Univision Cheers Licenses For Illegals In Minnesota
Time and time again, Univision proves itself to be an immigration advocacy PAC with a broadcast license. And, as immigration advocacy organizations do, they cheer anything that erodes the distinctions between legal and illegal immigration.
Univisión lamenta abiertamente el deceso de la senadora Feinstein
Con frecuencia se nos recuerda que Univisión se ha encargado de actuar como un lobby de inmigración en lugar de una división de noticias. Lo mismo ocurre hoy, cuando la muerte de la senadora Dianne Feinstein no se informa como una noticia, sino que se lamenta como la muerte de un aliado político.
Univision Openly Mourns Passing of Senator Feinstein
We are often reminded that Univision has taken it upon itself to act like an immigration lobby rather than a news division. So it is today, wherein the death of Senator Dianne Feinstein is not reported as a news story, but mourned as the death of a political ally.
NewsBusters Podcast: The Fox Biz Debate That Oddly Slanted to the Left
The second GOP presidential debate on Fox Business took an odd turn to the Left in the questions of Univision anchor Ilia Calderon, who pressed the candidates like an MSNBC host on guns, fentanyl, '"dreamers," LGBTQ issues, and Florida's black history curriculum.
Segundo debate republicano empañado por el odio antiestadounidense
El segundo debate de las primarias republicanas del GOP, el miércoles por la noche, fue un caso de estudio de por qué el Partido Republicano no debería otorgar privilegios de moderación de debates a miembros hostiles y deshonestos de los medios liberales. Mientras que Fox Business Network ocupó dos de las posiciones de moderador (Stuart Varney y Dana Perino), la tercera fue otorgada a la…
Second GOP Debate Marred By Univision Moderator’s Anti-American HATE
The second GOP presidential primary debate Wednesday night was a case study in why the Republican Party shouldn’t award debate moderation privileges to hostile and dishonest members of the liberal media. While Fox Business Network occupied two of the moderator positions (Stuart Varney and Dana Perino), the third was given to Univision anchor Ilia Calderón. Her questions were by far the most…
Maddow Praises Univision's Anti-American, Pro-Trans Qs at GOP Debate
Fox News for reasons passing understanding, allowed radical leftist Univision anchor Ilia Calderón to co-moderate their Republican presidential primary debate. Throughout the evening, Calderón asked numerous anti-American & pro-LGBTQ questions of the candidates. Predictably, during their live post-debate coverage, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow praised Calderón's biased questions because they are…
Univision no representa a la comunidad hispana, pese a rol en debate
La peor parte de la inexplicable decisión del Partido Republicano de invitar a Univisión a moderar el debate de las primarias presidenciales de esta noche en la Biblioteca Reagan es que valida la afirmación de Univisión de representar a la comunidad hispana, cuando claramente no es así.
Despite GOP Debate Nod, Univision Doesn't Represent Hispanic Community
The worst part of the GOP’s inexplicable decision to invite Univision to co-moderate tonight’s presidential primary debate at the Reagan Library is that it validates Univision’s claim to represent the Hispanic community, when they very clearly do not.
Univision sigue utilizando el encuestador de Joe Biden
Previo al próximo debate de las primarias presidenciales del Partido Republicano en la Biblioteca Reagan,Univision ha difundido una encuesta realizada -una vez más- por el encuestador de Joe Biden. Esto no debería sorprender a nadie, excepto a quienes pensaron que era una buena idea permitir que Univisión…
We Regret To Inform You: Univision Is Still Using Joe Biden's Pollster
Ahead of the upcoming GOP presidential primary debate at the Reagan Library, Univision has released a poll conducted -yet again- by Joe Biden’s pollster. This should come as a shock to no one except whoever thought it was a good idea to allow far-left Univision anywhere within a thousand miles of a Republican presidential debate stage.
‘NOS ENCANTA’: Univision se emociona con el TPS masivo
Está establecido que Univision a menudo actúa de forma semejante a un SuperPAC de defensa de la inmigración con una licencia de transmisión. Ahora que Univisión es un ente de propiedad foránea, tal vez la comparación con ONG de fronteras abiertas sea más apropiada. De todos modos, la cadena continúa aplaudiendo abiertamente cualquier cosa que mantenga abierta la porosa frontera sur de los…
‘WE LOVE IT’: Univision Gushes Over Mass TPS
It is well established that Univision often acts in a manner reminiscent of an immigration-advocacy SuperPAC with a broadcast license. Now that Univision is foreign-owned, perhaps open-borders NGO is a more appropriate comparison. Regardless, the network continues to openly cheer anything that keeps the porous southern border open.
In CA Parental Notification Fight, Univision Sides With GROOMERS
As we’ve stated time and time again, advocacy for unrestricted immigration is a gateway issue that Univision leverages in order to impose the rest of the left-wing policy pu-pu platter upon its audience. You can now count suppression of parental notification of gender transition in public schools as part of that policy array.