th, 2019 4:23 PM
En su cobertura previo a la audiencia ante el Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos respecto a la constitucionalidad del programa de Acción Diferida (DACA, por sus siglas en inglés), Univisión ocultó a sus televidentes, de manera intencional, una porción del tuit del presidente Donald Trump que expresaba su disposición a concretar un acuerdo con los demócratas.
Univision Hid Most of Trump’s DACA Tweet From Spanish-Speaking Viewers
November 13th, 2019 9:54 AM
In its coverage of DACA arguments before the United States Supreme Court Univision, the nation’s leading Spanish-language network, willfully concealed a portion of President Trump’s tweet that expressed willingness to make a deal.
TDS Alert: UNews Reports ‘Baby Trump’ Balloon Slashing as Crime Story
November 11th, 2019 4:59 PM
Trump Derangement Syndrome has long been a real thing at Univision, as exemplified by this report on the slashing of what now appears to be a cherished #Resistance icon: the Baby Trump balloon.
Univisión gira sondeo de WashPost-ABC para acomodarlo a su agenda
November 11th, 2019 1:47 PM
Univisión, la principal cadena de noticias en español de la nación, comenzó su cuenta regresiva a un año de las elecciones generales de 2020 con un informe sobre una nueva encuesta que coloca a los tres principales aspirantes presidenciales demócratas por delante del presidente Donald Trump.
Univision Twists WashPost-ABC Poll To Suit Its Agenda
November 8th, 2019 12:33 PM
The nation’s top Spanish-language news network, Univision, began its one-year countdown to the 2020 general election by heralding the results of a new poll placing the top three Democrat presidential hopefuls ahead of president Donald Trump. Check out the full post as Ramos frames correspondent Blanca Rosa Vílchez’s report by “talking politics” as befits the liberal agenda, in an obvious attempt…
SHOCK: Univision Anchor Asks ‘How Can Dems Compete With Trump?'
November 4th, 2019 4:42 PM
Towards the end of an otherwise friendly interview at Univision, DNC Chair Tom Perez was blindsided by a question for which he offered no real answer. Watch Perez scoff as Univision anchor Patricia Janiot, filling in for Jorge Ramos on Sunday political affairs show Al Punto, asks point-blank whether the Democrats can compete with the Trump Administration’s record on Hispanic employment:
Espantados los noticieros por las nuevas reglas para la deportación
November 2nd, 2019 12:02 PM
Los inmigrantes con antecedentes penales y múltiples DUI tienen nuevos porristas en los medios de comunicación hispanoparlantes que harán todo lo posible para evitar que su audiencia principal se reduzca, como se evidencia en la cobertura de Telemundo y Univisión de las nuevas reglas del Departamento de Justicia con respecto a la deportación.
Spanish Nets Panic About New Deportation Rules
November 2nd, 2019 10:36 AM
Immigrants with criminal records and multiple DUIs have new cheerleaders at the Spanish-speaking media that will go to any length to prevent their core audience from shrinking, as evidenced in Telemundo and Univision´s coverage of new DOJ rules regarding deportation.
Univision’s Del Rio Calls for ‘Some Control’ of Social Media
November 1st, 2019 4:34 PM
Univision’s “Agenda Latina” is evergreen, and ever expanding beyond immigration. The network now appears to be joining efforts to impose censorship on social media. Check out the full post to see as correspondent Lourdes Del Río advocated for “some sort of control” of social media.
Cadenas hispanas y demócratas minimizan prejuicio latino en California
November 1st, 2019 10:36 AM
La burbuja finalmente estalló en los medios de comunicación de habla hispana que ya no pueden contener la vergonzosa realidad vivida por los hispanos en California, el estado que supuestamente lidera la lucha por los derechos de los inmigrantes.
In Softball Interview on Univision, Jill Biden Supports Twitter Ad Ban
October 31st, 2019 5:00 PM
The nation’s leading Spanish-language network is up to its old tricks- this time, with a softball interview of Dr. Jill Biden on the day of a vote to allow impeachment investigations to proceed in the U.S. House of Representatives, in which she comes out in support of Twitter's ban on political advertising.
Spanish Nets, Dems Downplay Anti-Latino California, Play Up Fake Video
October 30th, 2019 3:29 PM
The bubble finally burst as Spanish-speaking media could no longer contain the shameful reality lived by Hispanics in California, the state that purportedly leads the fight for immigrant rights. As MRC Latino contributor Ray Cruz points out in a recent analysis of the nation ́s liberal Hispanic Media, “Jokingly and Seriously”; although 2020 Democratic presidential candidates prefer not to talk…
Transgenderism Is Part of Univision’s ‘Latino Agenda’
October 28th, 2019 12:19 PM
In their scramble to help secure votes for the Democrats and fulfill their leftist policy vision, Univision News continues to expand its “Latino Agenda”. The network is now openly advocating for the political platforms of leftist Democratic presidential hopefuls, and pushing for issues and policies that are completely out of tune with the reality of the Latino population to which they cater.