
Rep. Luis Gutierrez: Oscar Lopez Rivera is Like George Washington

May 19th, 2017 1:16 PM

Univision has been consistently supportive in its coverage of convicted FALN terrorist Oscar López Rivera. Now that López Rivera has been released per the terms of the commutation of his sentence by former President Barack Obama, the network is set to air an exclusive interview on Sunday's edition of Al Punto that is best described, in the most generous possible terms, as terrorist apologia.…


Mega TV Anchor Bucks Trend, Covers President Trump Impartially

May 18th, 2017 11:27 AM
Here’s Mega Noticiero anchor María Elvira Salazar doing something still infrequently seen in her media segment: standing up for impartiality as well as not letting a Democrat analyst get away with questionable or unfounded assertions about President Trump.

“Criminalizar a los inmigrantes”es la nueva frase de demócratas

May 17th, 2017 3:02 PM
Desde el comienzo del gobierno del presidente Donald Trump, los medios de comunicación liberales han caracterizado incesantemente los esfuerzos de los republicanos para mantener y dar cumplimiento a las leyes de inmigración de los Estados Unidos  como  "la criminalización de los inmigrantes".

Goya se rehúsa a coauspiciar el terror, se quita del Desfile PR de NY

May 16th, 2017 5:15 PM
Goya, la empresa de alimentos hispanos más antigua y mejor conocida de los Estados Unidos, ha retirado su patrocinio del Desfile Puertorriqueño de Nueva York, como resultado directo de la decisión del desfile de convertir el evento en un homenaje al terrorista impenitente de la FALN, Oscar López Rivera. Pero, ¿y qué tal con los demás auspiciadores?

‘Criminalizing Immigrants’ is New Catchphrase of Dems, Liberal Media

May 16th, 2017 3:32 PM
In lock step with the Democrats, since the beginning of the Trump administration, the liberal media have incessantly characterized Republican-led efforts to uphold and enforce the nation’s immigration laws as amounting to “the criminalization of immigrants.”

Goya Foods Refuses to Sponsor Terror, Quits Puerto Rican Day Parade

May 16th, 2017 3:19 PM
Goya Foods, the nation's oldest and best-known Hispanic food company, has withdrawn its support from the National Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York City, given the Parade's recent decision to become a vehicle with which to honor unrepentant FALN terrorist Oscar López Rivera. But what of the other sponsors?

Llamado en Fusión a favor del voto por quienes no son ciudadanos

May 16th, 2017 1:56 PM
Cuando se trata de celebrar e incitar a desobedecer las leyes de inmigración de Estados Unidos, es difícil pensar en alguien en América que pueda superar  a José Antonio Vargas.

Univision Chairman Saban and Hillary Clinton: Still at It

May 16th, 2017 10:15 AM
The long-standing relationship between Univision Executive Chairman Haim Saban and Hillary Clinton reached its apex last year, as the network colluded on various levels with the Clinton campaign. Despite catastrophic failure on Election Night 2016, there are fresh, telltale signs that the alliance is being renewed.

Non-Citizen Voting Drummed Up On Fusion

May 15th, 2017 1:20 PM
When it comes to celebrating and encouraging the defiance of U.S. immigration laws, it is hard to think of anyone in America today who can top José Antonio Vargas. The entire business model of the unauthorized immigrant founder of Define American and Emerging US is essentially based on the flagrant violation of the country’s immigration laws, so it should come as little surprise that Vargas, a…

Jorge Ramos sigue promoviendo al declinante KKK

May 11th, 2017 3:14 PM
Jorge Ramos, de Univisión, haría creer a sus espectadores que la elección de Donald Trump como presidente ha traído con ella un incremento alarmante de los grupos de odio en todo el país, comenzando por el amenazador Ku Klux Klan.

Jorge Ramos Still Hyping Hate, Including Collapsing KKK

May 10th, 2017 3:11 PM
Univision’s Jorge Ramos would have his viewers believe that the election of Donald Trump has brought with it an alarming rise in hate groups throughout the country, led by a menacing Ku Klux Klan. That’s why more than six months after the 2016 presidential election, Ramos is still repeating on his Sunday show (Al Punto, May 7, 2017) a segment of his signature October 2016 get-out-the-vote…

Brian Stelter de CNN y Katy Tur de NBC chocan con Jorge Ramos

May 9th, 2017 4:38 PM
La  única marca de yihad periodística por la cual Jorge Ramos aboga cuando informa sobre el gobierno de Trump es tan extrema que el presentador de Univisión incluso causó la irritación de otras figuras de los medios de comunicación con las que interactúa, como Brian Stelter de CNN y Katy Tur de NBC.

Stelter, Tur Clash With Jorge Ramos on Being ‘Stand-Ins for Democrats’

May 8th, 2017 6:58 PM
The unique brand of journalistic jihad that Jorge Ramos espouses in covering the Trump administration is so extreme that the Univision anchorman now even raises the hackles of other top national media figures he interacts with, such as CNN’s Brian Stelter and NBC’s Katy Tur. 

Univision Smears Conservatives, Cheers Dropped Rockville Rape Charges

May 8th, 2017 3:01 PM
Reports that charges were dropped against the alleged Rockville rapists led Univision to revert to its usual biases, with coverage that smeared conservatives and took immigration advocacy reporting to an absurd extreme.