In Wake of Tibbetts Murder, NAHJ Calls For Censorship

August 27th, 2018 9:52 PM
In their concern that all Hispanics who are in the country unlawfully as well as the U.S. Hispanic community as a whole will be tainted by the revelation that Mollie Tibbetts' murderer was a Mexican national who was unlawfully present in the United States, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists has issued a rather disturbing call for censorship, calling on media outlets to withhold…

Univisión recalienta entrevista de Del Toro para atacar a Trump

August 23rd, 2018 1:38 PM
Los recientes recortes presupuestarios en Univisión parecen haber surtido su efecto. Como resultado, el semanario político Al Punto se ha visto obligado a reciclar una entrevista de hace siete semanas con el actor Benicio Del Toro, con el fin de propagar una narrativa antitrumpista.

Univision recalienta entrevista de Del Toro para atacar a Trump

August 23rd, 2018 1:30 PM
Recortes presupuestarios recientes parecen haber surtido su efecto en Univision. Como resultado, el semanario político Al Punto se ha visto obligado a reciclar una entrevista de hace siete semanas con el actor Benicio Del Toro, con el fin de propagar una narrativa antitrumpista.

Univision Recycles 7-Week-Old Del Toro Interview for Trump-Bashing

August 22nd, 2018 7:54 PM
Recent budget cuts appear to have begun to take their toll on Univision. As a result, Sunday public affairs show Al Punto has been reduced to recycling a seven-week old interview featuring actor Benicio Del Toro in furtherance of a Trump-bashing narrative.

Culpa de Trump las deportaciones de niños en México, dice "experto"

August 21st, 2018 3:59 PM
Un reciente informe de las Naciones Unidas cubierto por el noticiero matutino Despierta América, en Univisión, denunció la detención y deportación por las autoridades mexicanas, de menores centroamericanos huyendo de la violencia y la pobreza antes de cruzar a los Estados Unidos, algo que según un experto en inmigración entrevistado en el reporte, se debe a "la propagación de las políticas…

Univision Features Expert Blaming Trump for Mexico Deportations

August 20th, 2018 5:56 PM
According to a newly released United Nations report covered by Univision's Despierta América morning news show, Central American minors running away from violence and poverty are being detained and deported by Mexican authorities before completing the crossing to the United States, something that one Mexican expert on immigration interviewed blames on "the dissemination of Donald Trump's anti-…

Noticia principal para Jorge Ramos boicot a restaurante

August 16th, 2018 6:15 PM
El fiscal general Jeff Sessions se sumó a la lista de oficiales republicanos de alto rango cuyo gusto culinario es tema noticioso en Univisión, con el presentador Jorge Ramos reportando como noticia principal del día, el llamado a boicotear un restaurante en Houston tras el chef subir a los medios sociales una selfie con Sessions junto a las palabras “fue un honor atenderle”.

Jorge Ramos Headlines Boycott to Restaurant for Serving Sessions

August 15th, 2018 8:53 PM
Attorney General Jeff Sessions joined the list of high-ranking Republicans whose choice of food makes the news of the day at Univision, with anchor Jorge Ramos reporting that a Mexican restaurant in Houston faced calls for a boycott after its chef posted a selfie with Sessions on social media stating that it was an honor to serve him.  

Weather Woman Turns Weather Segment into Climate Change 101

August 10th, 2018 11:54 AM
Remember the good ol’ days when the weather was about the weather? Well, those days sure are no more. Now, ‘Climate Change’ is routinely trumpeted as the scapegoat for every weather abnormality going on in the world.

Univisión finalmente registra baja récord en desempleo hispano

August 8th, 2018 6:14 PM
La victoriosa trayectoria del gobierno de Trump contra el desempleo entre los hispanos de la nación finalmente llegó a las noticias en Univisión y CNN en Español.

Summer of 2018 Showcases Sharp Media Bias in Pope Francis Coverage

August 8th, 2018 3:28 PM
Most national and international media display an astounding degree of selective perception when covering remarks and actions by Pope Francis. The latest example is the overwhelmingly celebratory coverage of the Pope’s decision to revise the Catholic catechism to express across-the-board opposition to the death penalty.

‘Good News’ of Record Low Unemployment Finally Registers on Univision

August 5th, 2018 4:38 PM
The Trump administration’s winning record on Hispanic unemployment finally received a long overdue nod of recognition from top national Spanish-language media outlets Univision and CNN en Español. As unemployment among the nation’s largest minority group fell for the second consecutive, record-setting month, both Univision and CNN en Español trumpeted the news in their principal national evening…

Anti-ICE Project Gets PR Lift from Univision

July 31st, 2018 8:17 PM
Univision, the nation’s leading Hispanic network that has recently been convulsed by severe financial setbacks and major layoffs, continues to provide totally supportive, acritical publicity for organizations that have the elimination of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in their crosshairs.

Le sale por la culata a Jorge Ramos comparar EE.UU. con Japón

July 29th, 2018 2:13 PM
Tras la elección presidencial de 2016, el presentador de Noticias Univisión Jorge Ramos buscó refugio en Japón, y escribió una columna en la cual mostró a la Tierra del Sol Naciente como un ejemplo cultural a seguir. Pero en 2018, algo allí le espantó, lo cual provocó otra columna pero esta vez de sermoneo.