
Patrocinadores se niegan a honrar terrorista. Triunfa el país.

Humiliated, Univision Hides Lead From Report of Own Parade Withdrawal

En un discurso ante periodistas jóvenes, Ramos promueve el activismo

In J-School Address, Ramos Touts Activism Over Anchoring

¿Por qué persiste Univision en auspiciar el terrorismo?

Líder izquierdista: Las deportaciones de Trump son 'limpieza étnica'

Why Does Univision Continue To Sponsor Terrorism?

Leftist Latino Leader: Trump's Deportations are 'Ethnic Cleansing'

Luis Gutierrez en Al Punto: Oscar López Rivera es igual a Washington

Rep. Luis Gutierrez: Oscar Lopez Rivera is Like George Washington
Univision has been consistently supportive in its coverage of convicted FALN terrorist Oscar López Rivera. Now that López Rivera has been released per the terms of the commutation of his sentence by former President Barack Obama, the network is set to air an exclusive interview on Sunday's edition of Al Punto that is best described, in the most generous possible terms, as terrorist apologia.…

Mega TV Anchor Bucks Trend, Covers President Trump Impartially

“Criminalizar a los inmigrantes”es la nueva frase de demócratas

Goya se rehúsa a coauspiciar el terror, se quita del Desfile PR de NY